V2 This is my Third Map i have posted here on forgehub. Map/Gametype Description: The map i made is Called The Frozen Room, It is an Infection map made on Cold Storage. The only forge technique it uses is Timed Map Events. The map has 3 areas. The first is the Human Room. This is one of the main rooms in Cold Storage. It has been Blocked off from every door except the giant one. It has weapons and barriers for the humans to use to fend of the zombies. Then next area is The Zombie Room. It is on the opposite side of the Human room and is pretty empty. It has 2 Mancannons to launch the zombies into the Human Room and it has on Hallway not blocked off that leads to the Zombie Spawn Hall. The Final Area is the Zombie Spawn Hall. This is the hallway leading form the Zombie room that has the window in it. After a while the map starts to get darker and it makes it harder for the humans. Map/ Gametype Updates: Map - New Room - Human Spawn - New Room - Human Small Room - Changed Effects 0 Sec = No FX 20 Sec = Juicy 30 Sec = Gloomy 45 Sec = Colorblind 60 Sec = Old Timey - Zombie Mancannons dont Spawn until 20 Seconds into the Game - Zombie Room and Spawn Hall not Changed Gametype - Made Zombies a bit stronger Link to Map/Gametype: The map is the Frozen Room The Gametype that i use is Heat it Up Everyone Favorite Part Screenshots: Thanks to Reynbow for the Panorama Tutorial Human Spawn Human Main Room Human Small Room Zombie Spawn Hall Inside: Lookin' Out the Zombie Window: Zombie Spawn Hall Outside: Zombie Room: Action Pictures: Here i Come: Additional information: Thanks for looking at my map and remember The map is the Frozen Room The Gametype that i use is Heat it Up If this post is not up to Standards please let me know
Dude, look at the newest map section. First there was freezer hall, then freezer room and now the frozen room v2. That's pretty funny. The map looks good, but I really don't download maps that aren't made from scratch.
it looks like it would be a nice infection map however i dislike hoow many power weapons you put in the map the zombie needs an equal chance of killing the human as the humans have
Actually it takes 2 shots from a shotgun to kill a zombie so the only power weapon on the map is the rockets. And to ZANDER1994 how is this not made from scrath.. and They all stole my map name. lol
actually it takes only 1 shot from up close for regular infection. maybe if the zombies have damage resistance then it'll take 2 but from what i know its 1 shot in a regular zombie game but i see you have another infection game for it so i wont say anything more until i've tried it.
I agree. Ive seen atleast 5 of the same map in a row on the list of maps. I dont have one up, but i did that after 30 minutes on that map. Its not creative at all (hintity hint hint to the makers). Im not saying that no one can make a map that uses this room. But STOP CENTERING THE MAP AROUND THIS ROOM, IT IS NOT SPECIAL. No offence guys, but its not original
I agree i think there are to many power weapons but if you add speed and resistance it might work better
Oh, I just meant that it's still cold storage with just a different layout. When I say from scratch, I mean maps like duck hunt, or most foundry maps. It doesn't mean that it's not good, I myself just prefer maps that do not use any of the original map for it's concept.
COLD STORAGE ZOMBIE MAP ARE MOST DEFINETLY NOT FOR THE WIN sorry had to get that out in one of these kinda maps, you were just the unlucky one I mean infection is nice, but really, you cant just create your own original layout on foundry, or is it because of the screen effects? if its the screen effects, do it on avalanche, and be original, all these maps are the same