Im saying we have to build it up now and when foriegn oil runs out they will need us for their oil and we will be able to sell it to others with out having to use it for ourselves because we have alternative energy. We have a cash cow of oil that we can tapp into when we need but until then we buy and use others oil and then they will need ours when they have no more and we wont need it.
You didn't qualify them, and as such there was no context. Luckily Camofo provided it for you. Glad to see this debate improving, somewhat.
Alright you keep bringing up how we'll sell our oil for currency. The thing is oil is our currency, oil is what decides the worth of a dollar. Yes, we can go to more environmental sources of energy, but we will need to replace every single piece of machinery we're using today. So if anything we need to start making said machinery now, but the government is greedy.
No sir, you are incorrect. The Hoover Dam for instance, it helps power Las Vegas and is run on hydroelectricity, not oil. The oil shortage is false, there is plenty of oil within the Earth as it slowly replenishes itself. It tends to fall under the category of: We didn't find it - even with advanced technology, you can't look everywhere. That's why we are still finding new animals in places like Rain Forests and the Ocean. Oil companies can be greedy and there forced to hoard a oil line and/or hide it. It is understandable due to the outrageous tax that they are charged by the government. Iran pays less than a dollar for a gallon of gas. We cannot buy fuel directly from these countries because of how hostile they can be. It is propaganda - everybody knows yellow journalism still exists. Not only that but there are other ways to power things, for instance, "green" fuel, "air" energy, hydroelectricity, solar power, gear systems, nuclear energy, and so on. The possibilities are truly endless and I wouldn't be surprised if there are hundreds upon hundreds of other ways to get energy that get developed within the new decade. Danish Wind Turbines Source Believe it or not, oil is renewable but it does not just come back overnight. Although it replenishes at a great rate already, seeing as how Earth is clearly not overpopulated (although in some places), people seem to think oil is scarce. Even if the assumption of scarcity of oil is likely there are new developments that help stop oil scarcity dead in its tracks. Helioculture is a process which is claimed to be able to produce 20,000 gallons of fuel per acre per year, and which removes carbon dioxide from the air as a feedstock for the fuel. Besides, everybody knows the collapse of human kind is going to be either corruption, nuclear war, or a zombie apocalypse. Which all are a result of the development of human technology in one way or another. So technically, those hobos are right - the end is inevitable.
Thats why in a few of my previous posts I said it would be a process starting with us still using oil and consuming others oil but while producing alternative energies so eventualy we wont need our suppliers and in turn become one for the rest of the world that hasn't made the transfere. Once we go green we are ahead of the game and can make up for lost ground and pay back our debts with our oil. Other countries such as China will eventually need us as well as other non self reliant countries . When we become self reliant of others resources and become a suplier than we have the power. Power is the game and you have to loose allitle at the beginning to come out on top later in the game and thats what time we are in now. I think I see it how the government sees it. Its a game of power and who is willing to play will gain power and hold it. The game has rules and sacrifices/risks you need to make to have a possible gain. We are playing the game and so far doing quite well even if we look like we are in the ditch with this recession. Its like the game of Monopoly sure I have no money at the beginning because I bought all the high priced properties but over time it pays off to have Boardwalk with hotels on it :]. Its a game and we have a game plan that is a sure way to come out ahead of the game :].