I am a proud Wii60 owner, and let me tell you... my wii collects dust. I have only played it for the following times: LoZ: TP, SMG, When I first got it, before I had my 360. Hopefully this trickle of good games and flood of licensed crap will change to a moderate stream of good games and a trickle of crap.
lol @ a trickle of crap. It would be nice for the Wii to have more "Metroid 3's" and "Mario Galaxies" , *crosses finger for crap to be reduced to a trickle*
yeah but when Nintendo says it has awesome online support it really means like a quarter of what xbox live or even PSN can do, I'd be surprised if they even have a friends list (a real one, not that friend code crap because you need to know that person in real life or meet him/her on a forum ect. to get a friend code)
OMG I work at target and this my day Ring "Hello this Tim how can I help you" "Do you have any Wiis?" "No" "Do now when you get them?" "We got for them to make them then we get them." (Hang up the phone) Ring "God damn it"
i have a 360 and a wii. i love both of them and i cant wait to start playing super mario galaxy (just got it). wii has provided me hours of entertainment for me with zelda and wii sports. ssb brawl and mario kart will consume even more of my time and provide more fun from my wii console. im a nintendo fan and a huge supporter of wii (dont forget my kick ass ds). I dont see a downfall happening anytime soon and if there is one, i have my 360 (also a kick ass system) to keep me satisfied. wii all the way dudes.
Eventually i think the novelty will wear off of the wii and people will realize that pretty much every good game coming out for it primarily uses the gamecube controller and is made by nintendo (pretty much the same thing happened to the atari 5200 in the fall of video games in the early 80s)
I own a 360 but have played the Wii extensively. I think the 360 has a better variety of games. The Wii is enjoyable but with the few good titles it has out, it just isn't that appealing. Although I do plan on buying one because of the games that will be coming out.
The only game I want to play that is on the wii is The Legend of Zelda: the Twilight Princess. Besides that I wouldn't buy a wii. but hey, thats just personal opinion
Ok I'm changing the subject because this is turning into a fan boy bash. What games are you looking forward to. I can't wait for spor
Im not here to bash the Wii, so dont peg me as some kind of MS fanboy, because i am not. The Wii. Nintendo's attempt to give their loyal fans what they want, while simultaneously gaining a larger fanbase involving the creating of a "casual gamer." while they succeeded at turning soccer moms and retirees into "casual gamers," they managed to overlook hardcore games aswell as originality. In this, it is becoming more and more obvious that a struggle for a new ideas is reaching new heights. Everyone knows about Pokemon, correct? Get these monsters, train them, and battle them. Well, nintendo has released a game called "Animates" where you hatch monsters and train them to make them stronger. Sound firmiliar? It also seems that hardcore gamers seem to be getting the shaft in favor of the "causal gamer." A sign in front of my local Game Crazy says "You wanted: (picture of Halo 2). You Got: (picture of Hello Kitty). Trade here!" Unfortunately, that seems to be the way Nintendo is going. You wanted a game like CoD4 or Gears or Halo, but instead, you got Brain Age and Tennis. IMO, this is a mistake. While appealing to the casual gamer is a good idea, as the potential gain in customers is staggering, but in doing so have made the hardcore gamer switch to Xbox 360 or PS3 because thats where the cool games are. And, to make matters worse for Nintendo, they cant pump out Wiis fast enough. People wanted Wiis, but their options are wait 2 years, or get one off Ebay for 2 thousand dollars, so they buy a 360 or PS3 because neither option is viable. Any way you choose to take it, the bottom line is that
[quote author=Warlord Alpha link=topic=1795.msg26218#msg26218 date=1200697831] Im not here to bash the Wii, so dont peg me as some kind of MS fanboy, because i am not. The Wii. Nintendo's attempt to give their loyal fans what they want, while simultaneously gaining a larger fanbase involving the creating of a "casual gamer." while they succeeded at turning soccer moms and retirees into "casual gamers," they managed to overlook hardcore games aswell as originality. In this, it is becoming more and more obvious that a struggle for a new ideas is reaching new heights. Everyone knows about Pokemon, correct? Get these monsters, train them, and battle them. Well, nintendo has released a game called "Animates" where you hatch monsters and train them to make them stronger. Sound firmiliar? It also seems that hardcore gamers seem to be getting the shaft in favor of the "causal gamer." A sign in front of my local Game Crazy says "You wanted: (picture of Halo 2). You Got: (picture of Hello Kitty). Trade here!" Unfortunately, that seems to be the way Nintendo is going. You wanted a game like CoD4 or Gears or Halo, but instead, you got Brain Age and Tennis. IMO, this is a mistake. While appealing to the casual gamer is a good idea, as the potential gain in customers is staggering, but in doing so have made the hardcore gamer switch to Xbox 360 or PS3 because thats where the cool games are. And, to make matters worse for Nintendo, they cant pump out Wiis fast enough. People wanted Wiis, but their options are wait 2 years, or get one off Ebay for 2 thousand dollars, so they buy a 360 or PS3 because neither option is viable. Any way you choose to take it, the bottom line is that [quote author=Grimz13 link=topic=1795.msg25881#msg25881 date=1200669959] Wii was doomed from the start [/quote] [/quote] Thank you for contributing instead of typing one liners. I think your perspective is a bit twisted though, the larger demographic IS the casual market, and your looking at it as an hardcore. I'm not disagreeing with you, because I also think Nintendo's shafting the hardcores on their system ( Zelda Metroid players etc). It's never been "doomed," It's only appealing to a different market now. What does this come to? Better for them worse for us. And if wiis are flying off the shelfs how is this a failure? Nintendo is doing doing what they want. Introducing casuals to gaming (which in turn is reducing the stigma of videogames=bad).
I don't know but you must be crazy to think the wii is going to stop selling. The only way that the wii is going to stop selling is when everyone has one and there is no one left to buy it. Ok so it doesn't appeal to pro gamers or intense gamers but how much of the market are MLG players....Not many. The majority of the gamers are casual gamers and if a games fun they'll play it. I play xbox almost everyday but every so often I go back and play some Mario Galaxy or Zelda. They're fun games and as long they keep putting out games like that it will sell!
I agree with ^. It is fun to play, with games like Super Mario Galaxy and with Brawl coming out it'll be awesome. I think it's kinda hard to compare the 360 and Wii because they're so different, but idk, that's my opinion. Also, I read something about how Nintendo used to have a "quality guaranteed" thing on their games or something like that, but now they don't really care about what kind of games come out, even if they are crap games. There's no "filter" for bad games. Anyone else hear about this?
i think that was just a gimmick that they got rid of.. i have to admit, my wii IS getting dusty. but thats because im waiting for SSBB to come out... BTW anyone know how the friends thing on Wii works? cuz i dont...
lol i dont. I just wonder if the Wii will fail like I think it will. T/he wii needs some epic titles fast or else it is a goner