THE EMERALD SESSION Ok, i have been working on screenshots for a while, so i want honest and helpful advice. This is my second screenshot session, just compiled it a few minutes ago. This session focuses on the regenerator and basically the color green. I have no names for the pics, so feel free to come up with some for any that you think is good! (click on the pics for the DL link) : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details kthnxbai!
In general, a lot of shots are kinda blotchy with a lot of bright light, but a few i actually do like and some of the effects are pretty trippy. over all i say 3/5
Not bad. I like the first few, but it started to get a little too bright/blotchy. Try to watch your lighting, most of the time, it's key to making or breaking a picture.
I would have to say the first one is the best. There's meaning to it as well as good color transition. Most of the others though are just big blotches of brightness and not much can be distinguished of what's in the pic.
Well, i wanted a specific style of art shown in those ones that everyone is talking about. so i pushed for the blotchy, pastel color.
Another Great session Theorem. My personal favorites would be The first and last ones. The stand out more than the others in my opinion. Can't think of any names yet but i will edit if i do. Maybe for one of them it could be Regeneration or something seeing it has a re generator in it : ]
Nice pictures but the ones that really stand out to me is the first one and the sixth one. They're more epic and have more awesomesauce. W00T! 5/5
Thanks, guys, But I also need names for some of these, and maybe choices a Cover Pic (main screenshot) for these. (I plan on adding to sig.)