The down Fall of the wii

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Captain Acorn, Jan 15, 2008.

  1. Captain Acorn

    Captain Acorn Ancient
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    So the year has ended and the wii killed but will this carry over to the New Year? I don’t think so because they painted them self into a corner. They wanted to make a simple console for family fun and to get every one off their fat ass but with this they can only make so many games before they have nothing left but the same thing over and over. Now what I mean is that games have a category that they go into like fps, rts and rpg. Now in that since all games are the same but what I mean is CoD 4 has amazing graphics and the ability to shoot through walls. Halo 3 has the ability to be a casual game you play with friends or random people then their intense sides of it were you can become pro. With the wii they don’t have the ability that the Xbox has and sad to say I don’t think I’ll see MLG Mario Party tournament. Xbox has a lot of independent company that can make them new games that can innovate and make great games. Now there is a way that wii can save them self form this fate but it will be the end of their manage selling point, the have to come out with a new console. Nintendo have the money from the wii. They should start production then release it E3 09 then their will be a real console war. Think about it the wii with online play with full HD (ow sweet lord) but if they don’t come out with a new one I think that they wont last long. But I wont to know what you think.
  2. d3v0nst8r

    d3v0nst8r Ancient
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    Down with'cha wii! Up with the 3 six TEE!
  3. Insane54

    Insane54 Ancient
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    you i believe is what most people would call a 'gamer' or '1337 g4m3rz'..more people will buy a wii because 1. its cheaper 2. its games are cheaper 3. its games are more family freandily and fun in general

    it doesnt matter that u dont have online, this is really ment to be played with friends and stuff...the wii is recreation, 360 is kinda but u gotta realize their totally different
  4. Fbu

    Fbu Ancient
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    At first I was going to call you a fanboi, but I changed my opinion. You actually want to have a civilized discussion which was a total surprise.

    The current problem with the wii (imo) is it's third party. They need to start producing quality games and stop being so gimmicky. Friend codes are a terrible system as well; they take a step forward to go right back. I don't care for your "GFX=GAMEZ" idea. When I rate a game graphics are only extra credit added on. Btw MLG had SSBM and will have SSBB when it comes out.

    But overall, online play needs to get a severe overhaul. I'd go on but I don't have time =(

    *If this turns into a fanboi jerkfest *coughd3v0nst8rcough* I will just lock the thread.
  5. Captain Acorn

    Captain Acorn Ancient
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    I get the whole family fun thing but kids grow up and play those games wont appeal to them as much as a game with great graphics and awesome game play. Then you have to look at the industry for consuls games are moving to the online market because that is were the money is. Wii can make the games they are right now for the younger crowed but they have to look towards the future. Nintendo finally is back in the game so they can’t mess this up because Microsoft is know for taking over a industry. Look at what their doing to the pc industry they are making you get vista and buy Xbox live. But I guess that is as far as I can argue my point with repeating my self.
  6. Killer Carebear

    Killer Carebear Ancient
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    Oh my god run-on sentences bunched together... I can't comprehend any of that.
  7. Captain Acorn

    Captain Acorn Ancient
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    Wow.....thats all
  8. Insane54

    Insane54 Ancient
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    same :p
  9. TheBEAST205

    TheBEAST205 Ancient
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    I got a Wii close to launch, and I've been pretty disappointed with it. I have Twilight Princess, Resident Evil, and Wii Play; all which are fun games, but after you beat them, there's no point to playing them any more.

    The worst thing about the Wii, IMO is the complete disregard for online. I know the Wii isn't supposed to be a media center, like the 360 and PS3, but after subscribing to XBL for the past 4 years, I've become a firm believer in a decent online service.

    Nintendo has done a little bit better in the past few months as far as adding some online, but it will never be any thing like the 360.

    I also think the Virtual Console is kind of a joke. It's nice to go back and play old games every now and then, but XBLA offers so much more (online games, new games, etc...)

    Just my 2 cents...
  10. Fbu

    Fbu Ancient
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    Yeah, hopefully the online situation will be relieved a bit with SSBB
  11. Insane54

    Insane54 Ancient
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    the online is horrid. otehr than that, i find it to be fun, until u beat the game...SSBB is going to be amazing...

    virtual console>XBLA in my opinion, probobly because of the better options overall
  12. Titmar

    Titmar Le Mar du Teet
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    Before the Wii came out, i got in a big debate with my friends..

