The Furious Review

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Maps' started by Furious D 18, Feb 12, 2008.

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  1. Furious D 18

    Furious D 18 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    The Furious Review

    Have you ever downloaded a map that looked good, but then you discovered that it played horribly? Check here for actual reviews of the best looking maps.

    The Furious Review is a team of players whose main goal is to provide detailed, thorough reviews for maps. We do this to help the community find the best maps.

    Table of Contents
    • 1. [iurl=#ratings]Review Criteria[/iurl] and ratings
    • 2. [iurl=#alpha]Alphabetical Listing[/iurl] of all maps that have been reviewed
    • 3. [iurl=#faq]Questions and Answers[/iurl]
    • 4. [iurl=#favs]Furious Favorites[/iurl], a list of the favorite maps of me and the Review Team
    • 5. [iurl=#info]Review Team Info[/iurl], names of members, next meeting info
    • 6. Discussion Thread for setting up review sessions and stuff

    Maps will be judged and reviewed on the following five criteria:

    Enjoyment: The FUN factor! A high scoring map will have people saying "it's over already?" and "let's play that again!" This is probably the most subjective category, because what is fun for one person might be boring or frustrating for someone else.

    Balance: "Tank beats everything" is great for Campaign, but not for Multiplayer. A high scoring map will have a counter to every strategy, weapon, vehicle, and piece of equipment.

    Durability: You can't break this map no matter how hard you try. A high scoring map will work right every time. Players will not be able to escape the play area, will not be able to spawn camp, and will not be able to exploit any features of the map.

    Aesthetics: So pretty you almost forgot you're supposed to be killing people. A high scoring map will look good, obviously. This doesn't necessarily mean neat and tidy, but the map should have distinct features to help players immerse themselves in the game and orient themselves within the map.

    Originality: Another death pit? Fail. A high scoring map will help players experience Halo in a way they never have before. This can be done with innovative layouts or original game settings. You don't have to reinvent the wheel, just present something fresh.

    Maps will be given an overall rating to help readers quickly determine my opinion about a map. These ratings will go off a 10 point scale, and will be illustrated by the Halo 3 multi-kill medals.

    [​IMG][br][br] 10/10 [br][br]This map could not be better. It gave me a Forge-gasm
    [​IMG][br][br] 9/10 [br][br]I love this map. It's staying on my hard drive forever.
    [​IMG][br][br] 8/10 [br][br]This is a great map, and everyone needs to play it.
    [​IMG][br][br] 7/10 [br][br]This is a very good map. Perhaps a few adjustments could make it great.
    [​IMG][br][br] 6/10 [br][br]This map has it's flaws, but fans of this type of map will enjoy it for a game or two.
    [​IMG][br][br] 5/10 [br][br]This map functions, but you really need to rework it.
    [​IMG][br][br] 4/10 [br][br]Something about this map failed. Try again.
    [​IMG][br][br] 3/10 [br][br]This map fails. Is it your first one?
    [​IMG][br][br] 2/10 [br][br]Epic phail. Were you trying to screw up?
    [​IMG][br][br] 1/10 [br][br]This isn't a map. You posted a film clip.
    [​IMG][br][br] Featured [br][br]We liked it, and so did the Guilders. Good job.

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    Alphabetical Listing Click the map name to jump to that review.

    Map Name Review Score
    Aztec Ziggurat-/10
    Cedar Orphanage6/10
    Different Level9/10
    District Five8/10
    Fast Break-/10
    Hangar 027/10
    Haunted Manor6/10
    Jenga Tower-/10
    Pit Brawl-/10
    QR-SSS X2-/10
    The Lobbies8/10
    Urban Simulator6/10

    [iurl=#top]Back to Top[/iurl]


    Questions and Answers

    Isn't naming this the 'Furious Review'? kind of vain?
    Yeah, so? I think it has a nice ring to it and none of the members of the Review Team objected.

    What is a Forge Review, and what is a Map Review?
    A Forge Review is someone's first impression of your map after they have downloaded it and looked at it in Forge mode. We can usually tell a lot about your map from a Forge Review. However, we still can't tell how the map will function in an actual game, so we might get a lot of people together and play an actual game on it. Only then can we give you a thorough Map Review.

    How do you decide which maps to review?
    We browse the maps forums looking for quality maps. Once we find one that looks like it has potential, a Review Team member will check it out in Forge mode (aka a Forge Review). If everything looks good, we'll download the custom gametype (if there is one) and play a match.

    Will you review my map, please?
    If you've received a good initial Forge Review for your map, chances are we'll play it and compose an official Map Review. If you've received a poor or mediocre Forge Review, try making some changes and improvements. Please note that we'll only give your map one Map Review, no matter how many versions come out. Exceptions can be made for exceptional maps that only required a few small adjustments.

