The point of that daily was to get as many people as possible to do that, in order to speed up the undoing of the level cap. I agree it was sorta strange to see 3000 credits when I only thought it was gonna be 300-500, but I understand why they did it.
I'm no moron. I knew about them doing this from before Monday. I just would rather have had some real challenges + the Link the Bungie account challenge. I really dislike when they give away easy cR with gimme challenges.
All I can say, is Oh ****, they did it again, at least there will be like 3 per game, and FF is off now
I am not liking this triple double one, but I"ll definitely get it in SWAT, it should be get 3 multikills in one match IMO. I would have had it then, because I had two triple kills in one match.
i got a triple double in multi-team slayer before. Probably one of my best games ever. But Multi-Team Objective games are the way to go for multi-kills. [br][/br]Edited by merge: Updated the OP to include a list of various weapon types that may be outlined in some challenges as well.
Multi-team is so bad lol, I don't like playing it cause its so hard for me to come first but its so easy to get challenges like multi-kills and kills. I get all mine in BTB or invasion mostly (because there the ones I mostly play) For the "multi kills a game" challenges most of the time i get them by sticking vehicles with plasma launcher on hemorrhage(once I got got a mongoose/warthog/revenant for a overkill ) plus I usually get a few double kills a game anyway. Edit: Just thought I would add: Best way to beat any Campaign Mission without dieing is to have a friend play and just sit back or Plug in a second controller and play though with your guest leaving your main account sitting back safely.
For the weekly challenge this week, Get 70 headshots on Nightfall....Is this cumulative, or does it have to be from one game? I can't get on xbox today so it'd be great if someone did some investigating.
I think its cumulative but I just kept sniping the Elite you are supposed to assassinate in the beginning and then restarting from the checkpoint.
That would take a while... doesn't it make more sense to do the first part with many enemies over and over? when you get down to one or two left, make sure you die or revert to last save. sniping the same elite and 4 grunts over and over seems.... way too repetitive. But to each his own, I guess. I don't know if its in one game or not, I'll find out and post in a few minutes EDIT:yes it has to be done in one game. also is it just me, or is that "tick, tick" music on nightfall ****ING ANNOYING? I end up muting the game every time EDIT again: finished this one. Took a few "revert to last save" when i ran out of sniper, but it wasn't hard. if you do it today its pretty easy to get "shootin and lootin" at the same time. 4500cR!!
for sure. A weekly challenge shouldn't be able to be completed in 45 minutes! lol today's were all fairly easy. got all of them in just a couple matches
And it definitely shouldnt be something you are forced to do in one game, rather something that takes time, like 1000 kills, or X multikills, or complete 7 campaign missions on heroic or harder. And yeah all of todays challenges were way too easy.
Anyone else have trouble with the second challenge today? 150 MP kills, mine is stuck at 100, and wont go up no matter how many kills I get.
my little brother had the same problem, he turned off the xbox and went back on, and the kills he had were there (127) then he said it kept glitching back to 100. not sure what is going on, i haven't played yet today edit: I think they messed up one challenge, it was supposed to be in firefight, but they both say multiplayer matchmaking and are both called gunslinger
Weekly challenge is way easy, got it in like 3 or 4 minutes. Just aim at the elite's head at the beginning, and walk slowly up the hill until you hit the checkpoint. Shoot, revert, repeat. : Reach : Game Details
I noticed in game it stops at 100, but if you check your challenges on your profile page... it shows your correct number. It will also complete when your Bungie profile shows you've completed it.