This obstacle course will make you think and try and try again. it will get you mad, but that just makes the reward of beating it even greater. Map= : Halo 3 File Details Gametype= : Halo 3 File Details picture: picture: picture:
Im Sorry this map doesnt reach the standards. All posted maps must have 3-4 pics, a desription. you have 24 hours or forgehub will invade you home. LOLZ Joking.
Welcome to ForgeHub! As stated above you need embedded screenshots and a description. For proper embed screenshots go to this and search your GamerTag. Once you have your recent pictures just click on one of 'em and scroll down to the two codes on the bottom. Select the "BB" code one. If your using a PC just hit the "COPY" button, if on a Mac, use copy/paste. It should come prepared with "img" tags. Voila! Your picture. Also of note is that it is now a 1 hour free grace. After that moderators have the ability to delete your thread. Good Day. Edit: Oh and anyone that posts about improper screenshots is spamming, as he has full and proper information about correct image posting. Please delete your post if you do so.
also if you really wont people to look at your map or download it pic would help without pic people wont think it is good just next time you make a map post pic.