    Can I join the Review Team?
    Yes, but only if you are accepted. I'll only accept people who have either shown they can give thoughtful, detailed reviews, or people who have created an exceptional map in the past and thus know what is required for great maps. Also note that we are not a map testing group. Don't expect to join up so we'll test your map. This group is dedicated to reviewing finished maps. If you'd like to be considered for membership, send Furious D 18 a personal message. Make sure you include links to your reviews or a map that you think is balanced and exceptional. And don't feel bad if you are declined. I want to keep the group small and easy to manage, for now at least.

    If I get a good review, will my map get featured on Forge Hub's front page?
    The decision on which maps get featured is ultimately up to the Guilders, Masons, and Staff. But if you get a great review, you probably have a great map. And that's the first step toward getting it featured.

    I disagree with the review you gave me. What makes you think your opinion is more important than everyone else's?
    I never said it was. Everyone is entitled to their own opinions, and the opinions on what makes a good map differ greatly. This review presents the opinions of a few players, and I expect that even the Review Team will disagree occasionally. Settle down.

    Why is this posted in Off Topic?
    I didn't know the best place to put it, and I didn't want to clutter up any of the other boards with it. Plus, I wanted the extra freedom I get in Off Topic. Other staff members are more lenient about double posting. Plus I thought the reviewers would do a lot of posting here as they set up different review sessions, and I didn't want to worry about spam. Since posts in Off Topic don't count toward your post count, no one cares if we reply with stuff like "ok".

    [iurl=#top]Back to Top[/iurl]


    Furious Favorites

    Different Level by sendernode
    Elation by Cosmic Rick
    Cyclopean by NeverlessWonder

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  2. Furious D 18

    Furious D 18 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Review Team Information Center

    Review Team Information Center

    This post will contain names of reviewers, their availability, and information on the next scheduled review session.

    Next Review Session: Tuesday, March 11th 8:00 pm Eastern (GMT -5)
    Next Review Maps: , ,

    Current review teams. Click the name to send them a personal message. All times listed are Eastern time, since that's where I am. This list may change.

    Team 1
    Reviewers Availability
    Cosmic RickIrregular Schedule
    Furious D 18Weeknights after 7:30, weekends are irregular
    goreboundMon-Tues 5-7, Wed-Thurs 5-10
    JediWithASniper After 7:30 pm weeknights
    PredicideAfter 8 pm
    squidhandsWeeknights after 11, weekends after 5
    Shock ThetaMost weeknight evenings and later, some weekends

    Team 2
    Reviewers Availability
    haruki jitsuninNo Info Given
    Insane54Mostly Mon-Thurs nights
    StolenpooPretty much whenever
    TurboGerbilAfter 5 pm weeknights
    TXGhostNo Info Given

    How will these Review Sessions work?
    We'll set up a time and date a few days in advance. I'll post the day and time in the 'Next Review Session' slot above. I may require confirmation via PM if you plan on being there so we know who to expect. Or I might only say, "be there if you want to." We'll play that part by ear for now.

    I'll also post which maps we will be reviewing. I suggest at least reading the map descriptions so you at least know what the map is supposed to be. You could also download the map and check it out in Forge mode so you know where everything is going to be.

    We'll play each map once. I might end the game early if the map is unplayable, is frustrating, or goes on too long. I may impose a 15 minute maximum per map. After all, we all have other stuff to do. There will be a short break between maps (4-5minutes max) so people can grab a beverage, hit the bathroom, or make notes for the Map Review.

    After we have played the maps (3 per session hopefully), I'll pass party leadership to someone else and anyone who is interested can test that person's map, play a custom, enter matchmaking, or whatever.

    Furious, I said I would help but I don't want to write reviews. Do I have to?
    No. I think some people signed up just to play the games if we need extra players. That's great. I'd like to break the Review Team list into two categories: Reviewers and Players. People who want to be a large part of this project can add their two cents to the reviews and will be Reviewers. People who just want to receive game invites if we need extra players will be Players. Send me a personal message if you want moved into the Players category when it is completed. Also, I may move you based on involvement.

    Furious, can we hold a Review Session without you present?
    Absolutely. There might be a time when I can't make it but you guys still want to play new maps, so go for it. However, since this is the Furious Review, I'd at least like to play any map that gets an official review. So we might have to play it again at a later date. But if someone in the group really steps it up and writes a full review without me, I'll probably edit the review in.

    Should we create a dummy friends list, like FH Premuim, but for the reviewers?
    Maybe. I'd like to get all the reviewers on my friends list, and then my list can be used to find all the other reviewers. I'll try to start sending out F/Rs soon, but if you want to make my job easier you can feel free to send me one. As you can probably tell, I've already put a lot of work into this.

    Also, if anyone wants to make a dummy account and check it every few days, that would be cool. But that is not something I'm interested in working on.

    Final Note: Please PM me if your availability is incorrect. All times listed are Eastern time, since that's where I live.

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  3. Furious D 18

    Furious D 18 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Cedar Orphanage

    [br]Cedar Orphanage by II Krazy Anz II [​IMG][br][br] 6/10

    [img width=600 height=400][/img]

    Santa has gone mad! He's breaking into the orphanage to turn the poor little kids into his mindless toy-making elves. Use weapons to defend yourself from the Holly Jolly Horror.

