You Tube Map Presentation. [youtube][/youtube] Made By: x Airoman x Game Types Supported: - Slayer - King of the Hill - Odd Ball Map Description Type-Map: Indoor, Asymetric -- Vehicles: None -- Games Prefer: FFA -- Devices: 2 teleports -- Power Ups: Over shield -- Power Weapons: Brute Shot, Sword, Shotgun, Sniper. This map is designed for a quick battle FFA of preference. This map is a factory abandoned by the company Box testing which was responsible for producing all kinds of boxes that manufactures broken to see that the entire world stopped to buy certain reasons which were not know. Download The Coil PD:If Something is missing or needs to be added please tell me Thnx
Great post, really innovative download link you got goin there. The map itself IMO seems a bit rickety, but hear me out, Even if it is meant to be like that, it just doesn't quite please the eye. Now a great way to counter this is to make your immovable objects all nice and aligned, and enhance the destroyed/old/rundown feeling with effectively placed crates, forklifts, palettes, etc. One more thing, I have to ask why it's called The Coil?
Thnx for your comments i called the map the COIL because the fusion coils in halo i will apreciate if you can help me in give it the finall touches plz to make it perfect. thx i will eait for your answer.
I was wondering about that. I only have a couple complaints: it seems a little cluttered and thrown together (the truck), I am not a big fan of shield doors or teleporters in maps, and you used interlocking wonderfully some places but others look a little messy. I can't really say much more off the video and screenshots, so I might have to give it a go.
Thnx for your comments the reason they make me change some of the structure of the map to make it more present able so you will like it. I made a actualization in my map so for the ones that download i will ask you to download again plz and thnx. the Reason I Actualizate it. -In the Walls they where some holes where people can escape. -The power ups and some other weapons reapear fastly so i put a longer time -I change the rough of the house in the west -I delete some granades -I change the place of the teleporter and the sword.
This actually doesn't look half-bad. Kinda reminds me of interesection in a way... I'll check it out.
Looks pretty interesting.. I like the Open-Boxes sticking thru the wall and such. Im not so sure I like all that moveable scenery in the middle but I cant be sure without playing it. The outer bases/structures are really impressive in my eyes tho. I definately like the building tucked in the corner. Also very nice post. I think ima hop on that 'stealing your DL link idea' bandwagon, very cool. GJ man..
looks very nice and neat and it looks like it has a nice mixture of wide open spaces with decent cover and some cramped buildings overall it looks very balanced