THE ENFORCER Created by GLORY R3BORN Supported Gametypes: ALL slayer gametypes Map Description this is a 2v2 map with two floors and some sort of an elbow. this is a very well thought of map and very fun. _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ Tell me if you like it and any feedback is welcomed and thank you'd That is the link for the map, and also i have no pictures I'm very sorry but I hope to get some soon!
uh at FH forums it is very important for threads to be up to standards including at least one picture, a descripion, and a download link, and maybe a weapon list. I dont know if you posted this on accdient but i would get it fixed
This is not fallowing the FH Standards,if you want to post a map use FH Posting Generater .Thats what i do
ye posts like this will keep coming if its not up to the standards and it will be deleted if you dont change it. Beign new is no excuse so check out the Rules or other members threads
You have 24 hours to get this thread up to standards, failure to do so willl result in an infraction and the locking of your thread. If you do not know how to get this up to standards, then please Click Here. If you still have an questions, just send me a pm and I will help you any way I can. If any one posts after me about this not being up to standards they will be infracted for spam.