~THE CLIMB~ Download 'The Climb' "The scientists working in this flood containment chamber met an icy death. Will you?" The Climb is map that will change the way you think about one-flag CTF. Built entirely inside of the flood containment room of cold storage, this map forces the attackers to climb, yes, climb up the map to reach the flag. To climb the map, the Attackers must utilize a series of platforms and gravity lifts in order to reach the flag. Although getting to the flag is hard, the way back is easy, for all you must do jump down. This map includes very balanced spawn points, a good weapon set, and decent equipment. The screens will show more. -Weapons List- 8 BR's/30 sec 1 Shotgun/180 sec/0 clips 1 Sniper/180 sec/0 clips 1 Turret/180 sec 1 Needler/90 sec/1 clip -Equipment List- 2 Bubble Shields/120 sec 1 Deployable cover/120 sec 1 Gravity Lift/120 sec -Gametype- For some reason, the gametype won't upload to my fileshare proporly, so here are specs. ~ONE FLAG~ AR start 5 sec respawn 10 sec return time -Screen Shots- The whole reason you guys come here. The captions are under the pictures. The Closest thing I have to an overview Attacker Spawn Attacker turret and staircase Staircase and gravity lift platform Walkway overview Shotty The first platform on the path to the flag The walkway to the hidden sniper The second platform on the path to the flag The flag The hidden sniper
I have never seen a map where you have to climb to get the flag, bomb, etc. This is very original and it looks like a lot of fun. Nice post 5/5
A lot of Cold Storage maps have been made the last couple days and this looks good compared to most! I love how you used the barricades as stairways and the way this map works with the gametype oneflag. Worth a DL!
Ok, thanks for the positive feedback. This map was playtested to the max to include perfect weapons and excellent spawns. After testing, please tell me what could be improved for a v2
You must have not seen many maps... Also, this map is cool. I like how people are using the extra-unused (unless HLG) space to create good maps, I give it a 4/5.
Jimbo, you said you have maps like this? because I love maps like this. Would you PM me links to check out.
I personally think the sniper might be useless, the shotty overpowering and a little stacked for the attackers. However, this map is very original, the snipers uses may be limited but can be beneficial and probably the best use of Cold Storage I've ever seen! Congrats ~ 5/5
Wow, i have a map alot like this, just with less blocked pathways, power weapons and less platforms, i had a ctf map because playing ctf on the original cold storage was unfair, the red team can get back to their base from the blue base by going through 2 teleporters right next to eachother, but the blues couldnt. so i made a map where the flag is a little higher than your spot with a platform above. but i guess you beat me to the idea, good job. i give 4/5
Speed-e, trust me. The sniper is most definatley not useless, and this game is actually easier for the defenders, because the attackers have to climb. The shotgun used to be a sword, so it is far less overpowered now. The sniper was actually so over-powered I had to hide it. If it was useless, no one would look for it
looks fun i had somehing like this on black out but i scraped it but great job at wat i failed at lol gj 5/5 and a dl from me
thank you for all your downloads. I am planning on a v2 someday, and will be glad to take any suggestions.
When I first read this I thought " OMG a Capture the flag map on cold storage" But you pulled it off, good job!
Thank you for your feedback. Make sure that once you play the gametype to come back here and tell me if there are any flaws.
Looks like an awesome map, I really like the random flag out of the flood outbreak, But anyway, Nice Map!!! 4/5