Halo Reach The Daily/Weekly Challenge Discussion Thread

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by MaxSterling, Sep 28, 2010.

  1. MaxSterling

    MaxSterling Ancient
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    You tried to kill him with a sword? That means you decided to rush him in the first area. You need to kill him in the first area... not chase him to the last room. You need Jorge's help to take down the shields. Jorge is useless against him in the last room.

    It's nearly impossible to defeat him with increased health, more shields, and heightened evading.
    #241 MaxSterling, Jan 25, 2011
    Last edited: Jan 25, 2011
  2. Jex Yoyo

    Jex Yoyo POETRY, bitch.
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    Just found out that for every extra player in your party, there is an extra elite at the end. So if you happen to go with four people there will be one elite hero with a sword and four elites with concussion rifles.

    And there health increases.

    Definitely stick to single player guys :p
  3. NlBBS

    NlBBS Forerunner

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    This challenge wasn't all that bad, just don't play with someone who has a really shitty connection.

    95% of this mission is still easy to run through, but for the final fight may I recommend:

    1. Drive the forklift into the doorway (the door near where Jorge stands).

    2. Kill all grunts from that spot.

    3. Have one person bait the sword elite and draw him back to the forklift. Run past the forklift and have the second player assassinate the elite.

    4. This may sound dumb but you and your friend (one with shotgun, other with sword) should rush the two remaining elites. Get close enough so they don't shoot you to **** with the concussion rifle, then repeating shot/slash them to death.

    5. Get 12,500 credits.
  4. CaMOfo

    CaMOfo Ancient
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    Weekly Challenge -_-
    Last night was ****in' amazing.. There were friendships ruined and strong words exchange for a good 3 hours straight. Chuck beat Transhuman verbally into a pulp.. as Waylander and I casually played through.. sorta.

    This is how Waylander and I did it:

    1. Ran through the first bit until you get the trucks.
    2. Took the trucks to the first fight were the marines are.
    3. One player hid behind a tree, making the covenant come into the open as another player splatters them.
    4. Got in the Falcon, you landed, took the path through the garage, not through the fight.
    5. Sat inside and threw some grenades at the covenant. It's just a waiting game.
    6. Grenade your way through to the last room.
    7. Sit back and let the Sword Elite run all the way to Jorge.
    8. As Jorge is shooting the Elite point blank in the face, throw your grenades.
    9. -Hard Part- One player sits behind the moving blocks as another player makes the Elites chase after them.
    10. Hiding player goes and assassinates the Elite that has been drawn out.
    11. Repeat for every Elite you have.
    12. Push button.
    13. Profit.
  5. Jex Yoyo

    Jex Yoyo POETRY, bitch.
    Senior Member

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  6. CaMOfo

    CaMOfo Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Yoyo, what did you post? I can't see it. :/

    EDIT: Now I can. :p
    #246 CaMOfo, Jan 25, 2011
    Last edited: Jan 25, 2011
  7. Nutduster

    Nutduster TCOJ
    Senior Member

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    Not quite - what happened was I entered the last section without picking up a plasma pistol (I thought I had one, but I didn't). Then I got closed in - once you get to that area a door closes behind you, if I'm not mistaken, but I didn't realize that until it happened. So I couldn't go back to get a plasma pistol, and all I had was a DMR and near-empty magnum. Killed the sword elite easily enough, but the concussion rifle one was just sitting back like he likes to do, and Jorge wouldn't go anywhere, he was just picking away at him from the other side of the room. When I realized I might be sitting there for an hour, I scooped up the sword from the dead elite and tried to maneuver through those boxes that go up and down, thinking I could maybe get a plasma pistol from one of the grunts I killed earlier. I got to where their bodies were and then I realized I was now behind the elite, because he had moved up to trade fire with Jorge again. Then I figured I might be able to run up and just assassinate him with the sword - but he turned around on me at the last second, and that was that. I only actually hit him one time and once he turned around I had nowhere to go.

