The Experience

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Race Maps' started by xILLxNASTYx, Nov 30, 2008.

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  1. xILLxNASTYx

    xILLxNASTYx Ancient
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    The Experience
    Made by foxfootball30 and Teddy405

    This is a map that we tried to made as perfect as possible. We have tested the course several times and we have got it as smooth as we can. It took us a matter of 34 hours to finally get the track complete. Without farther interruption, here are the pictures.​






    This is our anti-cheat device.​


    #1 xILLxNASTYx, Nov 30, 2008
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 30, 2008
  2. EGP

    EGP Ancient
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    I would have built railways so that you cant fall of the tracks or just make the track a little bit easier to drive on but the road is very clean in terms of interlocking, just add some aesthetics and it should be good.
    Nice map
  3. Squiiddish

    Squiiddish Ancient
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    Wow... I'm not really a reactrack fan, myself... but this looks INCREDIBLE. I've never seen a map, race or otherwise, that looked so cleanly-made. I cannot find a single bump in this thing! That's definately worthy of mention.

    As I said, this map looks simply outstanding. Your anti-cheat device works very well, one of the few that keeps people from just parking a mongoose on the lap line. So, +50 for that.
    Also, I really like how you used shield doors for ramps on the first section of course. That not only looks sexy as all hell, it provides some fun bumper cars when you bust out of the gate in the very beginning. +50 again.
    Finally... this thing is SMOOTH. I mean like, baby-butt level smooth. I'm not kidding, there isn't a freaking bump in this course ANYWHERE. All the banked turns and such are set perfectly, and provide the perfect level of challenge, while still being raceable.

    Seriously, for a racetrack, 5/5. This is hands-down the best course I've seen.

    JASONYO Ancient
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    wowa i disagree with the aesthetics part, on halotracks, the encourage u to stay away from all of the useless junk that litters the map, like fusion coils and road blocks and street cones, so just make barriers thats all. nothing extra
  5. Maestro Monk

    Maestro Monk Ancient
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    I agree with Squiidish and JASONYO. This track was really smooth and the interlocking was phenomenal. I liked the anti-cheat device and I haven't seen it before. As JASONYO said, you should maybe add some extra barriers, but other than that it was great. In your post, you should say what happens if you fall off the track.

    I saw your other racetrack yesterday and it was pretty sweet too, although I personally like this one better.

    Great map(s) and keep up the good work.

    5/5 from me!
  6. Cydronix

    Cydronix Ancient
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    That might be one of my best racetracks I have seen. You have great Aesthetics and Interlocking. This is one of the first maps I Downloaded off of Forge Hub and It is really good. Keep it Up! 5/5
  7. RightSideTheory

    RightSideTheory Legendary
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Monk have you never seen a race map before? I mean damn man.

    Any way this map is one of the cleanest, smoothest, sexiest race maps
    I have seen on forgehub. I love the part of the map where you look
    like you traveling underground racing under another part of the track.

    This deserves a good mention around forgehub, and you should keep
    cranking out more race tracks.

    5/5 for me and keep up the good work.
  8. xILLxNASTYx

    xILLxNASTYx Ancient
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    I'm glad u guys are likeing the map...keep up the comments and rate the map out of 5 stars
  9. LKF33 is my GT

    LKF33 is my GT Ancient
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    are you sure you made this map and that it wasnt called LG SPeedway?
  10. xILLxNASTYx

    xILLxNASTYx Ancient
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    No,this was made 100 percent by me(teddy405) and my friend(foxfootball30)
  11. bam3214

    bam3214 Ancient
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    you are lying. I know the guy who made this. He made it a long time ago and he showed me it before he posted it, which was maybe a month ago.

    the link to THE FORGEHUB POST which has 5 pages, which means its been here longer than urs since barely has 2. AND IT IS CALLED LG SPEEDWAY
  12. smitty0018

    smitty0018 Ancient
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    There is no way that this is your racetrack. You have the exact same screenshot as the halotracks post; the exact same angle, the exact same items in the exact same places. Even look at the three double boxes in the middle-right of the screen: they're at the exact same angle as in your screenshot.

    This makes me so angry when people aren't even mature enough to admit that it was made by another person. Reported.
  13. LIGHTSOUT225

    Senior Member

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    locked for map theft. you should be ashamed.
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