    We played Red Christmas custom gametype with 13 players.

    Enjoyment: I'm not a big fan of Infection maps, for reasons that I'll explain in the Balance section below, so I was not expecting much from this map. I got pretty much what I expected. When things were going my way, it was fun. When things weren't, I couldn't wait for the game to be over.

    The alpha zombie starts the round either jumping down the chimney or trying to bust down the door. If he does the former, he gets destroyed by the waiting humans. That's not fun for him or for them really. If he does the latter the whole game grounds to a halt while people wait for him to swipe at the boxes. Neither is very fun.

    The humans can sit in the back of the room and shoot at the zombies as they pop out the chimney. Or they can read the newspaper until the alpha zombie kills a few humans. But what they will probably do is camp near the exit of the chimney for a little risk and excitement. After all, the sooner everyone becomes a zombie, the sooner the game is over.

    The infected zombies, or elves, get to run around dieing. The only time they have a chance of killing a human is when the human is facing the other way. It's bad when I can camp in the back of the room and get a zombie killing spree with the most inaccurate weapon in the game, without reloading.

    Balance: This map, like most Infection maps, suffers from "fluctuating imbalance." By that I mean that the game is usually too easy for the humans at the start and too difficult for them at the end. Like I said above, this map was fun for that brief instant when it was balanced. The rest of the time, it was boring.

    Durability: This map performs adequately in this area, but there are still a few issues. First, since the humans cannot reach the roof, the game fails if the alpha zombie steps away from the screen for a moment. But since that is an important part of the story, I'll overlook that. But the thing that could have been fixed is the teleporter tree issue. Clever players found that they could get inside the tree and shoot out at the zombies. It was a pain to try and kill them in there. This problem could have been avoided if the teleporters were all arranged to send the player to a receiver node which was blocked by a box. That way it would have said "teleporter blocked" and the zombies could kill the players much easier.

    Aesthetics: The mongoose reindeer and the warthog sleigh were awesome. I also liked the added touch of the truck and boxes outside the orphanage. Add the little orphan beds and pillows, and you've got a very beautiful map. Oh yeah, and the tree and the soccer ball present and Rudolph's "nose". Really, this is a nice looking map. Maybe I would like Infection more if all the maps looked like Cedar Orphanage.

    Originality: I've seen Christmas themed aesthetic maps before, but never a playable Christmas map. I also liked the original spin on Santa. I don't know why he's so intent on killing the poor little orphans, but it certainly is original.

    Overall: This map is obviously not my cup of tea, but I can tell that a lot of effort was put into making it. Hopefully you soon turn your talents toward Forging some traditional competitive maps.


    Other Reviews by the Review Team

    JediWithASniper's Review 6/10
    Predicide's Review 7/10
    Rick's Recap 6/10
    Shock Theta's Review 6/10
    squidhands' Review 6/10

  4. Furious D 18

    Furious D 18 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Hangar 02

    [br]Hangar 02 by Insane54 [​IMG][br][br] 7/10


    This is an objective map built on Rat's Nest, and built to require strategy.

    We played multi-flag CTF with a 12 minute timer, no motion tracker, and 14 players.

    Enjoyment: We had a larger number of players on the map than it was designed for, but I still think it worked really well. I had a lot of fun on this map despite the fact that there wasn't as much strategy as I was expecting. Maybe our teams were too large to organize into a cohesive group, but we pretty much just ran around shooting stuff. But I had a blast doing it.

    Balance: The game was 12 minutes of pushing back and forth through the center. The fact that the game (basically) ended 1-1 tells me that neither side has an advantage, so this map has perfect balance for multi-flag.

    Durability: Although it was easy to grenade jump onto the box and then jump on the pipes, I don't think it was a durability issue, especially in a game with so many players. I was able to spawn kill a player once or twice, but there were so many people buzzing around the base that I was quickly rousted. The issue might have been greater in a smaller game though.

    Aesthetics: The bases did not look too pleasing. They were basically just boxes and containers set down. But the rest of the map looked pretty good. But gameplay is usually more important than aesthetics, so it's not a big issue. Plus, I can't think of any ways to improve the way it looks, so I'm sure you did the best job possible.

    Originality: The idea of two opposing symmetrical bases is a tired one, but this map has something that many of them don't: the sneaky back way in. The fact that we played without motion tracker made that active camo even more appealing, and I'm surprised more people didn't go for it. I'm glad I never came across a camo enemy on the pipes. I probably never would have seen him coming.

    Overall: I had a lot of fun on this map. It's perfect for my competitive play style. I can definitely see how a smaller team would need to rely on tactics to win, and I'd like to try this map out with fewer people some time.


    Other Reviews by the Review Team

    JediWithASniper's Review 6/10
    Predicide's Review 8/10
    Rick's Recap 8/10
    Shock Theta's Review 8/10
    squidhands' Review 8/10

  5. Furious D 18

    Furious D 18 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Urban Simulator

    [br]Urban Simulator by gamergimp [​IMG][br][br] 6/10


    Originally built as a small 1v1 map to mimic an urban training environment, this map can scale upwards to 4v4, but it will feel pretty cramped by then.

