The Dome v2 By: Im T Dawg & xCPMx Map Description Rebuilt from scratch. Drastically Improved. The Dome v2 is a symmetrical multi-level arena map with 4 lifts. It has four sets of stairways which lead to four bridges that connect to a center platform. The four lifts provide a faster way to get to the center platform up top. Surrounding the walls of the map are catwalks that own. The map has a really good flow and you can jump and juke anywhere. Cover is scarce but if you can work the map you will own. This map took a lot of time to make. Version 2 was completely rebuilt from scratch to make it much more symmetrical. Overall it's much better and much more playable. It's similar in layout to version 1 but much different and a lot better. When I say 40 hours, that's including the time it took to build version 1 then completely rebuild it from scratch again for version 2 but better. Note: This map is great for FFA. The map is also set up for Oddball and Hill and there is also team spawns. I preffer to play it with MLG settings but you can use whatever you want.Weapons 1 Rocket at 0 spare clips, 90 second respawn 8 Plasma Nades, 10 second respawn 8 Grenades, 10 second respawn 4 Battle Rifles, 10 second respawn 4 Covenant Rifles, 10 second respawn 2 Maulers, 45 second respawn Gametypes Supported FFA Slayer Team Slayer Oddball Hill Pictures Top view of the map. Top view bird's eye. 3/4 View of the top of the map. Bottom Mid. Red Lift. Lift Close up. Blue Lift. A set of stairs. One of four surrounding the map. A wall and a catwalk. Top of Blue Lift. Another view of the top of the map. Close up top plat. Bottom view of Middle plat. Bottom Mid Again. Link to Bungie Discussion of the Dome v2 (download here) Thanks for looking!
I remember the first one. This one looks even better! Nice geomerging and interlocking You got a DL from me!
You should defnitely flip the bridges over. It looks alot better that way. The design looks interesting, but flipping the bridges would definitely enhance it
This reminds me tons of a halo 3 map. You have a great layout and design. Nice work loosk like it would pack some instense gameplay. nice work
awesome map. it really looks like you put some time and effort into this map. my concern is that the rocket seems a little overpowering in this map even at 0 spare clips but hey, i dislike the rocket in most maps. great job 4.9/5
your merging seems pretty leveled out and i love your interlocking used in the top middle platform. the aesthetics of the map are interesting but if you want it to look even better i suggest you flip the bridges around for more of a clean look. but i'm sure the gameplay is great and fun. great job
never did see the first one but this looks very good. Im happy that the forgehub community is going back up because of great maps like these.
One word to describe this map: Awesome. 5/5 from me. The first one was insane, this one is 2x better. It must have taken a while to make.
nice map dude i really like a good game of ffa oddball. ill download and check it out. nice bit of interlocking and the lifts look very different and original. i like them. 5/5
I recall V1, it wasn't bad except for a few things, like open-ness, some slightly "sloppy" interlocking, some other random nit-picks, you know... But it appears as though you've worked out the "sloppy" factor. The open-ness is still prevalent though, as I can see that if you owned the top of the map, you owned the whole map. Which is never a good thing for competitive gameplay. Also, you have 4 plasma grenades on the top of each merged box in the middle section there. Ouch, there is an "Advanced Guide to Grenade Placement" tutorial here on our forums, though, when I searched for it, it was hard to find =[ Anyways, Work on the last two things I suggested, and you should be allright ;-)
Thanks for all the comments everyone. I have a few questions based on the suggestions. What is the reason behind flipping the bridges over? Is it aesthetic for smoothness reasons? Both? I guess since so many people suggested it I'll do it I just want to know why lol. Thx Tex for the comments I'm going to look into changing some of the nades spawns from those sinked single boxes. I think I'll leave two on each. Then put those extra four divided up amongst the cat walks or something like that. Last question... If I make changes to my map, do I have to re-upload it to my fileshare? Or if I just save over it will that do the trick? I already have 130 downloads on bungie and I don't want to have to repost the map just for flipping bridges over and nade spawn switches... heh. Thanks everyone.
this map would be epic if you just flipped over the bridges. Do that and it will be perfect. Also try to take pictures of an actuall game not just forge. 4.8/5
um, wow! I don't want to spam but there isn't much to say but good job and this baby deserves a dl. Someone above mentioned flipping the bridges over and I have to disagree. Keep it as is! Good job!