The Departure Made by: Federaltag The Departure is a supposed to be a train station. Now a lot of people have been using the moving train idea and I do like it It's just that you could tell(especially in front as it heads toward you) that it was a crate or a wire spool. This map I was going to make a certain map (not telling for I am still making) yet this ended up being longer than I had expected so I changed a few things around and the this map came out of it. Made for 6 free for all slayer or 3v3 CTF/Slayer This map was pretty intense while playing particularly inside the train. We had over 6 and played with 8 and the train turned into a grenade pit. I put one spartan laser on top of the train simply because if you can risk going up, being everyone on both sides can see you and will most likely shoot you down, than you deserve a power weapon. Heres the map Overview Half Corner-Screen Side of train Back Gateway closing Boarding Station underpass Down the train Fastest way to get on top of train Once you get on top you become vunerable And never stay in one spot to long The rest... Download The Departure
whoa, pretty cool. i had an idea like this that i never went through with, except i was going to make it a subway station. i will DL and check it out. i'll come back with feedback later
Nice interlocking. That will have some interesting gameplay. Oh and on the pic with the spartan laser, it looks like a lightsaber.
Wow I must say this is one of the better train maps. Definitley worth a DL. I like the fact that the train is just sitting there as a stationary part of the map and you can actually board it and fight in the train.
Wow this looks really good. Sweet concept and really pleasing architecture. You're a great forger dude. I can't understand everything about this map from the pictures, so I'll give it a run-through. Keep up the good work!
This map looks like it was forged very well. My only problem with it is that the concept of a train station map has already been done before. However, as to my knowledge, you are the first that takes the fighting inside the train! Good Job. 4/5 (not 5/5 cuz of the unoriginality) -MattDGiant
This is insane dude. The train idea is great, and you also gave detail to the area surrounding! 5/5 great job.
This is one one of those maps that grenade spamming is never going to stop! But, excellent work though!
Actually your right but thats why strategy is key. One of my friend waits for two people to get into a fight in the train and he goes around the side and when both their shields are down -Bam- he hits them with a grenade
Interesting a map with a train running through it. Will have to try out, but from what I can see the interlocking is sub par but still atleast its there. This looks relatively unique and seems balanced though it is rather small. Will give better review once I've played.