Yeah that mw2 lvl was like ok i get to kill civilians ok. But the flood was just interesting, no game has ever scared me. Some of the old xbox games freaked me out a lil just cause of the crazy creepy **** you had to kill.
congrats The only game that has ever given me the least bit of a fright was Condemned 2. about halfway through the game you get attacked by an 800 pound bear with only your fists as weapons.
I was playing with a friend at his house at night with the lights off and the sound pretty high and with no one home. For us, not knowing what it was going to be actually scared us pretty good. lol, looking back at it all now makes me laugh because we are so used to the flood now. and another reason it scared me was becuase I hate the fact that those things were all mutated like zombies and were chasing you...i really dislike zombies.
was just playing halo CE a couple days ago.. the insane marine that shoots you in 343 guilty spark was creepy as hell. sadly, the rest of it wasn't scary at all.
ive been playing halo since i was six (2001 when it came out) i was fine with the frist couple of levels, though the grunts were a little wierd. i remember doing 343 guilty spark and when the door exploded and all the infection forms came out i craped myself. i wouldnt play any of the flood levels and i didnt for about 2 years, then i was pretty fine when someone said how retarded the are
Vomited? Epic lol, how old is he? The Flood are pussies in Halo 3. One beatdown, and they're dead. They were scariest in Halo 2, when they were nearly indestructable and the human Flood had veins pulsing through their bodies. The Brain form in Halo CE was gross, besides Captain Keyes, you could see two more humans sticking out the back of the Brain form (Just in case anyone else hasn't noticed that).
Back then i wouldn't dare play any flood missions unless I was playing with my brother, I would just repeat like the first four levels over and over.
I first played Halo at age 6, and when I got to the flood, I was scared as ****. I couldn't play the rest of the game until I got support from another person.
Um not so much in Halo 3 because I also beat the game in Halo 2 on Legendary. Back in the day I was freaked out, scared, and energetic when I got to those levels. Good times ^_^.
It's not that, he just gets freaked and disgusted by a lot of things. But he can somehow eat/drink something with all soft drinks under the sun mixed together, with ketchup, chips, lollies and a hot dog. Mixed together. I hated the level Cortana. Really hated it. My vision of hell is playing that level over and over on legendary... forever
hey, thats a good reaction, he heh ... i reacted pretty much the same way, minus turning of the xbox. i turned on the lights, and got my cousin to play it on co-op. although i played long after it came out (i played on the 360)
When I first played CE, I was playing it on my PC after playing online. I thought after most missions that it was gonna be a breeze the entire game. (remember, I was like 7-8 when I played) Then I played Guilty Spark. I was thinking at the start, 'Why are they running now? They never ran from me before!' Then, when I found the first Flood part, I knew what they were scared of (I was scared too ) Then, they never really bothered me until Cortana in H3.
I played it until the level before 343 Guilty Spark, then i came of because it was late. then i was talking to my cousin and he told me what happened next! so i didn't really get thrill of that one level!