The Facility v2

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Gordo24, Mar 11, 2008.

  1. Gordo24

    Gordo24 Ancient
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    Map Title: The Facility
    Good luck getting the rocket

    Download Map

    Update 3/12/08
    *Moved the snipers from the top to two "sniper lockers" located on the far wall. Removed the turret and laser and moved the shotgun to the old turret spot where the fence box is. Added 4 carbines and 4 more BRs took out all of the bubble shields and other equipment. The biggest change is the "ramps" in the middle I needed a little more cover from the top so there are now two ramps that act as cover and a way to the catwalk. Also added a ton more spawn points. Special thanks to Squidhands for his comprehensive feed back.

    The Facility is a symmetrical map, characterized by the floating catwalk and bases. The map is set up for Slayer, CTF, Assault, Crazy King, and oddball. It features two br platform/bases with a central base area with a sword. There is also a tight corridor on the far wall that has a rocket at the bottom but good luck getting it out alive. There are power ups on the map but only as base markers if you get one please let me know so that I can fix it.

    Weapons/equipment on map:
    BR x 8 @ 30 RS
    Carbine x 4 @ 30 RS
    Sniper x 2 @ 120 RS
    Mauler x 2 @ 30 RS
    SMG x 2 @ 30 RS
    Spiker x2 @ 30 RS
    Shotgun x 1 @ 90 RS
    Sword x 1 @ 120 RS
    Rocket x 1 @ 180 RS
    Frag x 8
    Plasma x 10

    This shows the new ramps and the "sniper lockers" on the back.

    As the world turned to peace an unanticipated form of underground entertainment sprung up Killtrocity. Like the Gladiators of Rome humans and aliens alike would gather at secret warehouses to face off in mortal combat. The roar of the crowd and the smell of blood filled the air with excitement. Though illegal by definition the promoters of this deadly sport would often pay the local officials off to keep the tournaments from being raided. Many old warehouses were converted for the purpose of staging these battles. Some even became the stuff of ledgend. The Facility a particularly brutal playing field became widely popular, and the most daring competitors would fight to see who was the best.
    Excerpts from "A New kind of Peace" by Mayfield Hodges
  2. SwordScar

    SwordScar Ancient
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    Re: The Facility

    Congratulations on posting your first map. Looks really good for a first too! I'll have to try it out, consider it queued.

    Senior Member

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    Re: The Facility

    looks impressive. im downloading it and ill get back to ya with some feedback. welcome to ForgeHub
  4. Perfectdarkl33t

    Perfectdarkl33t Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Re: The Facility

    Agreed, well done on the first map and post. Welcome aboard the Hub of the might Forge!
    We hope to see more work like this from you and also hope that you stay active on the website and Forge itself.

    Hope to see more wonderful work!

  5. Gordo24

    Gordo24 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Re: The Facility

    Thanks, I need the feed back because I have limited friends that will play test this stuff.
  6. Perfectdarkl33t

    Perfectdarkl33t Ancient
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    Re: The Facility

    Keep cranking these kind of maps out, and I'll test it out tomarrow with some buddies and send you some feedback.
  7. deepmonkey paw

    deepmonkey paw Ancient
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    Re: The Facility

    This map looks good for a first post. Appears to be very clean and organized. Once thing that concerns me however, it looks to be way too open for 2 snipers, Rockets, and a Laser. Seems like a bit much. Other than that it looks aight. I would DL and test it out then review it, but my Xbox is broken ATM. Good 1st post tho, and welcome to Forgehub.**thumbs up!**
    [​IMG]Ninja Monkey vanish* POOF!
  8. squidhands

    squidhands Ancient
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    Re: The Facility

    This does look like a clean map from the pics. I can tell you took these in Forge mode, and while showing the spawn points may bother some, it actually allows me to get a look at how your spawn placement is. I don't see a whole lot of spawns, but they may be tucked away in areas with better cover (as they should be). I'll give it a DL and let you know what I think. Welcome to Forge Hub and I hope you'll enjoy your stay. I'm quite sure you'll be able to meet some friends here to help you test this map and all your other endeavors.

    EDIT: Your download link didn't work for me. It looks like you pasted the link to the map when you were creating the bnet thread rather than the final posted version. There's a difference and I kept getting "Access Denied". Here's the actual link if anyone else is having the same problem:

    I left it as a url in case the author want to use it to fix the link.
  9. RubbrDuckE

    RubbrDuckE Ancient
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    Re: The Facility

    From looking at the pics this looks like a really good map. I like how most of it is closed in, you have to be careful around every corner. I really liked the story at the very end.

