So the point of The dungeon is 1 player starts off as the alpha zombie, and the game ends when he has killed all the warriors. Simple enough? The warriors start off with an SMG and magnum and can't pick anything else up. The alpha zombie starts off with a grav hammer and a sword and is slower but has 2000% damage resistance Infected warriors will start weaker but with only a sword. MAZE Starting point(ZOMBIE) Starting point(WARRIORS) Action shots Trapped Hammered This map has been fully tested for any mistakes so please comment and enjoy. Links Map-The Dungeon Game Variant-Bloodhunt
No, it does not have a roof but it's okay because the humans and zombies have high gravity so they can't jump on top of each other to escape.
*facepalm* First of all, don't rate your own map. It makes you look like a douche, which honestly, I'm considering right now. Second, even though you are just running around in a maze, it still should be interlocked. It really shows your indifference for forge if you don't even care what your map looks like. Believe it or not, interlocking can make gameplay a lot smoother, as well. Onto the layout. Well. I see you didn't put a roof. That's just lazy, brah. The design looks pretty good, but running into the zombie would probably happen too easily and too often due to the altogether closeness of the whole map. If you added a roof, maybe a 2.5/5. I'm saying a 1.5/5. Here's a tip. Next time you forge a map, actually put some dedication into it, or don't even bother creating one.
I kinda have to agree with Norlinsky. With no interlocking or anything on a map like this, it just shows that you really didn't put any effort into it. Especially considering the wide variety of amazing zombie maze maps out there, this really just pales in comparison. Also, the lack of a roof is laziness. Even if it's not necessary, it would make this map look so much better right off the bat. Especially for an Infection map, that sense of just being enclosed and trapped really helps. Basically, with how close-set your maze is, you just run around until you turn the wrong corner and get whacked. The warriors really have no hope. This kinda game would be entertaining for a little while, maybe, but ultimately fails in it's uneventfulness and repetetiveness (if those are words...). Anyway, I'm gonna have to give this a 2/5
Looks like the minotaur featured map. Looks good, and I hope it has a roof, but I think it should be bigger.
The map looks OK,but i agree with all the others.There should be a roof because you never know,the alpha zombie could knock you out with the hammer or you could jump on someone's head.Interlocking should also be done
it looks good as far as the set up, but it could be much bigger. you shouldve put some switches and some other cool stuff. in a nut shell, it looks really basic. u got the base map down, just make it more complex.
From the picture of the maze it looks like its mostly 1 way so you cant run from the fat kid you'll be in a dead end. Also no roof thats laziness so 1/5 not a good map
Ok, because most of these are starting into roof-spam, I'm making a V2 thats almost done, contains a roof, everything merged and is twice the size, and possibly a 2nd floor with an elevator mechanism.
ok i dont what what all you ladys are bitching about, pardon my language. i think this is a really decent map. good idea, has combatted the no roof situation with high grav. ok may need a little interlock but hey all maps have 1 problem! anyways 4/5 cant wait to play.
this seems kinda like the first map someone makes that isnt a base war on foundry..... try interlocking and adding a roof. (like previously said) for now 1.5/5 from what your post said about a v2, looking forward to it since this looks fun.
V2 is up. So, this one isn't even on my fileshare anymore.