The Defiant Map Pack

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by PacMonster1, Feb 10, 2011.

  1. Waylander

    Waylander Ancient
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    Most of you seem to only be happy when getting a new forge map, but then on the last map pack we got a new forge map and still people bitched.

    I however will download it and happily because as Reach is the only game I really play and enjoy I'm quite looking forward to something new.
  2. Ladnil

    Ladnil Ancient
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    Not buying. Only reason I bought the last one is because Tempest was supposed to fix things, and I regret that decision.
  3. Titmar

    Titmar Le Mar du Teet
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    What if Certain Affinity and Bungie continue to alternate map packs, giving us new map packs even more often for the rest of the year? that'd be sweet.

    i'd be happy to buy em all.
    #143 Titmar, Feb 15, 2011
    Last edited: Feb 16, 2011
  4. chrstphrbrnnn

    chrstphrbrnnn Guardian
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    and no Waylander, it's got nothing to do with a Forge map (other than that would have sold them another map pack and it's totally necessary because FW is a broken PoS), but is wholly to do with them making barely cost-worthy map packs (2 MM 1 FF really?!) with very mediocre maps which, because half the people don't buy them, don't show up in regular matchmaking anyway. I've played one game on break point..maybe on on Anchor 9 and maybe 4 on Tempest..waste of money that was.
  5. Ladnil

    Ladnil Ancient
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    Yeah, I really only bought the last one for Tempest, because FW is broken. I thought, and I heard reported to me at the time (2 weeks after release date is when I bought the thing) that Tempest fixed the issues.

    I remembered that ViDoc where they said that most Bungie employees' first reaction to seeing Forge World was "that's impossible." We all know now that those people were right. I thought perhaps Marketing, or the evil M$ forced Bungie to keep the laggy Forge World to give them another bullet point to stick on their press releases and sell more copies of the game. I thought maybe Bungie understood the problem and Tempest was fixing them, and this would atone them to the community. I was wrong. Tempest, while better than Forge World, still has lag issues even with the lower budget. Lag issues that would have been impossible to not see if they so much as spent a decent chunk of budget, and then flew around in forge while the FPS was displayed on screen for them to notice the drops below 30 fps. That is an utter failure of quality control, and it demonstrates that Bungie doesn't care.

    So Waylander, yes we bitched when we got a new forge map. We were right to *****. It was a copy/paste job that fixed just a few items which should have been fixed before the game was released, there's an annoying noise periodically on the map, and worst of all screen lag still exists on Tempest. I barely play matchmaking, and when I do I rarely get to play the maps I've paid for. I won't buy another map pack which features just one map capable of showing up in the 4v4 playlists I care about and that I rarely play anyway.
    #145 Ladnil, Feb 15, 2011
    Last edited: Feb 15, 2011
  6. Neoshadow

    Neoshadow Forerunner
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    Ill buy it.

    Simply because I want something new.
    And the fact highlands looks amazing.

    The only map Im not excited about is Condemned, because Im not a fan of the setting. Zealot, Orbital, Anchor 9 and any other space map Ive played I havent really liked.
  7. Audienceofone

    Audienceofone Forerunner
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    This map pack bothers me. Highlands looks like loads of fun, the spacey map I dont mind, and the firefight map shows they are trying to add to the small selection, but 10 dollars for a fun map, a "meh" map, and a firefight map, when I dont really care about it much, is a hard decision. very well might pass this one up. a little disappointed by Bungie on this one.

