Yeah... Fancy title. Im here for an serious questions though. Here is the thing, I went on the xbox today and downloaded the Majestic Map Pack, to try it out. To keep it short, I found a game on Landfall and the enemies were like this : Halo, Halo (1), Halo (2) etc. And so were my teammates. I didn't even notice that at first and just went to find them, Game ended 38-0 Next game was on monolith, it ended.. 40-0. I just realized on 39-0, what the frick am I doing? But I saw one of my active teammates killed, and just snapshotted the hell out of him. So I got an false Unfrigginbelievable. And in my perspective, they were boosters I guess. I saved the game for that cause. 1 - What do you guys do in such situations? 2 - Should I report them? I guess I am a little to keen on my highscore and such, I thought it would feel awesome to get, not in this way. I will always say this one I got is false, that is just me. Maybe these are stupid questions to many of you, but it never hurts to ask.
Eh. I don't think anyone judges a good player by their medals chest anyways. Stats in general are so hard to interpret because there are so many differences: a 2.0 KD where the player plays nothing but Team Throwdown means a lot more than a 4.0 in something casual like BTB Infinity Slayer, Infection, etc... Same with medals: an unfrig on a bunch of idiots that are at the bottom of the TrueSkill system means nothing compared to a running riot on good players, so no one (or no one should at least) creams their jeans at the sight of a player with an unfrig on a service record. Just quit if it isn't fun and they'll get noticed for boosting and probably credit banned on their own.
I'd report them, seeing as 343i (and any game company in general) hates boosters. About your medal: I can understand why you'd be slightly disappointed to earn a rare medal in a somewhat lacklustre way, but like Loscocco said, no-one looks at medals, so it shouldn't be too big of a deal. I appreciate the fact that you disregard your 'achievement' - I think exactly the same way if I earn something I know I shouldn't have.
You guys are right.. Im a little to keen on it all, but it doesn't really matter that much, the medals at least. Its only cool when you get it legit, in my opinion. Thanks guys (If anyone says something.. I will in fact have, temporarly, no internet. My company has made a stupid mistake)
Would you like to join my clan called the FCC (Filing Complaints Crew)? That was a joke by the way. Because for filing complaints to even do anything you need 20 or 30 (educated & estimated guess) different gamertag complaints on one specific gamertag. Then they get banned from Xbox live for 7 days. Unless you are talking about reporting them by showing 343i your uploaded film of the match but I don't know how you would accomplish that.