Map Name: The Colosseum Download it here Map Description: This map was originally inspired by DM Morbias from Unreal 1. Unlike DM Morbias though, i wanted more area to play; like a dungeon (which an arena should have. From there, the design evolved and The Colosseum was born. This map has several areas suiting different play style, ranging from close-quaters skirmishes in the dungeon, to long range sniping from the arena catwalks, explosion-fueled warfare within the arena pit, and tactical mid/close range firefights in the streets outside The Colosseum. On opposite streets sides are the Active Camo and Shotgun, whilst inside the arena pit is brute shots and sticky grenades. If you head through the trapdoor, you will find the Rocket Launcher and several dual-wieldable weapons, and taking the lift exits at either end of the dungeon, will deliver players to two sniper rifles (with no spare clips) on either side of the arena. This makes every sniper shot valuable, and will prevent sniper-camping. On the mid-level walkways, players can pick up BR's and Needlers, and if under fire, can take several teleporters from either walkway to the diagonal opposite ends of the arena to recharge their shields. All teleporters from the streets lead to a platform above the arena where the sword resides, and a well-placed crouch jump can see the player avoid falling into the middle of a sticky match between players. Please advise me if you like / don't like this map, and the reason why. This is so if there is a feature in the map you would have liked to have seen (or didn't want appearing again,) i can take this feedback under consideration when i design future maps. Thank you, TC DJHellish Screenshots: Wide-angle view of the map Arena pit and catwalks Dungeon cellar View from an elevator
This looks a bit sloppy however it seems like it would be fun for something such as juggernaunt. Clean this map up a bit and maybe even organize the shaping of the colosseum. This would please me before I dl.
Yes, I agree with Shadowsniper. The map looks a little sloppy and could use alot of cleaning up. It does look like it would be pretty cool if it was a little easier on the eyes...
Yeah, I was actually looking to clean this map up, as i was never happy with the dumpsters on the mid-level walkway. This means I will most likely have to resize the arena so i can lay down a larger area on the walkway. I'll have to do that in a few weeks. Busy schedule
I looked at making the map more symmetrical, and moved the arena to the middle of the map, but it didn't play the same. It made the street w/ trucks too cramped and the other alley with the camo too wide open. I'm sure you like 'plain' arenas and that's you opinion. I prefer original masterpieces and this is a masterpiece. I didn't just put some boxes in a circle, a few stairs on the side, and some walls in the middle. This arena was 'crafted'! It is original, and I made it for myself. Looking at this original design, im sure lots of people would like to play a beautiful map, but most of the time they play shocking. Every single person who likes arena maps said it was by far the 'best' they have seen, and I even had a PM from a bungie employee about it. The elevator works perfect on this and it is possible to get to both the 1st and 2nd levels on it. I have been told the weapon placement on this is GOLD. This comes as no surprise to me though, as I have been creating maps for FPS games since '94 w/ doom on PC, and created over 30 original design levels for Quake 1 between '96-'97 (that means I know ALL about design - it's a compromise between beauty and playability.) Thus no changes made - no changes required!