The Flying Dutchie

Discussion in 'Halo 4 Archive' started by Roughsta, Mar 17, 2013.

  1. Roughsta

    Roughsta Forerunner

    Likes Received:
    Map Name: The Flying Dutchie

    File Share Gamertag: Roughsta

    File Share Link: Datei-Browser Offizielle Halo-Seite

    Canvas Map: Ravine

    Last Updated:
    23.2.2013 18:40:48 GMT+1 Switzerland

    Tags: pfl, mps, roughsta, 4v4, slayer, koth, flood, oddball

    Supported Gametypes: slayer, koth, flood, oddball

    Best Gametypes: King Of The Hill, Slayer, Flood, Swat

    Intended Team Sizes: 4v4

    Initial Ordnance: None
    Random Ordnance: None

    Weapons on Map:
    1x Bazooka
    1x Sword
    1x Binary Rifle
    2x Scattershot
    2x Sticky Detonator

    Armor Abilities/ Powerups on Map: None

    Supported Vehicles:
    2x Banshee

    Budget: 10000/10000

    Video Flythrough / Overview Link:

    Gameplay Video Slayer:
    Halo 4 Forge Maps - The Flying Dutchie - YouTube

    Map Description:

    The first idea when I started forging this map, was to build 2 ships on the water. With mancannons to jump from one to the other and explosives beside them, to use them realy as cannons to attack each other ship... But unfor(ge)tunatly the budget and part limit was too low to forge them as I intended to.
    So I decided to build just one ship and use it as a 4v4 map.
    But because of the killing zones (Dear 343 why aren't there at least deletable killing zones at the edges of your forge maps?!) I wasn't able to build it on the water! Then I thought ok... it's time to improvise, so I just invented this hybrid anti gravity water ship "The Flying Dutchie".

    At the end of the building process I realised that with the quick hide and counter attack gameplay on this map, there would be no chance for Banshees to be overpowered. So 2 Banshees became part of the map... But they spawn only in the "slayer" gamemode, because with the"king of the hill" they just wouldn't work well...

    I already tested this map with many random people and friends. The fast paced gameplay on it, mixed whith explosive or sneaky tactics is what makes it realy outstanding... =)

    For the rest I'll just let the youtube videos speak...

    Thanks for all constructive critics, youtube video likes and comments!

    Greetings =)

    #1 Roughsta, Mar 17, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 26, 2013

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