a map made for a simple match of slayer. because slayer is nice. the power weapons on the map arent the usual power weapons like rockets and fuel rods. there are 2 energy swords on the map. one grenade launcher in the middle. there are 4 needle rifles and 2 magnums. they are the only precision weapons on the map. there will be one needle rifle at the spawns of each teams side. has no clips but a shorter respawn time. the needle rifles in the class halls are the ones that have a really long respawn time but have a full five clips. the 2 mags have one extra clip and a med. respawn. the swords have a long respawn as well. i might change it so they dont respawn but idk. 2 shotguns that have a long respawn with one extra clip. 2x plasma rifles- 2x plasma repeater- 2x plasma pistol- then there are the spartan lasers on the very outsides of the map. they are pretty much the power weapons. but the reason i chose the spartan lasers as the power weapons is becuase they are harder to use on this map. atleast i would think so.
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