Quoted from my explanation to a friend on B.net. For the last time... you're welcome. If anyone ever asks again, I'll quote from here.
Needs more flamethrower . Arg, I used too know how to do that but I completely forget. oh well, I'm not much of a screenshot person anyways, good job
Alright, so this is how you do it: Step 1: Go into the man cannon caves (overloading the map helps; disables cannons) Step 2: Place an Energy Shield Blocker upright or float it over the glass panels just inside of where the slazer spawns. Step 3: Place your weapons (or items) of choice Step 4: Go to theater and get the right angle and get your screenshot.
Nice pic. To me I think you should also put eh Covenent Carbine since the BR and the Carbine both have the same techniequ and purpos. Purpos: to own.