    I say that they should take more time getting better maps in the pack, and adapt the firefight one to a multiplayer setting maybe. condemned doesnt look bad, but it doesnt look fun. And when many of what I am hearing says they like one map of the 3... well thats a sign there needs to be improvement.
    #147 Audienceofone, Feb 15, 2011
    Last edited: Feb 15, 2011
  8. OMGod

    OMGod Forerunner

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    The only reason I'm not thinking about not getting this is because I have about 3000 MS points left over from my the gift card my brother bought me for Christmas, so I don't really see my wallet taking any hits. The only thing I hope for in a future update or DLC is a FW with no lag issues and in a different setting...
  9. SecretSchnitzel

    SecretSchnitzel Donald Trump
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I'll probably buy it just for the sake of buying it... Its not that I particularly care to get it, but rather I have the MS points to spare. Am I happy with the content coming with it though? No. And like Ladnil, I too was disappointed with the last DLC. Bungie really has dropped the ball on this. :/
  10. ThunderSpartan9

    ThunderSpartan9 Ancient
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  11. thesilencebroken

    thesilencebroken Jill Sandwich
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    Here's the thing:

    Halo is something special to me. I cannot NOT buy DLC for it. There will be a dud map here and there. If you guys are passing on the map pack because you're not interested, or you don't think it's worth the money, then why are you still coming in here constantly and chatting about them? So there is ONE firefight map! ONE! Some people do play and love Firefight. Let em have something. Oh these maps aren't new Forgeworlds! I'm sorry they delivered 3 new maps that are just maps instead of 50 things in one. You don't wanna buy? Go on your way and let the rest of us enjoy these without reading 500 posts of complaints along the way.

    Everyone says "oh Halo:CE and Halo 2 were sooo much better". Right. The two games that you couldn't edit jack ****. The two games you had to play as they were. Forge and custom game options have spoiled all of you, and it's disappointing to see. Instead of editing everything all day long, why don't you all try playing the game for awhile? Don't like armor abilities? Take them out. They gave you the option. Wanna play those Noble maps you spent your money on? They made a whole damn playlist for you.

    All you do is want want want. They deliver, you find a million things wrong with what they gave you, repeat. It's disgusting.
  12. MattKestrel

    MattKestrel Ancient
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    I'll wait until it's free. No forge + no chance of the maps being regularly available in matchmaking means that I'd be paying 800MS for Unearthed. 400MS, maybe. but not 800.

    To clarify, the maps look sick and I'm happy discussing them, but practically it's not worth me getting them seeing as Highlands will come up even more rarely than Tempest does atm. Both of which are or could be some of the best maps in the game imo.
    #152 MattKestrel, Feb 15, 2011
    Last edited: Feb 15, 2011
  13. Neoshadow

    Neoshadow Forerunner
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    This. All the god damn way.

    Thats all most Halo communities come down to though, isn't it? Complain, complain, complain. The more you get, the more you complain.

    Everyone here KNOWS there's going to be more DLC. But dont wish for something, then complain like hell when it isnt given to it. Because thats all youre doing: Wishing.
  14. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    Ok, as someone who is definitely going to buy them, I still agree with what chrs and Ladnil are saying. Like you, tsb, I can't not buy them, but that doesn't mean that their arguments don't make complete sense, and honestly if I was more in to acting through principle and showing Bungie/MS/whoever the hell is listening that we see some holes in what they do then I probably would refrain from buying.

    As for the FF thing, the more recent and noteworthy 'no' posts are from people like chrs and Ladnil, who aren't even saying that having an FF map is an outrage or anything. Only message I got from the more recent posts that mentioned this map is that, for them, it isn't something which justifies the cost, and that's completely fair enough. As for the FW issue, it was a wider discussion and no one directly said 'this pack doesn't have a forge map, rage' or anything similar. Tempest was brought up as a discussion and addressed in a retrospective sense in terms of the wider DLC discussion, and if you can point out ONE point in Ladnil's post that is even debateable then do so. You do wana buy? Go on your way and let the rest of us discuss what we think of DLC without 500 pages of condescending and self righteous put downs along the way.

    Sigh, now you're just being stupid. No one even mentioned AAs, so don't make this in to a discussion where you let all your angst about every complaint you've seen on these forums. If that bothers you so much then perhaps you should, indeed, keep playing the game, but stop browsing forums where this stuff is going to happen. Even then, you know as well as anyone that customs are pitiful in relation to MM, and saying 'Bungie give you the option to do anything' means very little if your chances to actually use those variations amount to barely anything. Sure getting customs going is the responsibility of the community and Bungie can't hold our hands, but for whatever reason the opportunities to exploit these customisation options are often pretty slim, and I don't think it's that unreasonable to ask for a little give and take in terms of variation in the guaranteed experiences of MM. But, as I said, that isn't even the real issue here.