    They all had very high hopes for the Wii. "Its going to revolutionize the way videogames are played..." etc etc

    I said "Thats BS. I agree that it will probably have a few revolutionary games, but mostly its just going to be stupid kiddy titles capitolizing on the gimmick of a motion sensing controller."


    I was right.
    I am dissapointed too though. I wanted it to be better. But it isnt.
  13. Insane54

    Insane54 Ancient
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    it has started getting to what i wanted tho...SSBB is a very big step towards the right direction, but kinda sideways too...Metroid was amazingly set up, thats what i want to see in a wii game. thats why i have 3 games on wii (Twilight Princess, Super Mario [teh amazing], and Metroid 3), probobly only going to buy 1 more (SSBB) for a while
  14. xxxmasterofuxxx

    xxxmasterofuxxx Ancient

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    You are totally correct. Sure the Family-system is working at the moment but what does happen when they have used up all their ideas. we will then have copies of what have alrdy been done. With the 360 or even the dreaded ps3 you have the family style games, FPS, RPG, even some RTSs but with the wii you have just family style games. you won't have tournies with the Wii, you will with the ps3 and with the 360.

    Offtopic, everyone is forgetting about the sleeping giant that has awaken, the PC. PC gaming was at a peak last year, and now with the games from the 360 coming to the pc within 6-9 months {halo 3 for the pc is set at december from what I have heard} and with new features,, the PC will make everything seem crappy. I personally build hi-end gaming computers. at the beginning of 2007 hi-end parts weren' being bought but now are always out of stock.

    I expect in 2009 the pc it be at the top and then the wii will no longewr be made, the ps3 will be replaced with a higher end ps4, and we will have a uber-upgraded 360. can someone say 500 gb HDD for the 360!
  15. Captain Acorn

    Captain Acorn Ancient
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    so i know what you think about the wii what about how Microsoft is making pc gamers have to pay for online gaming. What their doing is making use get vista to play the really fun games then pay for Xbox live. Now their ups and downs to this, The up side is that they will integrate pc gaming with consul gaming. The down side many pc gamers don't like it and the company valve (make half life two) is make a company that is protesting what Microsoft is doing so their buy all the independent companies and allowing them to make games with free online. IMO I'm not sure about the whole thing, I mean i'd like to play CoD4 with the pc gamers but think what could happen if Microsoft owned the entire online gaming industry.
  16. Insane54

    Insane54 Ancient
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    the wii will be best for a while because most gamers are casual gamers, and the wii is best for that, no question. the wii isnt designed for multiplayer 'gamers' or anything like that in general. no, its designed for maybe an hour a day playing, just for a fun break from work or something. its not like when i went 30 hours straight playing oblivion :squirrel_wtf:
  17. Ty

    Ty Guest

    As far as Wii online goes, Mario Kart Wii is supposed to have awesome online support .... supposed to. I'm not defending the Wii but I have one and I think it's fun. Wii is totally different from 360, PS3 now. Nintendo created themselves a "new market" so to speak so they could be succesful. In my opionion the Wii should be on it's own as far as comparison's go.
  18. xxxmasterofuxxx

    xxxmasterofuxxx Ancient

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    true, but im just saying from what I have seen, pc gaming is getting to be a pretty big deal. I am not saying that I like what microsoft is doing {i hate windows vista} but I am just putting it out there.
  19. Fbu

    Fbu Ancient
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    It's always been a big deal, you were just young and part of the console age. The Wii won't be discontinued because the casual market can support it for years. And the "games for Vista" thing is a joke. It isn't succeeding, the only possible game people want is Halo 2. But there are an incredible amount of great games that don't need vista, and even some that get ****ed up with vista. Games don't need vista to run console to computer (FFXI for ps2 and PC) microsoft is just trying to dominate a market that can't be controlled.
  20. systematic_chaos

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    At this point they have made enough wiis to supply the demand. Now they need suckers who are late to the party. And kids who just saved enough to buy one

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