    We played Team Slayer, 200% shield recharge rate, 4 vs. 3.
    This map was not built for this many people.

    Enjoyment: I wouldn't recommend playing this with more than four people in the game. It was impossible to try and get the sword or the snipers because I was always getting shot from somewhere.

    On another note, I didn't really like the layout of the bottom center. I never knew where my enemies were. Everyone seemed to love the grenade bouncing, and I'm sure I would have too if those nades weren't all landing at my feet. Also, there were a few spawns that had the players start facing a wall. That's always frustrating because the player ends up getting a feeling of restriction.

    I'd like to try this map the way it was intended, 1v1 or 2v2. But I think the motion tracker should be disabled for either one. It's more of a hindrance than a help on this map.

    Balance: I can't really speak about the weapon balance too much because the sword and snipers never made an appearance in the game. But I can speak about the weapon selection. I would have liked to see more duals on the map, and fewer BRs and carbines. There isn't really a need for the long range weapons. A few BRs and carbines would be nice for grenade/headshot combos or melee/headshot combos, but I found myself passing them up in favor of the ol' AR.

    Durability: I didn't notice any spawn camping or map exploits. This map functions very well.

    Aesthetics: There were a few slanted floors and uneven spots. One player noted running up against a bridge that sat up to high and he had to jump up to get on it. That sort of thing distracts the player from what going on around him.

    Originality: There isn't anything new here. Putting the weapons out of reach of normal jumping is a little uncommon, but it isn't really that new.

    Overall: This is a pretty good map. I like small maps for intense slayer games between 2-4 people, but there isn't enough here to really stand out.


    Other Reviews by the Review Team

    JediWithASniper's Review 6/10
    Predicide's Review 6/10
    Rick's Recap 6/10
    squidhands' Review 7/10

  6. Furious D 18

    Furious D 18 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Haunted Manor

    [br]Haunted Manor by voodoo [​IMG][br][br] 6/10


    This old building has its share of secrets.

    We played Ghosts custom Infection variant with 8 players.

    Enjoyment: I really did not enjoy the game we played on this map, but that has more to do with the game settings than the map features. The main problem with your Ghosts game variant is that the ghosts die too easily. I started the game as the ghost and had about 15 deaths before I got lucky and killed a human. Had it not been my own Review Session, I probably would have quit.

    Another issue I had with the game is that the respawns got very repetitive. I constantly respawned near the stairs on the sides of the house. Also, those repsawn points face away form the stairs. Since I’ll almost always want to go up those stairs, they should face that direction. I got frustrated when I had to waste that second or two turning around each time I respawned.

    This map is set up for quite a few gametypes, but I don’t know how enjoyable they would be because there are no weapons, grenades, or equipment on the map. Assault or Capture the Flag might be fun here, but only if there are enough weapons and equipment to make the game interesting. I’d get bored only using the starting weapons for the whole game.

    Balance: The map appears balanced, but the Ghosts game variant is not. There are multiple ways into the manor, which I liked. I don’t see any balance issues with the map geometry. But I can’t write about weapon balance, because there are none.

    As for the Ghosts variant, you should make it so that the humans’ shields never recharge. That way, even the crappiest Ghost can eventually kill people. With no time limit and the ability for the humans to recharge their shields, it can get pretty frustrating for the Ghost. Also, I’d recommend changing the Ghost’s motion tracker to Enhanced, so he knows where humans are even if the humans are being still.

    Durability: We did not finish the Ghosts game in the review session, because we broke your map. If the humans get outside the manor into one of the open areas in the corners of Foundry, they can easily dominate the Ghost. The Ghost is forced to rush them and suffer headshot after headshot. Even without infinite ammo, the humans will last for quite a long time. And with no time limit, it is frustrating.

    Aesthetics: This map looks very good, and the layout is great. The interlocking is nice, and there aren’t really any slanted walls or anything. The added scenery like pallets and barriers really bring the interior of this map to life. The outside of the map is pretty bland, but that isn’t really an issue because the action is supposed to take place inside the house.

    Originality: I’ve seen houses made in Foundry before, and you do use a lot of borrowed techniques. There isn’t anything ground-breaking here, but the layout is pretty original. I like the little windows that you can jump through, and the chimney to get to the roof. Also, I think the Ghosts game variant is an original take on Infection, even though it isn’t very balanced.

    Overall: Overall this map is ok, but not quite good. With no weapons on the map, it is very limited in what it can be used for. And with access to the open corners outside of the house, the map might not be suited for a lot of custom game variants. SWAT might be very cool here. You might consider using the budget glitch to add some weapons into the map, and maybe some scenery in those open areas outside the house.


    Other Reviews by the Review Team

    gorebound's Review 5/10
    JediWithASniper's Review 4/10
    NeverlessWonder's Review 5/10
    Predicide's Review 5/10
    Rick’s Recap 6/10
    squidhands' Review 4/10

  7. Furious D 18

    Furious D 18 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Different Level

    [br]Different Level (Matchmaking Edition) by sendernode [​IMG][br][br] 9/10
    Featured on Forge Hub


    Different Level is an intertwined and budget glitched symmetric arena.