    More important is the idea of map integration. Sorry, but as for the Noble Map Pack: paying 20% of the game price again for 3 maps and being relegated to one single playlist which doesn't even play 2 out of 3 of them properly (6v6 is a joke on A9 and patchy at best on Tempest), not able to experience what you paid for in the wider MM setting isn't as perfect as you make it out to be. 'A whole damn playlist' really isn't all you're claiming

    Apart from the fact that legitimate issues with what they delivered have been raised and you've completely failed to counter those, instead just taking up a condescending and over dramatic tone on the issue. No one who's posts are worth listening to has said that everything sucks and nothing is good, but there are significant unresolved problems with forge as a whole, not ones that simply reflect the limits of the system as would be fair enough, but ones which could easily have been remedied were it not for having something pretty to show at a press conference and ViDocs, style over substance. There are issues with having $10 maps that barely ever come up in the wider MM experience (which, I'm sorry, is not expecting the world. True there's a balance between keeping the haves and have nots happy, but however complex a situation it is, you're making out that there's simply no reason to even feel disappointed, which is narrow minded at best and blind at worst).

    That moral high ground which you were so quick to jump up on seems to be crumbling beneath your feet, so I'd go ahead and climb down just as quickly if I were you.

    On the positive note, I think Highlands is a big boon. It's a big part of what the wider map compliment needs, solid BTB maps. I have more hope for Condemned than many others seem to, though I can see why some have reservations. Though I will say that chrs, I think 'very mediocre maps' is jumping the gun. Have you played them at all? As a Journo I would have thought you'd be less apt to judge based off, if not pics, then brief sections of video. Don't buy it if you don't want to, make justified criticisms all you like, but don't try and back up your dislike with judgement on maps you've never even set foot on. So yeah, perhaps people could focus a bit more on the positives in balanced discussion, but that's life, the criticisms they're making are, for the most part, reasonable and arguably justified, if somewhat subjective.
    #154 Pegasi, Feb 15, 2011
    Last edited: Feb 15, 2011
  15. thesilencebroken

    thesilencebroken Jill Sandwich
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    I am disappointed you took such cheap shots at me personally, and insulted my intelligence. I expected more out of your post. I never once said there is no reason to ever feel disappointment, but there is certainly a line to draw. This is a Halo fan site, you cannot debate that, no matter how many big words you throw in there to make my post seem less thought out. FAN SITE. PLACE WHERE PEOPLE WHO ENJOY AND LOVE THE GAME GO. Not a place to just come and piss and moan about the game not being what it used to, or how you don't like everything about it anymore. Don't like Halo but have friends on the site? there are other sections of the forum that have a place for you.

    As for my "random" bringing up of AAs and such, you of all people should clearly have been able to decipher that post as an "addressing everyones bitching in general all at once". I made very valid points. Everyone wants them to make this all powerful flawless forging system, when in reality, its merely a small feature of their overall game. The main point of the game is to PLAY it. Which they covered pretty damn well. Sorry you are all so massively disappointed in their expanded features.

    Lastly, I'm going to point out that the maps would come up a **** ton more in matchmaking if people like Chrst and Ladnil and the rest ****in' bought them and played them. Can't play them if people don't buy them. Therefore, YOUR point is nulled. I don't care what witty and massive comeback you have, there is no defense for that.
  16. PacMonster1

    PacMonster1 Senior Member
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    To add to that block of pegasi's post up there, the main reason people "complain" about Reach is because it is supposedly Bungie's last Halo game. They have on numerous occasions said that they have pulled out all the stops. So when the community hears this they expect everything that they loved in previous games and more to be in the game. Sure some of these demands might be stretching it a bit but some of them just make sense. Why are custom gametype options less customizable than in Halo 3? Why give us a major forge editing map and have it lag if we put more than 10 objects down? We got some interesting gimmicks, like AA, invasion, buyable armor, and for the most part they are well received but it seems like Bungie focused on these more than making the core gameplay the best it could be.

