THE CLOWN (Movie Poster) Created by Alex Linou

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Linubidix, Jul 30, 2009.

  1. Linubidix

    Linubidix Ancient
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    (I'm Alex Linou, if you weren't already aware)

    This was my first(of two) practical tasks in Year 12 Design.

    It's an A0 size poster(118CMx84CM) of my made-up movie "The Clown" which adopts the character of the Joker from "The Dark Knight" and centres its story around that character.
    The image in the centre is of myself. I scanned a joker playing card, traced and exported it. It's been duplicated and scattered all throughout the design. The character in the centre has the face cut into parts shaped as playing cards creating the theme that they're fading into the cards or that they are a part of the game.
    Each individual card has its own adjustment of lighting, making the edges slightly darkened, some lighter (or darker) than the other.
    The original image of my face(as the Joker) has been heavily manipulated. Primarily the contrast and lighting have been drastically altered in comparison to the original phtograph. The colours have been recreated (instead of enhanced) to get the desired effect by duplicating the layer, adding gradient maps and erasing where necessary. The burn tool has also been used to create certain shadows.
    The top and bottom of the design have been blurred and and darkened to provide visual clarity between the background and the text. Fonts used: Century Gothic(Major text), Bell Gothic STD(Minor text).


    If you want to see the actual size poster and get a grasp on the level of clarity and amount of work I've put in, it's in the spoiler
    [​IMG] Clown Concept Final.jpg

    The Photoshop File Size is roughly 330MBs and as you'd imagine, it takes a considerable amount of time to load and save.

    This was submitted about 4 weeks ago along with 80 pages of backup and research and I thought I'd share the final product with the Graphics & Arts Community of ForgeHub.
    #1 Linubidix, Jul 30, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 30, 2009
  2. DC

    DC Ancient
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    Amazing. I absolutley love what you did to his eyes and the edges of the peice. Glad so to see some acuall art here, too. I like how you added to logos aswell, making the realism shine. The picture is acually to large for my screen, so i cant see it as a whole, but from what i can see this is increadible in my opinion. The cards are so high quality to. If this was an acuall movie i literaly would need to see it.
  3. Linubidix

    Linubidix Ancient
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    Thank you for your kind words.
    I manually vectorised the cards in Flash by tracing over it, from there I could export it at any size I wanted.

    And I've uploaded a small version but if you still want to see the actual size image, it's in the spoilr.
  4. Whisper

    Whisper Ancient
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    HOT. Very, very hot. Only thing I could say is that the left and right sides could have a little blur also.

    And I'm happy to see someone else using D2K5 :D
  5. DC

    DC Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Oh, now i can see it. I still think the comments i said before, but the shading on the edges of his face is a bit uneven
  6. EGP

    EGP Ancient
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    This is awesome man. The only thing that I really recommend doing is blurring the sides so the Clown sticks out better and you have way better depth. Nice job.
  7. Juggernaut

    Juggernaut Ancient
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    Thing about the Joker is that those cards would be terribly messy. Although it would consist of a ton of effort, you should make the cards on the side more randomly placed. Some upside down, or some on their side. It's just a suggestion.
  8. Frag Man

    Frag Man Ancient
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    Really good, but the drop shadow technique you used tends to make it more flat than rounded. Maybe try warping it to bend with the face shape.

    Excellent though.

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