Tom Jane isnt even in this one! This looks awful. Purely awful. I think we can already classify this as a fail. It looks like another typical action movie about a vigilante fighting a bunch of drug dealers by means of exsessive weaponry whilst cranking out a lot of lame one-liners. I think I'm going to steer clear of this movie. You?
Yeah, it looks pretty bad. I was actually kind of excited about the overhaul of The Punisher, because I really like Ray Stevenson (if you've not seen the HBO series Rome I highly suggest you watch it), and Lexi Alexander did a fine job with Green Street Hooligans. But this looks like trash, even more so than the last one. It's not supposed to be a sequel per se, more of a "the last movie didn't happen" thing like The Hulk. I don't even think that the R rating this movie is supposed to have can save it. It looks like it will suck big time.
Beautifully said. I like the first one. Tom Jane did a great job, sure it was a 1 dimensional storyline; following the basic set up for every action movie but I still really liked it. The new guy looks more so like a bad guy then a good guy. I haven't seen Rome. I'm not sure if it's on in Australia but I'm sure it's available to download.
I've always liked Tom Jane since I saw Deep Blue Sea (best bad movie ever), and he did great in the last Punisher. They tried to base some of the story off of the first comic run by Garth Ennis called Welcome Back, Frank, but a lot got lost in the shuffle to the big screen and it wasn't all it could have been. Rome was only two seasons, and they've been available on DVD for a while now. Hopefully you can get ahold of it somehow; it's full of sex, betrayal, and brutality. Brilliant stuff.
The movie doesn't even look real. And him swinging on the chandelier? How is he supposed to shoot as his enemies if it swings randomly? That movie looks pathetic.