The Departed

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by Katanga, Aug 2, 2011.

  1. Katanga

    Katanga Ancient
    Senior Member

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    The Departed
    A heavily updated version of "Departed"

    The Departed was created to take advantage of Departed's advantages, but remove the issues that plagued the original version.

    From the original post:
    When creating The Departed, I addressed the following issues:

    • Green Room was too open and the drop-down was awkward
    • Blue base was too thin and provided little cover
    • Z-fighting and overlapping was present

    The Depated provides cleaner Aesthetics, as well as superior gameplay for Slayer variants.

    Mouseover for original images.

    The Loadout screen. Red team spawn behind his picture.

    Just left of the Loadout screen. Greenhouse on left, Main building to the right.

    Grenade Launcher Spawn leading into central building.

    Blue Base, leading into central building.

    Another shot of Blue base

    The Greenhouse. A little nod to Ghost Town there ;)

    Bottom of Greenhouse (Plasma repeater on non-pro gametypes)

    Green Mancannon and Rock Garden. Cannon takes you to blue/main bridge.

    Ledges between Greenhouse and Main building, which can be used for easy traversing. (unchanged from original version)

    Thanks for Viewing! :)
  2. TheDTYP

    TheDTYP Forerunner

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    Good lord... why are the pictures so big? And this map does indeed look like ghost town, however, I suggest you put glass covers or double windows to give it that good aesthetic and ghost town feel!
  3. Katanga

    Katanga Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Something to do with mouseovers makes pictures stay massive. I'll take them off in a bit.

    As for the windows, I had them in the initial build but the framerate dropped to practically unplayable.

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