    Regarding Jorge and the sword elite - that part is easy. Just bait him to chase you (don't get TOO close), and once you get up on the stairs in that little hallway, he'll go after Jorge instead and you can easily run up behind him and assassinate him. That part is cake, I've never had problems with him. It's the one with the concussion rifle that keeps taking me down.
    #247 Nutduster, Jan 25, 2011
    Last edited: Jan 25, 2011
  8. MaxSterling

    MaxSterling Ancient
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    What I'm saying is that there should be no Concussion Elite by the Sword Elite at the end of the level, unless you're playing multiplayer or you didn't kill him in the warehouse right after the cutscene. After the cutscene, Jorge throws a flare at the end of the warehouse. Jackals and Grunts start heading towards you and the Concussion Elite jumps out. If you don't kill him there, he then runs to the sword Elite. You must kill him before running to the middle of that warehouse room. Heading to the middle of the warehouse room triggers the Concussion Elite to run down the hallway to the Sword Elite.

    I always burst my AR to pop his shields in conjunction with Jorge taking shots at him. Then cap him with bursts from the AR or with the pistol. I don't waste my DMR ammo on him. I save the DMR ammo for the Sword Elite room.
  9. Waylander

    Waylander Ancient
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    Once his shields are popped it's still just one head shot to kill him.

    Also, there is still another concussion rifle elite at the end. Me and Camo did it last night and had to fight all three at the end. We got the sword elite to come up to the front and fight Jorge cleared out the grunts then the other two gave us heaps of trouble for a while until I got really pissed of and pulled some MGS box hiding sneaking **** and assassinated both of them.

    Unfortunately my credit bar barely moved for all that. ****ing Colonel grade 3.
  10. MaxSterling

    MaxSterling Ancient
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    The only time I've had to deal with 3 elites at the end was a couple weeks ago when there was a challenge to complete a level on Legendary co-op. I signed in a guest and had them stay back. I didn't kill the Concussion Elite after the cutscene and he ran to the sword Elite. There was another Concussion Elite at the end as well. The 2nd Concussion Elite only existed because the game was co-op. The first Concussion Elite, is the one I should have killed after the cutscene... but failed.

    I have yet to play a game solo and have to kill a Concussion Elite after the cutscene and with the Sword Elite.
    #250 MaxSterling, Jan 25, 2011
    Last edited: Jan 25, 2011
  11. Nutduster

    Nutduster TCOJ
    Senior Member

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    Oh sorry, I misunderstood. This is probably revealing my stupidity, but somehow I didn't even realize that was the same elite. Usually during that sequence in the warehouse I'm preoccupied with avoiding fire and killing the grunts and jackals, and meanwhile Jorge just pushes everything back - so how do you make sure to kill that elite without getting yourself killed in the process, or without him running away? Do you focus on killing him first and just stick close to cover? I tend to focus on the little guys first because I hate their plasma grenade throwing more than anything.
  12. MaxSterling

    MaxSterling Ancient
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    I burst fire my AR to kill grunts and usually waste 1 grenade on the jackals. I generally stay back by the DMR and take AR bursts at the Concussion Elite in conjunction with Jorge. Then cap him when his shields pop.

    The middle of that warehouse room is the lowest part of the room. I never go down the ramp to the lowest part of the room and extend that all the way across the room... until that Concussion Elite is dead. As soon as you go to the lowest part of the room, the Elite runs off down the hallway. It's a pain in the ass because you go through a lot of ammo and that bastard keeps ducking back and forth because of Jorge... but you can waste the whole clip on just him. There's 3-4 more ARs on the wall before the hallway leading to the final room with the Sword Elite. Use the AR ammo to clear out the hallway, then run back and grab the DMR for the final room.

    That's what I generally do, at least.

    Edited by merge:

    Also, I think the whole right side of the room after the cutscene can be blown up... which could potentially clear out and kill all the grunts and jackals heading towards you at the beginning.
    #252 MaxSterling, Jan 25, 2011
    Last edited: Jan 25, 2011
  13. Waylander

    Waylander Ancient
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    You're talking about the big propane tanks on the right. They don't kill everything though but do a good job of scattering all the cover down in the lower part so the grunts and jackels can't hind as easily.
  14. Jex Yoyo

    Jex Yoyo POETRY, bitch.
    Senior Member

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    Thats how it works. There is one Concussion Rifle elite hero per every player in the game. Only one of them can be killed in the first room. As I said, single player!

