The Defiant Map Pack

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by PacMonster1, Feb 10, 2011.

  1. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    To be fair, it was me who brought up lack of customs, not tsb or chrs. Though tbh most time I get invites it's for MM, though obviously this differs from person to person depending on friends list etc. If you're still going strong with customs then more power to ya, it's good to know.
  2. Waylander

    Waylander Ancient
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    Are you on my friends list? If so I'll try and get you into some stuff. Should warn you though it seems to be mostly mini games and casual that we play.
  3. Draw the Line

    Draw the Line Ancient
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    I hear you're a rocket race ***** =P
  4. Waylander

    Waylander Ancient
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    Just because I'm a good driver....

    Anyway, back on topic. Personally I can't wait for the new map pack. Just for something new as I said. Halo Reach is by far the most beautiful game I've seen. I spend hours just flying around campaign and multiplayer maps looking for cool scenery pics.
  5. II6clique jxIxj

    II6clique jxIxj Ancient
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    From what I have gathered, Unearthed is a giant, gradual sloped shape map. At the top of the slope is a giant building that runs across the entire back of the map with three bridges coming straight out. One on each end and one in the middle. Condemned is an indoor map shaped like a J with a dot sitting on top of the tip of the lower loop of the j. This dot is the low gravity room. The low gravity isn't as bad as A9. Highlands is a little more complicated, it is sorta symmetrical and by sorta I mean sorta like Vahalla. There are two main bases. The center of the map has a giant rock in the middle so the shape of the map is sorta like a figure eight with an extra loop. The two outer loops run under the main bases, perfect for vehicle runs and there are two medium size buildings lining one side of the map and a massive one opposite of that. Those three buildings are neutral bases. It's a beautiful map in person and this map pack I believe isn't a full loss
    #165 II6clique jxIxj, Feb 15, 2011
    Last edited: Feb 15, 2011
  6. Slamm Andrews

    Slamm Andrews Forerunner

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    Glad to see another FF map showing up. I'm very much a fan of firefight, and the game is usually decided by what the map has to offer me as a player. Right now, Beach head is the only FF map decent for vehicles. And even then, it's much better to hang out with a dmr/sniper instead. Very glad to see a "lost Platoon-esque" map showing up. The other maps seem really cool too. Highlands is going to be fantastic!

    I'm not sure what all the gripes are about, and I'd rather not read through the arguments as it kind of a waste of time. Simply put, buy the DLC if you want to. And be glad someone is still even looking out for this game, because there are lots of other things happening out there for gamers to try out. Many Halo Reach players represent those who did not tire of Halo 3 and came back for more. They didn't move on to [insert fps here]. They play halo: Reach. No game developer HAS to support an FPS after launch. But they do. So buy the damn DLC if you want more content. A team of people sat down and worked on it. And guess what? Halo DLC costs less than an entree at any respectable restaurant. And if that dinner sucks? You don't go back. We're a culture with diverse services. You can make a mature decision on your own without a flock telling you what's what.
  7. schleb

    schleb Ancient
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    god damn zero-G!!!!!!!! they [bungie] love this stuff....

    but back on topic.....hmmmm i dont think itll get my buy---at least until they require it in arena
  8. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    Bungie had no hand in these maps, they were made by Certain Affinity.
  9. IH8YourGamerTag

    IH8YourGamerTag Forerunner

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    its not really zero g, even on anchor 9.... you do fall back down

    5% G?
    #169 IH8YourGamerTag, Feb 16, 2011
    Last edited: Feb 16, 2011
  10. Ladnil

    Ladnil Ancient
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    Noticed that, did you?
  11. cluckinho

    cluckinho Well Known
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    Any specific date other than just march yet?
  12. schleb

    schleb Ancient
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    this is true....but i think you get my point. plus its easier to say then "god damn 5% G! lol thanks buddy for the correction :)
  13. IH8YourGamerTag

