Rage is the new game to be made by id Software. id Software is known for its tight dark-corridor shooters, but in this game, they're looking to open it up. An entire game world is there to explore, though no one is sure about the size yet. id is also looking to switch it up by including racing sections, giving you a little dune buggy to customize. Anyway, here is a link to the IGN article so you guys can read up on this awesome game. IGN: Braving the New World of Rage What do you guys think?
Yeah thats what i thought too. I first read about it in a few Gamerinformer's back, and it looked very good. Gameplay looked solid and the idea stuck pretty well with me. When we get more on it i may actually get it
id Tech 5 is the real story here imo... they've really positioned themselves well for the foreseeable future.
Same I read that too. Ive never really gotten into ids other games like quake or doom. This one I might actually play though, and Doom 4 Oh and in the magazine id said the xbox has been having the most progress and when they demo it out to magazine editors and people like that they use 360 controller on a pc.