ever had a map you thought was good, but it slowly receded into the depths of the community maps pages, never to be seen again. well than this is your chance to bring your map back. this thread is meant to show good maps that people have forgotten about. if you have a map that was lost forever, than bring it back. leave a link to your map, and preferably 1 picture, in your reply. to make sure that the maps on here are atleast decent, i will look at the maps, and if there good enough, i will leave a link to it in this thread. but don't worry. it won't be terrible scrutinized. because of this, people can enjoy your maps all ove again, without you having to double post. IRONHOLD
...in before the close. Essentially, the purpose of this thread to this point is advertising your old map and stealing my bandwidth with your oversized picture. I would post my map, but I don't think many people would appreciate advertising, and I'd prefer to let the map speak for itself...
its not like i made a whole thread dedicated to my map. i offered othr people the oppurtunity to display there forgotten maps