    IH8YourGamerTag Forerunner

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    it can be annoying but sometimes i enjoy it, specifically for grenade bounce/throw distance. i really wish we could control the gravity down to 0.01%. place a low/high grav area
  14. artifact123

    artifact123 Forerunner
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    God bless you. People haven''t tried out Maps that have no Structure(Like Tempest or Forge Wordl) because they say it's crap before they have even tried to Forge on it. It is possible to make good Maps on Breakpoint, Boardwalk, Powerhouse, Sword Base and all other hated Maps. Those Maps offer a lot of Scenery so it's easy to give a Map a real UNSC feeling instead of all Forerunner. And with those Maps you have to struggle against the Budget, just like in the good old days. On Forge World or Tempest, you'll have so many Budget left over that you just want to use it all and put innecessary stuff. Unearthed is going to be awesome since it gives more of a classic Firefight feeling. I think Highlands is going to be awesome for Race, Invasion and Infection and i just love how it includes bigger Vehicles(Unlike the Mongooses and Ghosts they give you on most non-Forge World Maps) AND also the Scenery from Non- Forge World Maps. Now i can make a lot of Maps i had in mind but which couldn't be made cause of lack of Vehicles non- Forge World Maps(Boneyard and Spire have lots of Vehicles but don't have that many Scenery). But i am not so excited about Condemnded. Maybe i will be convinced later.

    Edited by merge:

    Sorry for double post, but i seriously think you should stop playing Halo. If Forge World is the only thing you like then you are a serious hater. Ever tried Forging on any of the other Maps? Or don't you even want to try since it doesn't include ugly grey Forerunner Objects that completely destoy the feeling on any Map? Well, then do so, but don't go rub in everybody's face that Forge World is the ultime Map and that people that try to make Maps on Breakpoint, Boardwalk and Powerhouse and people that make Custom FF Games are assholes.
    #174 artifact123, Feb 19, 2011
    Last edited: Feb 19, 2011
  15. Ladnil

    Ladnil Ancient
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    I'm sorry, where did I say anything about forging on other maps? I don't forge on those maps because I prefer to create new maps instead of adding scenery to existing ones. If you have fun pushing crates around on Sword Base, you go right ahead and do that. Don't defend yourself from attacks that aren't even coming at you. It just makes me want to attack you.

    And yes, Forge is pretty much the entire reason I still play Halo. I ignore things like firefight and most of matchmaking because they aren't fun for me. I guess I'm just a hater for only playing the stuff I enjoy and thinking that the game probably shouldn't lag when a reasonable amount of objects are used.
    #175 Ladnil, Feb 19, 2011
    Last edited: Feb 19, 2011
  16. artifact123

    artifact123 Forerunner
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    Sorry i reacted like that. But seriously, pushing Crates around? Try Breakpoint out. Those Bridges and Doors are pretty useful.
  17. PacMonster1

    PacMonster1 Senior Member
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    artifact, the point is for other maps forge is just for changing the environment given to you a little bit. Anyone can add a few crates or walls to block off a tunnel and people do that for various gametypes, but forgeworld is for creating new unique environments. Ladnil's problem isn't so much the lag, as it really is minor when playing with other people. His problem is that because this lag happens with relatively low object density most well crafted maps will never be seen in Matchmaking, the end goal for all forgers. And yes ladnil, that is your point, as forgeworld barely lags if your just playing with friends and they don't care if it does.
  18. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    How much people care doesn't change the plain fact of how much lag there is, the only difference in that case is, well, how much they care. Considering MLG maps have to factor in as near to perfect performance as possible, any lag when building anything short of a stupidly ornate structure is less than desirable. True, MLG players/forgers are not and should not be Bungie's only/primary concern when designing forge since they constitute a relatively small section of the Halo fan population, but even non MLG competitive map makers complain of these issues.

    Whether you're playing with friends or not doesn't really affect how much lag there is either, and to me it kind of seems what you're saying is 'it doesn't bother me so it shouldn't bother you', which completely fails to take account of differing perspectives and approaches to custom content. It just seems a little sad that forge being enjoyed to the utmost is restricted to those who 'only play with friends who don't care', since it could be a much more widely used and less constrictive tool with a little more taken to usability over performance-draining aesthetics, especially considering the majority still complain about the band overall aesthetic even with the glass and little lights embedded in stuff. As I've stated before, it's not even about Bungie having put more effort in when they designed forge (I do understand that there was a strict timescale, some things got left out as a result, and the game proper should and did come first in terms of distributing man hours and resources), but simply taking a more practical and longsighted approach to how they designed this tool. If anything, a slimmer approach to object design and less of a style-over-substance focus when designing FW itself would have required less time and effort at dev stage since less time would have to be spent on designing and skinning the forge objects themselves.