    Also, use the Plasma weapons whenever possible. Because of the Tilt skull, they do 2x damage while anything using bullets or explosives does 0.5x damage, including Concussion Rifles.
  15. Nutduster

    Nutduster TCOJ
    Senior Member

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    I officially hate this challenge. I took four more runs at it which ended in the following ways:

    - Randomly EMP'ed by the wrecked warthog, killed swiftly
    - Got to the very end. Killed the concussion rifle elite in the warehouse this time, which took forever but was pretty easy otherwise. Sword elite wouldn't chase me this time so I got up on the pipes to pick at him with a plasma pistol. He threw a perfect plasma grenade from a mile away, BEHIND COVER (I couldn't even see him throw it), and hit me in the face.
    - Trying to clear the LZ for falcon pick-up. There were two grunts left and I was about to run them over. About .5 seconds before I hit them, one turned himself into a suicide bomber with the classic "two plasma grenades in hand" method, and I died on impact.
    - Got to the end again. Couldn't pop the concussion elite's shields this time so I just chased him away so I could pick up better weapons. As I was finishing off the grunts and jackals, I went in to melee one to restore my shields. He simultaneously tried to throw a grenade at Jorge. My melee made him drop the grenade - on my leg.

    Honestly I don't think much of this is "hard" once you know what to do; it's just basically blind luck if something bad will happen to you or not. I've died trying this about 12 times - a couple of those were me being too aggressive (like the last one) but most of them were just random crap.
  16. MaxSterling

    MaxSterling Ancient
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    You should have saved the game after killing the Concussion Elite. That way if you die, you can immeditely hit start and revert to last save.
  17. Nutduster

    Nutduster TCOJ
    Senior Member

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    I didn't even know that was possible - I assumed the skull and challenge prevented you from doing so. I googled it and ran across this: "Basically, if you save and quit out of the single player game the MOMENT you die, you can resume where your last checkpoint was. This effectively neutralizes the Iron Skull which, imo, is imperative to completing this challenge without having a stroke."

    Sounds like that's what I'm going to be doing tonight. Thanks for the tip. Wish I had known it before though - the whole first half of this mission is so tedious (all running and driving, no fighting), and I've played it over ten times now.

    Edited by merge:

    Finally beat it last night. Thanks for the save and reload tip, I'm kicking myself for not already knowing that was possible. I finished it up in about 40 minutes despite a few more stupid/random deaths - one of which I'm going to post in another thread shortly, because it was so comical it deserves it.
    #257 Nutduster, Jan 27, 2011
    Last edited: Jan 27, 2011
  18. CjayS42

    CjayS42 Forerunner

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    Me and two friends spent 3 hours trying it last night and completed it. But, one of us had a douchebag for a brother, who disconected his internet at the final part. So only me and the other friend managed to stay until the very end. I was quite proud of myself, I assassinated all three elites, one after the other. My friend distracted one, and Jorge cornered the other.
  19. Waylander

    Waylander Ancient
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    Did it again with another mate yesterday. only took us 44 minutes. It's amazing how fast you can do it once you know what the best way to do it is.
  20. Chron

    Chron Ancient
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    I managed to complete the Weekly by myself yesterday. It really isn't that hard when you think about it. You can avoid like every fight up until you find the marines. Even then I just wandered around while Jorge and Carter took out the Grunts. Then I assassinated the Elites when they were busy with those two.
    Defending Kat wasn't a challenge at all for me. I just ran and sat in the room Kat was in. I'd jump out every now and then to kill any enemies that were busy with the other Spartans.
    The last part was the most difficult. I almost assassinated the first Elite but a damn Jackel started attacking me. I fired back, then the Elite retreated. I managed to assassinate both Elites in the last room using Jorge as a distraction.

    It's good to see Bungie giving us some harder Weekly challenges. After reading the weekly update, I doubt this is the only time we're going to have a challenge like this.

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