They didnt take long to make. Most of them took under an hour to make but Frosted Tips took like four hours, maybe. Dont remember how long the lobby took, pretty long though as it was an old map and I used up a lot of resources blocking it off.
You could of done a lot better wit this because you could of taken your time making the maps not just makeing them in one hour you should of taken your time and made everything straight and this map pack would of been almost perfect.
Like I said, I didnt spend days on end creating these. I found the area, did any neccessary blocking off and added weapons and spawns. They were made to provide quick and entertaining games.
Dark Fire has the most downloads out of the six. I didnt expect that. My favs are Solitary and The Attic
Its pretty dark but that's why I put in firebombs, to provide some light. Yeah its dark but it lights up a bit from the fire, hence the name dark fire Edit: Dark Fire has now hit 100 dls.
I direct you to scroll up and I adressed that. I didnt need to nor did I spend days on end making these maps. I saw, I blocked off, I spawned weapons.
THEY ARE HEAPS OF CRAZY FUN! yeah lol they are fun for when you are bored of normal slayer. i personally like the attic, because its not to small for chaos with random weapons.
i've seen this map pack for a while, but i just now realized that fuster cluck is cluster ****, which is taken from tourettes guy. "do you like president bush" "you mean colonel cluster ****?"
This had nothing to do with the tourets guy. Cluster **** just how I'd describe something that Close Quaters and confined. I didnt want to swear so I made it into the Fuster Cluck You sir, are a douche. -rep for you. Okay, tell me why you dont like it. DOnt give it 1/5 because you dont think its a minigame.
just because its not a mini game to you, that doesnt mean you can just give a 1/5. ill give you a 0/5 for lack of respect. the fuster cluck map pack doesnt fit in competitive, casual, race or aesthetics. mini game is the closest this will get to any of the sub forums.
Thank you, I dont see how these cannot be considered as minigames. Its far from competetive, its too intense to be casual, there's no mongooses involved so its not a race, they're not aimed to be the most aesthetically pleasing maps. The only logical thing to put these in is Minigames.