    We played Multi-Flag CTF with 8 players, flag at home to score, 10 second flag return time. We also played Team Slayer.

    Enjoyment: I have fun on this map every time I play it. The battles are frantic, but not wild or random. The layout of this map makes it incredibly fun. I just love dropping down on people from different levels. If this level had professional textures and lighting, people would think it was a Bungie original.

    Balance: This map is symmetrical, so there are no balance issues regarding the map geometry. And there are no weapon or equipment balance issues either.

    If I had one complaint about balance of this map, it would be the placement of the bubble shield. When a player grabs the flag in a CTF game, the fastest route back to his base is either through the center up top or through the bubble shield hallway. Of course, he is more open to enemy fire up top so he’ll probably choose to go down low. And that is where the bubble shield spawns, and the bubble shield is an incredibly powerful tool for the flag carrier. It can cover his escape or let him camp inside for easy flag beatdowns. Going down there is the fastest route between bases, and having the bubble shield spawn there gives a flag carrier even more motivation to take that route. The result is predictable and repetitive flag runs. I think this map would function a little better if the bubble shield spawned directly under the rockets. That way, players would have a benefit of taking the flag that direction. Besides, that area is a little open anyway, and it would be nice to have a bubble shield over there.

    Durability: I don’t think it’s possible to escape from this map or spawn camp. And I don’t see any weapon-whoring opportunities. This map is very durable.

    Aesthetics: This map looks phenomenal. The interlocking is awesome. And there are the nice powerup aesthetic touches. This map looks as good as any Foundry map could possibly look. Some people might say that there is a lack of scenery like barrels or pallets, but I think those would only make this map worse. After all, Narrows has no extra scenery and it plays great.

    Originality: The layout of this map is great, but not very original. People have made maps like this before, but none of them were this good. The geometry is similar to Midship in several ways, and I wonder if it was the inspiration for this map. I love the slanted box placed in the center of the map, and that is pretty original. I have heard that you were not the first to place the powerups in the walls for aesthetics, but this is the first time that I’ve seen them.

    Overall: This map was so close to earning a 10/10. I really love this map, and I’m adding it to my Furious Favorites section. Everyone needs to download this map. I hope to see it featured on Forge Hub soon and placed on Bungie Favorites. This map deserves all the great things that people are saying about it. I wish I made this map.

    But it isn’t perfect, so I only gave it a 9. I am a jerk, I know. But here’s why the map did not get the perfect 10/10. First and most importantly, where is the love for Territories? Some people really love Territories, and I wish you at least added the goals to the map. It would be awesome for Land Grab (symmetrical Terroties). Imagine capturing the rocket spawn and trying to shoot across to the sniper spawn, and then dropping down below to another territory.

    Secondly, I think you should have added asymmetric versions for the Assault and Capture the Flag gametypes. Imagine trying to make your way to the rocket spawn in order to grab the enemy flag in a One Flag game, or trying to get the bomb up there. There are three ways to that location, and I think it would make a great place for the defender base on asymmetric games.

    Finally, I think the bubble shield should be moved for the reason I mentioned in the Balance section of this review. It’s not a big deal, but I think it would be a minor improvement.

    Again, this is an incredible map. You’ve done a phenomenal job.


    Other Reviews by the Review Team

    gorebound's Review 10/10
    JediWithASniper's Review 8/10
    NeverlessWonder's Review 10/10
    Predicide's Review 8/10
    Rick’s Recap 9/10
    squidhands' Review 10/10

  8. Furious D 18

    Furious D 18 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    [br]Gridlock by Draw the Line [​IMG][br][br] 8/10

    [img height=400 width=540][/img]

    Morning traffic will never seem the same.

    We played Multi-Flag CTF with 8 players, flag at home to score, 10 second flag return time.

    Enjoyment: I had a lot of fun on this map. There were enough weapons, vehicles, and equipment so that I always had something cool to do. The game was intense, but not chaotic. I was having fun even when I was dying.

    Balance: I think this map is very balanced. The gauss warthog is pretty powerful, but it can be taken down with the hammer, the laser, one of the power drains, or a couple well placed grenades. One player said the map needs a plasma pistol if there isn’t one, or if there is one it should be more accessible.

    The map is symmetrical so there isn’t any problem with balance between bases. But I do think that it is a little too difficult to get the flag moving away from the enemy base. I can get pretty difficult to cross that open area at the base in order to grab the flag, especially when enemies are spawning in there and my teammates are spawning in the other corner of the map. I suggest you move the flag spawn points and score points out of the locker rooms and closer to the center of the base.

    Also, those barrels make it a little too easy to get from base to base. I think you should change the barrels to fusion coils that respawn every 45-60 seconds, and add a fusion coil to each ledge above the bubble shield. That way, jumping across will happen less often and will have more risk involved.