    Also, pegasi never insulted your intelligence, he said your post was condescending. No one is just needlessly bitching about the game, they are listing valid objections to something we have to pay money to get. Everyone is allowed to question the thing they have to pay for, no amount of brow beating and high horse comments can stop people from doing that.

    #156 PacMonster1, Feb 15, 2011
    Last edited: Feb 15, 2011
  17. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    You took on a pompous tone and pretty much called out all those with negative posts in this thread. If you don't want to be misinterpreted then maybe you should take more time to clarify yourself as opposed to shooting for the dramatic statement, epitomised with the last bit of you post. Did you really just throw the 'big words' card in as well? Even though I wasn't trying to, I wouldn't need to insult your intelligence if I were, you just did it yourself. Halo fan sites are where people come to DISCUSS Halo, not just praise it without exception. When people like something but are disappointed, maybe even pissed off, with an aspect of it, places like these are where they voice those opinions.

    True, but you're still not addressing the fact that it could be better without extra effort, but with a different focus (ie. more usability as opposed to flashy stuff) when making it. Will you please stop making things so black and white, implying that if people find issue with something then they obviously hate it or are massively disappointed. No one is denying the massive advances forge has seen in Reach, the great touches to make it smoother and more intuitive as a process, but the results still suffer senseless limits (it's the senseless I take issue with, not the fact that we're limited, that's always going to be true with any system), and we've all talked them to death since we first saw what Reach forge was like. Personally I try to balance out criticisms with recognitions of the positive to reinforce a sense of seeing what's good, but I don't consider it a neccessity to restate things already said time and again to avoid hurting Bungie's feelings, and yours apparently.

    Both did buy them, hence the complaints, so no it isn't nulled. I agree that, as I said, it's a complex issue. The H3 solution left people who didn't buy them (even having arguments of not being able to buy them) out in the cold, whereas this one makes buying them much less appealing since you will likely get a less than desirable return on your investment. Again, stop making this black and white, I'm trying to convey that it's a complex issue with people losing out either way, but your statement of 'a whole playlist just for you' made out as if there were no two ways about it and the people who spent money were getting all that they could.
  18. thesilencebroken

    thesilencebroken Jill Sandwich
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    I will be purchasing these maps. I am excited to have new playable spaces that aren't poorly forged creations from random people who don't know how to build. I like firefight, I am excited to have a larger, more vehicle friendly firefight map.

    Silence's opinions out.
  19. IH8YourGamerTag

    IH8YourGamerTag Forerunner

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    HEAR HEAR! I feel the same way. I HAVE to buy the dlc, i don't want to the be one guy left out. I bought all the map packs in halo3, and then also bought odst, was i pissed about them including all of the maps? no not really.

    If you're planning to wait until its free, you may never play on them, or it may be 2 or 3 years. If you wait that long, you get less playtime on the map. You only enjoy the map for part of its online gaming lifetime, if you pay upfront you enjoy it from day one and are in on it from the beginning.

    How many people waited to buy the mythic map pack and were frustrated by gameplay, trying to figure out assembly and orbital when the rest of us had them committed to memory?

    I think its well worth the 10 dollars
    #159 IH8YourGamerTag, Feb 15, 2011
    Last edited: Feb 15, 2011
  20. Waylander

    Waylander Ancient
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    Someone brought up the lack of customs?
    Funny that we happen to be on a website dedicated to making maps and playing custom games on them.

    Been quite some time since I've seen some of you red names in a game with randoms that wasn't TGIF. Yet almost every time I get on I get a request to join someone. During the week true enough it's just for map testing but I still enjoy doing that, but on the weekends it's pretty much just playing on random maps with a few people I know and a bunch I don't.

    So if y'all really want to play customs more often perhaps you should make yourselves an actual part of the community again.

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