The compound

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by allbroken2U, Jul 29, 2010.

  1. allbroken2U

    allbroken2U Ancient
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    Map Name:
    The Compound

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    The Compound

    Download "the Compound"
    * Needs Gametype *
    Download "Last Attentive"

    Story: This maps started along time ago with only the back hallway. Then I built half the building. Finished what is called the tower. I just recently finished and even upgraded the outside space. I moved the zombie wall from instead strait through the middle to an angle. There are like 4 different type zombies. I put a lot of effort in this map when I had a huge like brain surge on what I wanted. Oh BTW there are so many pictures and anything in red is very important. The gametype is really great for this map. It requires 8 people or more, anything less it fails terribly. So please hit the download links and enjoy.

    Warning Loads of Spoilers

    Elite Commando *Alpha Zombie*
    [​IMG]These guys are equipped with a sword and a plasma pistol ( its very deadly )
    Elite *Regular Zombie*
    [​IMG]Nothing special about these guys. Just a sword, but watch out these guys can swarm you and your buddies to a infectious grave.

    *Special Zombies

    Elite Nader
    [​IMG]Armed with plasma grenades and a bubble shield sometimes.

    Shielded Elite Nader
    [​IMG]Armed with some plasma grenades and Over shields. Sometimes a bubble shield. The bubble spawns every 20 seconds.

    Super Brute
    NO RUN RUN RUN ! ! Super Brutes are a gravity hammer and over shields and plasma grenades sometimes bubble. Their weakness is openness. Though camping right next to a wall is a bad idea.
    * There can be just a Brute *

    Picture of the Super Zombie Spawn

    The custom allows zombies to pick up stuff for 5 seconds allowing them to pick up all the weapons. Also custom turns zombie blue and invisible for the duration
    The Zombies Tele's

    The boxes below is the Super Zombie Spawn.



    Outside 1

    Outside 2

    Outside 3 * Whats not shown in any of the pictures in the lower entrance to the basement and a barrier by the human start *

    Starting where the humans spawn.

    Loads of decent weapons at the beginning but don't expect refilling ammo. The only re-spawning weapon is one pistol and 2 grenades.

    You'll either end up in here or outside from the spawn. This room is a hard place to hold out but using the fence box room isn't. If you could get people who actually worked together then you'll have a good chance.

    Fence Box Room

    The middle room. You could go anywhere in the building from here. There is a drop from between the pipes and a man cannon launch to the top.

    The corridor. Connects the tower to the middle. The single box open leads to the basement of the main building. To the right is the bottom of the tower.

    Basement of the main building

    There is another entrance from the outside. Good place to defend if you have at least 3 people.

    Bottom of the Tower

    Great place to easily lose any following zombies and a good place for close quarters.
    The middle room of the tower. Stairs take you up to the upper rooms. Not the greatest spot but there is 2 entrances and no secret entrances but easily can be over run by both stair cases.
    [​IMG]This is the first upper rooms known as the pocket. Notice there is a drop down and you can see the corridor. at the last corner wall is a drop but has a door under it. Another way for the zombies to get up. The best spot for close quarters.

    This tunnel is from the pocket to the place called the viewing room. [​IMG]

    This is the room called the viewing room. Plasma pistol shots can go through fence walls. So a plan could be that an Elite Commando could plasma pistol a guy and Elites could rush in and hit that guy with a sword.
    [​IMG]The viewing room from the outside. Notice a jump to the viewing room on the right. There are exactly 4 entrances to it.

    That's it for the inside.


    Tips for Zombies

    Look for other ways up.

    Double team is what you need to do.

    As a commando use your plasma pistol it's really good. But don't run and beat down without a charge its 3 hits instead of a swords 2 hits.

    Pounce on your enemy's from all the teleporters. Try different ones.

    Tips for Humans
    I don't have pictures on what to do. There is not one perfect hold out zone. Just don't be afraid of using the outside as a hold out zone. There are loads of weapons.

    Weapons ( Whats good and whats not )
    Assault Rifle: Good. takes 2/3 of a clip. Loads of ammo.
    Battle Rifle: Great. Same as a 4 shot kill. 2 clips of ammo on the whole map.
    Pistol: Decent weapon loads of ammo.
    SMG: Great dual wield weapon. Best with a pistol.
    Spiker: Taking on crowds? Take this weapon. Bad with dual spikers. Replace one with a mauler. Best combo.
    Shotgun: Great close range weapon but keep this weapon for your last resort weapon.
    Sniper: 2 shots simple.
    Plasma Pistol: Deadly not dual wield.
    Rockets: use wisely. 2 rockets and then there gone. Where they are put its the best place for them.
    Turret: Great weapon. Hard to get too. Check outside.


    That's it. I just spent an hour making this :ascetic:. Download.

    Download Map
    Download Gametype

    Needs the Gametype

  2. MASTER016

    MASTER016 Ancient
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    this map and gametype are pretty good i actually enjoyed it even theought i only got to play it with a few people but nice forging and hope to see some more epic maps in reach good luck for the competition

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