    Durability: I can’t think of any way to break this map. The only thing I might be concerned about is spawn camping, but it wasn’t an issue in our game. Each weapon and vehicle seems balanced, so I don’t see any weapon-whoring opportunities.

    Aesthetics: When I first saw this map I expected nothing but vertical boxes, but there is so much more than that on the map. The extra scenery really brings the map to life and gives it character. I didn’t notice any slanted walls, and everything looks like it was placed very carefully.

    Originality: I vaguely recall another map that used a grid of vertical boxes, but it looked like that’s all there was so I never downloaded it. Besides that, this map is very original. The concept is simple, but the execution is great and original. I wouldn’t be surprised to see people copy this map in the future.

    Overall: I was impressed by this map. The concept is a little gimmicky, but the gameplay is great. Like I said earlier, I had fun the whole time we were playing this map. But I think a few things could still be done to improve the map. I’ll always be happy to play a game on Gridlock, just send me an invite.


    Other Reviews by the Review Team

    gorebound's Review 7/10
    JediWithASniper's Review 7/10
    NeverlessWonder's Review 8/10
    Predicide's Review 7/10
    Rick’s Recap 8/10
    squidhands' Review 8/10

  9. Furious D 18

    Furious D 18 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    The Lobbies

    [br]The Lobbies by Cosmic Rick [​IMG][br][br] 8/10

    [img width=540][/img]

    Work your way to the top of the corporate ladder.

    We played Multi-Flag CTF with 8 players.

    Enjoyment: I had a lot of fun on this map, even when we were losing. There are enough creative features to make the map enjoyable and unique.

    Balance: Everything seems pretty balanced on the map. I know the gauss warthog has fusion coils and propane tanks around it, but I always get killed a few times before I can get an enemy out of the turret. But I think that has more to do with my lack of skill than the map design. The bases each have a unique art structure so they aren’t exactly symmetrical, but they are balanced.

    Durability: It is easy to get out of the play area on this map, but you also didn’t even really try to keep people contained so they aren’t really breaking it. Spawn camping doesn’t appear to be an issue. I don’t see any unfair exploits either.

    Aesthetics: Other than the two “corporate†art structures, this map is pretty mundane. If those were just crates, I’d complain that the map is too boxy, like most other Foundry maps. There is some interlocking, but it isn’t really noticeable. But I do like how the stairs were merged into the walls. The map is fun, but not much to look at, unless you are staring at the artwork.

    Originality: But what this map lacks in beauty it makes up for with originality. The most original thing here is the creative art structures built from scenery. I especially like the helix one.

    Disabling the movement of a vehicle so that it is used as a mounted turret isn’t original, but it also isn’t common. I also like the crate lifts and the hallway of greed. This map has a pretty steep learning curve compared to other maps, but once a player gets familiar with the map they will appreciate the originality of it.

    Overall: I almost rated this map a 7/10 instead of an 8/10, but I could not think of a single suggestion to make the map play better, without making major changes to the layout. To get a higher rating from me, the map would have to be less linear in some parts. It seems like when you’re going from one base to the other you have to choose a path and stick to it. I think the only real improvements you could make to this map would be to add more aesthetic touches to make it less boxy. But still, it’s a very good map, and everyone should check it out.


    Other Reviews by the Review Team

    JediWithASniper's Review 8/10
    NeverlessWonder's Review 8/10
    Predicide's Review 8/10
    Rick’s Recap 9/10*
    squidhands' Review 8/10

  10. Furious D 18

    Furious D 18 Ancient
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    District Five

    Warning: Biased review below

    [br]District Five by Furious D 18 [​IMG][br][br] 8/10


    Territories map. Control the Repair Shop, the Warehouse, the Barn, the Road Constrction, and the House.

    We played Territories with 15 second territory capture times.

    Enjoyment: Well, this is my map, so I usually enjoy it. I assume most people enjoy it too, since there are a ton of options available.

    Balance: It’s pretty balanced. The defense has a hog, but the offense has a bubble shield, a trip mine, a laser, and enough cover.

    Durability: You can’t escape the map. And there isn’t a lot of spawn killing unless the defense gets lucky enough to get a certain setup (I’m not telling what it is). But remember that the back hallway of Foundry is left open, and you can start respawning at a territory once you capture it.

    Aesthetics: I spent a lot of time making this map look great. Each territory is supposed to have it’s own feel and real-life influence. I didn’t want players to feel like they were fighting among boxes and bridges. I wanted them to feel like they were battling for the repair shop, the house, and the construction site. And I think I was successful in that goal.

    Originality: Admittedly, this idea was inspired by another map. But making it Territories and having each spot influenced by a real building were totally my own original ideas.

    Overall: Not everyone likes Territories, but this map is great for a game every once in a while. And it scales for larger or smaller parties really nicely. I’ve played 2v2, 3v3, and 4v4.


    Other Reviews by the Review Team

    JediWithASniper’s Review 8/10
    Rick’s Recap 7/10

  11. Furious D 18

    Furious D 18 Ancient
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    [br]Cyclopean by NeverlessWonder [​IMG][br][br] 8/10


    An asymmetric map set up for all asymmetric gametypes. Made of gold.

