So we've started a little project over at the Ghosts of Onyx, to publish a regular newspaper. It should be a monthly release, and we've just finished the first edition. Give it a look, we put a lot of work into it! The Daily GoO: Science & Research [issue 1] The Daily GoO: Springalicious Double-Take [issue 2]
"It should be a monthly release," Also, Pred, tell the guy who wrote the Youtube article that the person who directed 'Panic Attack' was not a 10-year-old kid but an adult professional.
It looks very professional, great job on it. Make sure to post some more here whenever they come out, I don't check up on GoO but I'd like to follow this.
Honestly, that occurred to be but Bobo liked the name, said it had a ring to it. So stop being so literal (which is basically what I got told, haha) There are some editorial (and factual) errors, but we are amateurs after all. It will get better over time as we work out things like deadlines and such.
Yeah the "Daily GoO" has a better ring to it than the "Monthly GoO" in my opinion, so we doubted that anyone would actually take it literally as being Daily to be honest. Well apart from Pred but then, as he said, we just told him to shush. lol. Thanks for the compliment. And if Pred doesn't I'll make sure to post up the next one when it comes out. Either way someone will make sure to keep it up to date. As for the errors and things, Pred nailed it really. None of us have done anything like this before so there's bound to be a few kinks. Plus we had to run around the whole Christmas, sorting out the deadlines and format as well as a few other things. Heck we only have one guy running all the Graphics at present (Big thanks to CivBase there) so that was a tad problematic, although Bisquit did a great job editing it all into one. If you see any errors in the paper overall then hit us with them; every little helps really. Spelling mistakes might not be fixed though... I think TB would kill me if I asked him to redo a page just to fix a word.