    Please take a little time to think about how others use and consider forge as a diverse tool before talking with such certainty on the subject of what those same others should/do think.
  19. PacMonster1

    PacMonster1 Senior Member
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    Pagasi, the mass quantity of forgers are not making maps for MLG and we are talking in generals not specific people. Are you telling me that every map you have played that you enjoyed lagged to the point of being unenjoyable? No it did not, I have played almost all the featured maps on this site, a lot of the top downloaded maps on Bungies list and I can tell you that if and when they do lag it is minor and not game breaking. Yes, some of the pieces cause lag, I am not denying that. Most of people's complaints, even if you don't want to believe it, are because their maps will never be in MM because of that lag. If the lag made games unplayable and people change the ways they have to forge maps than it would be a different story but it isn't. I've been on maps with a **** ton of object density and it didn't lag or if it did it was not game breaking. Whether the map lags or not in splitscreen is beside the point.

    So, I know you like arguing sometimes for the sake of argument but there really is no point to it. Yes it is disappointing Bungie made a forging system that causes lag and annoying they will not acknowledge maps that are truly unique. If you are playing custom games with friends and they are constantly complaining to you about the lag than fine argue with me some more.

    As far as the new maps are concerned, I think highlands has the possibility to become a favorite map based on the videos I've seen of it.
  20. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    I addressed that in my post.
    Again, expecting your perspective to be held by everyone else. No, it is not gamebreaking in every sense for every player, as I stated. My point is that, with no extra effort, and little lost, forge could have pleased more people and realised a greater potential (for exactly how much of a difference and how much more potential could have been realised, see below).

    So Bungie have created a system that, by admission of fault through failing to meet their own standards of performance, doesn't provide the tools necessary for MM forge maps to see anywhere near the level of design ingenuity and variety that the community is capable of. Do you not think that's kind of indicative of the fact that Bungie could have taken a little more care when designing it?

    Again, your definition of gamebreaking is not the same as everyone's. And don't give me that 'they're just being whiny' bull, as I stated before, Bungie clearly agree that the performance of these maps is not up to standard in objective, quantifiable terms. And no, it isn't beside the point at all. Halo allows up to 4 player splitscreen, when a map's lag does affect the game to an unacceptable point (even by your standards) with half of that number, then it shows a problem.

    Why make this personal? If you have issue with my posts, take it up in a VM, don't be an ass and only further debase your argument by basing it on stuff like this. I'm not arguing for no reason, I gave valid reasons for my views, reasons which you attempted to counter and so must have at least vaguely read, and others agree with me.

    First: 'custom games with friends', again a very specific use for forge maps. What about MM potential? What about being able to play with people you don't know and won't be overly forgiving simply because it's all a friendly activity? I agree that customs with friends are great and not to be underrated, but are you really saying you see no problem with the products of forge being relegated to this kind of application, all that potential for wider use (seen on so many PC games which feature user map creation, where user maps are spread about and can become as loved and revered as retail maps) scuppered for the sake of aesthetics, aesthetics that people still criticise as bland even with these problems?

    Furthermore, you're reacting in a very hostile way to someone who simply disagreed with you, you act like I came up and punched you in the face. Just as a heads up, on discussion based forums, you often run in to people who hold differing view points than your own, you might want to learn to accept and deal with that, perhaps even trying to respond in a more mature manner when you encounter this phenomenon.

    Now this I can agree with. As I said, it's hard to get a proper feel for such a large map from brief flythroughs, but it looks like exactly what the doctor ordered in terms of larger BTB maps, looking forward to getting games on it.
    #180 Pegasi, Feb 19, 2011
    Last edited: Feb 19, 2011

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