Halo Reach The Daily/Weekly Challenge Discussion Thread

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by MaxSterling, Sep 28, 2010.

  1. iamluke21393

    iamluke21393 Forerunner

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    This statement is accurate, I'd just like to add that you should easily be able to reach 800 kills/medals (which would get you 10,000 credits) in under three hours on firefight. If you're having difficulty doing this, play Gruntpocalypse. The grunts are pretty weak, and every headshot you get is a kill. I can usually get those 20,000 credits in about 2 hours.
  2. R Richard P26

    R Richard P26 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Any idea which mission would be best to get 250,000 points in?
  3. The Fish

    The Fish Forerunner

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    Yes. There is only one in my mind when I attempted to get it.

    What mission has infinite enemies that I could kill on LASO difficulty?

    New Alexandrea

    There are respawning banshees and the occasional phantom. Banshees give 1500 and phantoms a wopping 10,000. (ONLY ON LASO!!!) Problems? It takes an hour. You need a drop shield. You need to not freaking die by annoying swarms of banshees. Or AA shades. Phantoms are rare, and sometimes hard to spot. Whenever your Falcon takes to much damage you must ditch it and call for a new one, and by the time you get a new one about 8 banshees have begun circling you like mad bees.

    It gets boring/hard at some parts. But I did it. Good luck :p
  4. Jex Yoyo

    Jex Yoyo POETRY, bitch.
    Senior Member

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    The space level, Long Night of Solace, has a respawning drop-ship that you can rape with a jacked-wraith before entering the base, and you get an absurd amount of points if you know how to get a certain killionaire certain space-banshees before they eject from a certain Covenant Corvette that might happen to carry a certain nuclear bomb into a certain Covenant Super-Carrier to cause a certain explosion to save a certain planet from a certain army of aliens fighting a certain hominid on that certain planet using certain weapons during a certain with frame with a cer- yeah, you get it.

    That, or you reap the benefits of heroic and all the skulls (barring the god-forsaken black-eye) and the magic of the super-canon on Pillar of Autumn, which can net you as many as thirty phantom kills, tons of banshee kills, etc. And you should be well over 200k already by the time you make it there, unless you are shad0w, and have to boot because you lost host to a far superior player.

    Oh, and NA is pretty great too, cus of the above stuff.
  5. IH8YourGamerTag

    IH8YourGamerTag Ancient

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    One of the challenges I hate is the "destroy x vehicles in firefight" because if you don't destroy the vehicle and its occupant at the same time it doesn't count. A couple shortcuts i've found to get it:

    1)play score attack (solo), try to get rocket attack or sniper attack on holdout or installation 04. If you hurry through the waves, on the last wave there will be two hunters. kill everything but one hunter, and just spend time avoiding him (its pretty easy with jetpack, easier with sprint, or even hologram) and waiting for the next banshee to show up. I've gotten 7 banshees in one game this way. IF you can't get these maps/gametypes, sometimes 2x score attack on beachhead will have some ghosts and wraiths, but you have to find something heavy to blow them up with. Once in a great while 2x score attack on corvette with have a wraith at the end, it also has 2 turrets, which is handy because....

    2)Sometimes if you kill a covenant on a turret it will count as a vehicle. It's worked with rockets, grenade launcher, and regular grenades for me. If I'm correct, I think you have to kill the covenant on the turret and detach the turret in one hit.
    #425 IH8YourGamerTag, Apr 24, 2012
    Last edited: Apr 24, 2012
  6. iamluke21393

    iamluke21393 Forerunner

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    The best way I've found to do this is playing 2x score attack in the score attack playlist on Beachhead.
    On the last wave they'll drop a ghost and a wraith.
    If you can stick the ghost, that'll count as 1 kill.
    I don't remember exactly how I killed the wraith to make it count, but just make sure, like the guy I'm quoting said, that the occupants are still alive when the vehicle is destroyed and you should get the kills for it.

    That's just what I do though. Never know, that hunter banshee trick might work too. I've just never tried it.
  7. Auburn

    Auburn a dope soul
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Any tips for Tip of Spear LASO? I was playing for about an hour and couldn't even get passed the first part :(
  8. Skyward Shoe

    Skyward Shoe BTB Legend
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Pyro, Flamingo, and I did it last night. We got Flamingo past the first part by acting as bait then waited in safety to be teleported. After that we blew the turret with a ghost from afar, jumped the fence at the facility with the zealot, and killed the second AA with the revenant.

    For the Falcon run make sure you all have full shields if you can and just keep running it (it took us at least 20 tries.) And make sure you all grab jetpacks at the start of the spire and get up on the roof with some good weapons (concussion rifles if possible to push them off with.) Luring the elites out and assassinating them or concussioning them off the edge worked for us.

    Overall it took us 2-3 hours to complete and was pretty tough, but with 3 of us it was a little better. Just remember, don't shoot ultra elites unless there is no other option, always try to get past them first. And love thine checkpoints. Good luck!
  9. pyro

    pyro The Joker
    Senior Member

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    If you don't have someone good at sneaking up on enemies you're pretty much hosed. Just before the falcons the wraiths will gun you down if someone can't sneak up on at least one and board it. On the spire I ended up assassinating the two concussion rifle elites and knocking the sword one off with the concussion rifle of the previous elites.

    Edit: I enjoyed it quite a bit so I'm up for being a third or fourth with anyone halfway decent at Halo.
    #429 pyro, Jun 6, 2012
    Last edited: Jun 8, 2012
  10. Shock Theta

    Shock Theta Father of 4chub
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Got to do it co-op for a start, a solo run is craaaazy...

    Me and Black Theorem did it last night - took us about 2-3 hours too. We just killed everyone, which wasn't too tricky if you could keep hold of needle rifles and plasma pistols. Supercombines on grunts and jackals are probably the quickest/easiest kills, and two charged PP shots take out an elite's shields, plus PP's are everywhere. Really tough though, the hardest parts IMO:

    The very start - take cover behind the rocks to the right and let Kat push up a bit and grind checkpoints. If you pop out and get the turrets to fire on you from the right angle, you can get them to friendly fire the covie infantry. Save your grenade launcher for the turrets once you're close.

    The wraith + hunters just before the falcon run - they soak up a ridiculous amount of damage, but if you get either side in a revenant and a ghost you can take them out a bit easier. Like flyingshoe said, take the AA gun out using the revenant from range, which also means you don't have to engage the drones.

    The falcon run - keep attempting it and concentrate on the AA wraiths/turrets ASAP.

    BT managed to hijack a banshee once we got to the spire which made it a little easier and quite epic :D
  11. pyro

    pyro The Joker
    Senior Member

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    Credit banned for no reason towards the end of the weekly challenge yay.
  12. caughtsword4

    caughtsword4 Promethean

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    Heres a tip if you want to do an achievement (you know, complete firefight on legendary without dying):
    2. Give you a rocket launcher with 300% damage
    3. Make yourself invulnerable
    4. 300% movement speed, 300% jump height, 50% gravity
    5. Bottomless clip
    6. Rain Hell

    Edited by merge:

    @Pyro OH GOD THAT SAME THING HAPPENED TO ME!!!! I was at the end of a weekly challenge (do you still remember the one where you have to complete 16 daily challenges?).
    I only needed 1! ONE MORE DAILY CHALLENGE TO COMPLETE IT!!! Until it said, (this account has been temporarily banned from earning credits FOR NO REASON!!! I WAS SOOO ANNOYED!!!
    #432 caughtsword4, Aug 19, 2012
    Last edited: Aug 19, 2012

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