    We played One Flag CTF with SMG starts, no starting grenades, 10 meter motion tracker, 5 second player respawns, 10 second flag return timer.

    Enjoyment: I’ve played several games on this map, and they have all been fun, with the exception of the Brute Shot starts game. The layout of the map is great. Almost every area on the map has more than one entrance or path you can take. Several times I found myself always taking one hallway or going one direction, but then I decided to mix it up and go somewhere new. I love the way the map flows back into itself in many different ways. I’m still finding new ways to move around the map.

    Balance: This map is balanced very well. There doesn’t seem to be any one weapon that dominates too much. And there is a great balance between tight quarters fighting and ranged combat. If there was one negative thing I could say about balance, I would say that the map might be imbalanced in favor of the offense in a One Flag game. Our game ended 2-2. The flag was captured each round. But then again, that might have more to do with the game settings that we used than the map. And there was that one round where the team captured with 1 second to spare, I think.

    Durability: It is possible to escape from the map in one spot using the deployable and a difficult grenade jump, but it is hardly even an issue because there’s really nothing you can gain by doing it. The respawns seemed fine for our CTF game, but I know that this map has had trouble in the past. Respawns are frustratingly difficult to get right, and I know you spent a lot of time making them as good as possible.

    Aesthetics: Cyclopean is beautiful. It’s obvious that you spent a lot of extra effort merging objects with the map geometry and interlocking them to make this map not only play great but look amazing as well. Whenever I enter the big room, I always want to keep running all the way up to that big wall, even though there is nothing there. It’s just so pretty.

    Originality: This map earns very high marks for originality. In a time when everyone seems to be creating symmetrical maps, you come out with an original asymmetrical map with a great layout. And a lot of maps suffer from being too linear, with one way in and one way out. This map flows back into itself in creative ways, with several paths crossing, overlapping, and converging.

    Overall: On this map, I’ve played One Flag, King of the Hill, and several games of Slayer, but I still want more. I don’t think we’ve seen this maps full potential yet. I’d like to play a few games of Team Doubles, games with different weapon starts, and maybe even a game of Swords (I hate Swords). And I also want to play a few games with modified weapons on the map. How would this map play if you replaced the fuel rod gun with a brute shot, and replaced the sentinel beam with a laser or a sniper rifle? I know you used those weapons to give this map a unique feel, but I think the map is unique enough without that, and I’d also like to see how it functions with more traditional weaponry.

    Also, why no love for the grenades? In my opinion, if you’re going to make it so I don’t start with frags, at least put some on the map. Grenade bouncing is an awesome skill, and it’s incredibly fun when the nade goes right where you want it. There’s just too much cool geometry on this map to not allow people to utilize their grenade bouncing skills.


    Other Reviews by the Review Team

    JediWithASniper's Review 8/10
    Predicide's Review 8/10
    Rick's Recap 9/10

  12. Furious D 18

    Furious D 18 Ancient
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    [br]Vitruvian by squidhands [​IMG][br][br] 7/10

    [img width=540 height=350][/img]

    firmitas, utilitas, venustas. And bullets. Lots and lots of bullets.

    We played Multi-Flag CTF and Team Slayer

    Enjoyment: This map has several original features and a unique layout. I certainly enjoyed parts of this map, but the experience as a whole was not as enjoyable as it could have been. Perhaps that’s because of my negative K/D ratio, perhaps not.

    My biggest issue with the map was a lack of cover, or the unconventional location of the cover. For example, the overshield area has a whole structure around it, but the structure doesn’t extend to the floor in many places. The result is that players can shoot each other from across the map with very little cover to hide behind. And the way that particular structure is slanted is very exclusive. You can’t get on it from the sides, only the middle underneath or the edge spots. I would like this map much better if it slanted toward the center instead of away from it, and parts of the structure extended to the ground to provide more cover.

    And although the regenerator saved my life on more than one occasion, I think a bubble shield would be better. Or just add a bubble shield somewhere. Just give me more cover.

    Balance: Despite the fact that the two sides are not perfectly symmetrical, they are balanced very well. More people should make maps that function symmetrically but are not necessarily symmetrical. The fact that you did it so well illustrates your skill at level design. But I do think the map suffers from an imbalance between close quarters areas and open areas. The mauler seems practically useless on this map unless you have the camo. A bubble shield would help that out though.

    Durability: I saw no issues with spawning or weapon whoring. This map is pretty durable. But the one thing I noticed was that the mancannon lift to the teleporter doesn’t always work right. And once you’re up there, you can fall into the teleporter and end up in a nauseating “bouncing†loop.

    Aesthetics: Several parts of this map stand out as aesthetically pleasing. I like the look of the laser platform. I like the look of the flag platforms with the window panels and the shield doors. And although I don’t like the functionality of the center structure, I enjoy it for its aesthetics.

    Originality: There are several unique parts to this map. As far as I know, this is the first map to use hanging shield doors for aesthetic purposes. But originality wasn’t enough for me, I wanted more cover.

