Map Title: The Doberman Download Map Video Description: The Doberman is a multi-purpose map for use with flag, territories, infection, and slayer gametypes. It is a partially reconstructed city, still some what destroyed it is in the stages of reconstruction. Has a complete walk around the central building, as well as some temporary dwellings around the area. You can access the sniper hole from the roof tops and the lower room from the street level and under the central building but only during semetrical games. Some weapons switch based on gametype IE: shotgun, laser, fuel rod. Pics walkway homes and sniper hole board walk garage inside garage outside street baordwalks 2 overpass Entrences to the lower room
Haven't seen a map on ghost town for a long time, looks cool, i like how you tried to recreate how it might have looked before it was abandoned.
ghost town maps arent quite my type, maybe a V2... What would be reelly cool is if it starts out like normal ghost town the 3 miutes in or whatever the other things spawn and make it partially reconstructed. Weapons list?
thismap looks good. idk if u can interlock anything on ghost town so i cant really say anything bad about it. and its reallllly nice not seeing foundry or avalanche for once.
I won't say its a bad map, because i couldn't do any better on Ghost Town (lol), But it could use some cleaning up. The Layout of the map is somewhat cool. I like how its almost like your in the air most of the time. Other than that, its just an Average Ghost town map. 3.5/5, and ill try it out. I sill would consider cleaning up a little.
2/5 because it looks like all you did was place some objects over ghost town and change some weapons oh and solo92 you can inter lock on ghosttown as it has immoveable objects if you inter locked even just a little bit of it or about half atthe least i might dl and show my friends what they think, but you didnt get that far i dont mean this in a bad way but get moar patince and also learn how to iterlock