Hello once again everyone, here's my second creation I whipped up quick after the last (which is sadly halfway down the page without any comments/criticisms D and I decided to go with a mainstream infection map. Unfortunately I haven't been able to test it completely yet, which is half of the reason I'm here, but I feel like it should allow some good quick and fair rounds of good old infection and here's why: 1) Map is symmetrical and does not cater to the humans with unfair and untouchable spots (to my knowledge). 2) Shield doors are placed all over the map; one way shields protect zombie's spawn and entrance areas, while strategically placed normal shield doors make it difficult to keep the zombies off of you. 3) Staying alive the entire round ought to take some very good teamwork because the zombies can literally come from anywhere. The main inspiration for this map was the fact that I always hear people complaining about the crazy locations people can take advantage of in maps while playing infection. Now I know a great deal of people like being the invincible human, but I know just as well that familiar feeling of dread when you start off as a powerless zombie. Hopefully this map compromises a good in-between of these two feelings. Survival is possible, you just have to rely on wit. The gametype is pretty much the same thing as normal infection, but I gave humans a choice between DMRs and Needle Rifles rather than a Pistol (secondary is a shotgun), allowed infinite ammo (as compensation for taking away ridiculous camping spots), and turned off friendly fire. The humans spawn near a downstairs table that holds 5 sniper rifles, 2 grenade launchers, 5 Assault rifles, and 2 Pistols for those who might have different preferences. I set the initial zombie count to two to make sure no one got depressed about being the lone zombie. If anyone downloads it and gives it a shot, please tell me how it goes. Also you should give a look at my other map down the page . Once again, comments and criticism appreciated! Now here are some pics: View from zombie spawn. The confines in which the zombie may safely move around and find a more tactical entry point. The building/"Den" or space that the humans must survive in. View from human spawn. Sideshot of the map. Middle floor area. Lift that takes you to the top floor. Center view of top floor. Also, keep in mind that I have no budget left for this map!