  10. squidhands

    squidhands Ancient
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    Re: The Facility

    I'm back with a little bit of constructive criticism after doing an initial forgethrough. First of all, The design is very nice and all the interlocking looks great. The upper catwalk and bases are very cool, and the lower center area is really sweet-looking. Did you merge the weapon holder for the sword in with the wall it's sitting on? If so, very nice. ;-)

    There are a few issues I wanted to address, however. The first is in a FFA or Team Slayer situation, the first one/team to the upper level could totally own the entire map and seemingly do a pretty good job from keeping anyone else from getting there. While I like the design of the bottom level, there's absolutely no cover from the upper catwalk. And since that's where all of the power weapons are, I wouldn't stand a chance against someone with a height advantage and a laser/sniper/turret.
    Another thing I wanted to mention is that you only have 14 spawn points on the map, which is entirely too few. I like that there aren't any on the catwalk level (that I remember seeing), but a good player can memorize just a few spawn locations after a few plays on a map and just spawn camp you into a lopsided game.
    The only other issue I found with the map is the tunnel that you made of merged boxes that dead-ends into the wall. I didn't get a chance to look through all of the gametype modes, so I wanted to ask if this was supposed to be a flag/bomb location for Asymmetric games. It's very cool looking and an interesting idea, but if it isn't used for the objective games, why would I want to go in there? Just seems like death in a tunnel. You might want to think about either moving one of the many power weapons here or add a Overshield and set it to Symmetrical only if this is used for one-sided flag/bomb. Something to tempt a player to check it out, because it is cool. Or maybe a teleporter to the other side of the map; something.

    Hopefully my criticisms of your map don't come across as bashing it. It definitely shows you have potential to be a good Forger. My suggestions for tweaking would be these:
    - Give some cover to the ground level. You've created a very cool-looking central area down there, and adding cover will encourage people to check it out more.
    - Move around the cluster of power weapons from the catwalk/base area. I'd suggest moving the snipers to the bottom floor or the tunnel you built and ditch the turret completely. I like the laser and shotgun placement up there, though. Maybe spread those out a little more and add some more Carbines or BR's in the bases up there.
    - Add respawn points and respawn areas. Lots; you can never have too many spawn points. Check out the Effective Spawn Placement and Guide to Respawn Areas posts located in the Forge Discussion thread.

    Overall I think you did a good job on aspects of the map's construction, and I think if you do a little tweaking this could turn out to be great. If there's any questions you have, I'll do what I can to help you out.
  11. Gordo24

    Gordo24 Ancient
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    Re: The Facility

    Thanks that makes a lot of sense about the cover. I'll have to think of something to do. As for the tunnel there is supposed to be a rocket down there but might have been lost during game type tweaking I'll fix that, and it is also the placement of the ball and the bomb. Moving the snipers would help and a few more brs wouldn't hurt. I'll do some tweaking and re-post. My parents are in town so I won't be able to get to this until tuesday though sorry. Do you know of a map that might be similar to mine that would have spawn placement that I could look at for a reference?
  12. sparten45

    sparten45 Ancient
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    Re: The Facility

    Looks good for a 1st map. Oohh and welcome to Forge Hub our toilet is your toilet!
  13. squidhands

    squidhands Ancient
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    Re: The Facility

    Let's could check out Inertia or Different Level. Different Level is a featured map, and Inertia should be on the front page. Both of those are very well made maps and are in a similar vein to yours.
  14. Gordo24

    Gordo24 Ancient
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    Re: The Facility2 update

    update posted with changes to description *new DL also added for updated version at top"
  15. squidhands

    squidhands Ancient
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    Re: The Facility2 update

    Cool, I've got it queued and will get back to you...
  16. Perfectdarkl33t

    Perfectdarkl33t Ancient
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    Re: The Facility2 update

    I have 100 costom content so I'll see what I can delete.
  17. Roche178

    Roche178 Ancient
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    Re: The Facility2 update

    I like the map looks very well laid out and your weapon placement is very good too good work with that.
  18. Perfectdarkl33t

    Perfectdarkl33t Ancient
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    I made one with the same Idea of two bases so I'll post it and see if you guys like.
  19. Iv0rY Snak3

    Iv0rY Snak3 Ancient
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    ooooohhhhhh verry neat and ssmexy it looks quite enjoyable i would down load but i have no xbox (goddamn RRoD) i will dl as soon as it's fixed though
  20. Gordo24

    Gordo24 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thanks Roche178 but really squidhands is the one to compliment his critisism helped make this map a whole lot better.

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