    Overall: This is a very good map overall, but something about it was a little off-putting to me. Our CTF game here was fun and went smoothly, but the Slayer game had me a little frustrated. I guess this one just wasn’t my cup of tea. Sorry squidhands. But I’ll be happy to give it a second chance sometime.


    Other Reviews by the Review Team

    JediWithASniper's Review 7/10
    NeverlessWonder's Review 8/10
    Predicide's Review 8/10
    Rick's Recap 8/10

  13. Furious D 18

    Furious D 18 Ancient
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    [br]Gesuido by Nemi-chan [​IMG][br][br] 6/10

    [img width=540 height=390][/img]

    24th century old waste management systems are constantly under heavy repairs.

    We played Multi-Flag CTF with a 12 minute game timer.

    Enjoyment: This map was pretty fun to play, but it was also pretty frustrating. We played a game of 5v5, so maybe that’s where some of the frustration came from, but it seemed very difficult to even get to the enemy base. Getting down to the flag was even harder, and getting out with it seemed nearly impossible. But some of that surely has to do with our particular game settings. With fewer people or a longer player respawn time, it would have been better.

    Balance: Each side was balanced and symmetrical. But like I said earlier, it was very difficult to get the flag out. Perhaps having enemies spawn somewhere else if the flag was away from home would have made it easier.

    Durability: I didn’t notice any way to escape the map. But there were a few bad spawns. Since the top of the map is so open, I was able to kill or injure an enemy as he spawned on several occasions.

    Aesthetics: The map looks very nice. Everything is straight and even. And the diagonal space between the bases gives this map a very unique look. A lesser level designer would have made everything at right angles and “boxyâ€. Nice job on the design of the level.

    Originality: The idea behind this map is very original. Instead of having players climb in elevation as they go toward the enemy flag, you have them dropping down from above. And then they have to climb back out as if from out of the sewers. I like the originality of this map, but I wish there were more options for players and fewer choke points.

    Overall: Getting the flag back to our base was an incredibly difficult task, but that only made the capture that much sweeter when we finally got it. Overall, this map was fun for a game. But the lack of different paths to the flag means that it gets repetitive and stale much faster than another map would.


    Other Reviews by the Review Team

    JediWithASniper’s Review 8/10
    Predicide’s Review 6/10
    Rick’s Recap 6/10
    TXGhost's Retrospect 5/10

  14. Furious D 18

    Furious D 18 Ancient
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    [br]Elation by Cosmic Rick [​IMG][br][br] 8/10

    [img width=540][/img]

    Hold the high ground. Hold the power weapons. Hold the elevator!

    We played Multi-Flag CTF and Multi-Bomb

    Enjoyment: I had a lot of fun on this map each time I’ve played it. There are a couple paths from base to base, and they all have their own strengths and weaknesses. Whenever I got killed on one part of the map, I went somewhere else, and had fun discovering another little part of Elation. I think this map succeeds at the single most important part of making a map fun: create interesting map geometry to maximize the variability of player encounters. Basically I mean that players can fight it out many different ways, so battles are fun for the first time and the 50th time. I’ve played this map several times and several different ways, and I’m still having fun on it.

    Balance: Each side is symmetrical, and each side is balanced. No single weapon seems unbalanced or too powerful.

    Durability: I noticed no spawn killing in any of the games I’ve played here. And the whole map is used, so there’s no concern about escaping. And I didn’t notice any spot that a player could reach to get an unfair advantage.

    Aesthetics: This map doesn’t look good in my opinion. The center seems very boxy, and there are a few too many right angles for my tastes. But the gameplay is there, so Aesthetics is a secondary concern. And the map does look very unique, so I never had trouble getting my bearings, and I never forgot where I was going. The aesthetics don’t do much to immerse me in the game, but they do their job of orienting me within the level.

    Originality: I haven’t seen anyone use the elevator in a competitive map before, but the idea itself isn’t new. I do like the fact that the Ghosts are tucked away in the middle somewhere. Most level designers would have put them in the base for easy access, and it would have changed the way the map is played for the worse. The map has a unique feel and flow to it, which I can’t quite put my finger on. I like it.

    Overall: I really like maps where it’s difficult to get to the flag but once you do, it’s much easier to keep it moving. If you ever played Relic from Halo 2, you know what I’m talking about. I like this map because once you get your hands on the flag and teleport, you’ve got a good chance of capturing it.

    You’ve put a lot of emphasis on the elevators. But in my opinion, they aren’t even a big part of the map. I’ve used them one time in my 4-5 games here. I don’t like grav lifts, and I don’t like standing still waiting to reach the second floor. I’d rather be running around and shooting people. And I get plenty of opportunities to do that on this map.

    Everyone should play a game or two on this map. I think I need to make this one of my favorites. I mean, there isn’t really anything Earth-shattering about this map, but I always have a blast playing it.


    Other reviews by the Review Team

    JediWithASniper's Review 7/10
    NeverlessWonder's Review 7/10
  15. Furious D 18

    Furious D 18 Ancient
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