This is The Fatality! Its a great map to play its almost fully interlocked and has a balanced gameplay its been tested mutiple times ive bin working hard on it so hope you like it you can use every costum made gametype for it Download Fatality Please click here and post your map correctly. Welcome to forgehub, and I cant tell anyhting about your map with 1 pic and no description.
well im not realy an writer and i think if you play the map you will get more then just an txt i hope you guys like it
I would love to download it but your link needs to go directly to your download page, not where its going now. I am telling you this for your own good, I dont want a good map to get locked.
You sir are a theif, seriously why would you fake you made this map when it was posted like 2 weeks ago come on wise up if your going to fake maps kido. You even had the cheek to use the same screenshot you are a disgrace I hate theifs more than politics. You owe some one an apology before you get banned. Here is the real map... Mondeago - A excellent peice of forgery from nanimctutu, and you deserve nothing less then than a permenant ban, If you feel the need to steal peoples hard work go back to and rename and have an argument there because people like you are not wanted...
get more pics please, looks like an amazing map, but i can't tell what the rest looks like from one picture.
Did you even read my post hellokitty? you used the exact same picture your the worst theif I have ever had the displeasure to speak to atleast admit it like a man and submit your self to a punishment...
This is NOT your Map The Original is found here Theif
This map seems an exact copy of Mondeago: I am going to lock this thread and infract the author. If you can explain it in a PM to me, I'll reverse the infraction and open it.