The Fire God Shall Rule! Map: The Fire Temple Gametype: Fire God Story: Stranded in the harsh desert, a team of archiologists discover an ancient temple that looks thousands of years old. Them setting foot on the holy ground has awakened the fire god and he is not in a good mood. The sky grows dark and you can hear thunder in the background. The fire god emerges from the temple, shooting out like a flaming comet and ready to destroy whatever lies in front of him...followed by his army of demons raining in from the skys above. Humans start out with warthogs and mongeese for vehicles and pistols and shotguns for weapons. They have 100% health and infinite amo. The alpha Zombie automatically picks up a custom power up which allows them to pick up a flame grenade for 30 seconds to light themselves on fire, and they are invincible and have a gravity hammer. Zombies are a one hit kill and rain from the skys with an energy sword. They run 300% speed. When they first spawn, they are invincible until they hit the ground (timing), also since they are black, they can run along the edge of the playable part of the map where it is almost pich black and blend right in. After 10 seconds, the sky grows dark and you can hear thunder from exploding vehicles in the crypt!. After 20 seconds the temple hole is opened up and the fire god can escape. If you try to escape the battle field, the fire god will inform Zeus and he will strike you with a lightning bolt! (Tip for Fire God: When you hear the man-cannon is when you light yourself on fire and fly through the teleporters.) The Fire God The Fire God Escaping Human Spawn Points Zombie Spawn Point Teleporter for Fire God Thunder Generator The Temple is Open!!! We Need to Stick Together Demon Spawn Point The Power of Zeus Burn!!!!!!!
This looks amazing! I love the things you put in it like lightning and demons falling from the sky. i especially liked that thing about Zues! This is very creative. you have a download from me!
Hmm. Can you hear the "thunder" at the main level well? I've done similar things but never thought of using it for a sound effect. I might check it out just for that.
Great ideas with the thunder and 'zeus lightnig bolts'. I think, however, that the map is too open for infection, especially considering that they are one hit kill. Maybe you could make them invincible too, so the humans can only run for their lives while getting chased by the fast zombies. Then change zombies speed so they get just outrunned by the vehicles, but can attack it when it has to turn. The humans also have to dodge the fire god because he can make the vehicles flip.
Very interesting "Thunder" Idea.... The only complaint I have is that its kinda sloppy but other than that- very nice idea
Pros: Fire God was an excellent name choice. The map was greatly forged and the idea is original. The thunder is also a very nice touch. Cons: Whats stopping the humans from spawn killing, or the zombies from spawn killing? And whats stopping the Fire God from lighting himself on fire? Or does he really have to?
Well, it is a nice variant on the Drive or Die staple, and if the 'thunder' is loud enough to reach the surface, that is a big plus. The theme is fairly standard (in terms of being based on run-of-the-mill mythology), but it is much better than "You're in a desert with zombies. Run.". 4.7/5, well done.
Thank you for your comments! I'll will keep reading these and updating the map/gametype to fit most of your requirements. The only thing I will most likely change soon is the one-hit-kill factor on the regular zombies. P.S. You can hear the thunder fine