Sandbox The defence of the disabled

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Mini Game Maps' started by FredMiester44, Oct 24, 2009.

  1. FredMiester44

    FredMiester44 Ancient
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    (i hope i spelled this title right)


    ok so this is my first map post so dont expect a great one and im terrible at typing so please dont critisize me on my spelling or grammar.

    with a name like defence of the disabled you just had to click right? apparently so, heres a description

    this wil probably be one of the stupidest game you will ever play...well i guess they could get even dumber but you'll probably be laughing as you enjoy the game play.
    basically the zombies have to tip over the humans mongi and assasinate them sound pretty simple for the humans right...not if you do get tipped basically your only hope is to mash RB in you desperate attempts to cling to your vehicle if all goes right you may just get back on and drive away, your safe right...maybe not as at 20 secs (maybe 30 the # escapes me at this moment) into the round a wraith spawns to attempt to knock the humans of, trust me few actually can use the wraith to kill the humans, also if i forgot to mention the humans get a 30ish second head start on the zombie so their will probably be minimal span killing. ill let the picture take it from here

    zombie spawn at start
    zombie spawn at 20 secs
    the stage
    wraith spawn at start(dont stand on the inner 2 blocks)
    wraith spawn at 20(or 30)secs
    action shot

    thats it

    game type and map
    game type
    thanks please dl

    edit: v2 coming soon
    #1 FredMiester44, Oct 24, 2009
    Last edited: Oct 25, 2009
  2. Reincarnation

    Reincarnation Ancient
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    First of all, LOL at the name of the map. But, you need to make your pictures bigger, click here to learn how to properly post, at least you have pics though. For the map, it looks pretty decent but very simple and plain. - 5/10
  3. Satan130

    Satan130 Ancient
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    why did you resize your images to make them so damn small? you're over complicating it to create a worse effect. just use standard [​IMG] tags please.
  4. LegendaryFluffy

    LegendaryFluffy Ancient
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    If I understand the concept, I think this map and gametype has some serious potential. However, you do need to resize the pictures, and I'd recommend getting some from different angles. Redo your description, get your numbers right and try to be more coherent. Never start off with a disclaimer or something that will lower expectations like, "This is probably the dumbest thing you will ever play." Try explain the game and how it works better.

    I really think you should redo your post, this seems pretty original, and I could see it in a playlist like Action Sack. Good luck.
    #4 LegendaryFluffy, Oct 24, 2009
    Last edited: Oct 24, 2009
  5. FredMiester44

    FredMiester44 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    ok srry guys i will resize the pics thanks but ill do it tomarrow

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