I love it! Was fun playing this with you and your friends and the gameplay was so epic in the center building as hordes of zombies rushed down the overran upstairs to be cremated in a shower of BR and AR bullets...but they eventually felt the sting of our energy swords Just wish there was a make a people cooperate button
I'm pretty sure my neighbor has a turret in there front yard, i think that there has to be ONE gun nut. Our maybe one house could belong to a mad scientist, who makes lasers? Can you give a weapon list, i would like to know if i found everything.
I would also like a weapons list, because it took me A LOT of games on the first version on foundry to find every little thing on the map and I still don't know if I got it all.
Alright, I've dl'ed it and looked at it in forge, and I have mixed feelings about it. The concept of Township is the same: The plots of buildings, the gathering of the weapons before the zombies are released, holing up together, etc. and the move to sandbox has brought in some cool new features, like taller buildings, zombies allowed to watch the humans scuttle about like ants, and larger views into the street. However, some of the old township is gone; barricading the doors, (which gave those new to the game a chance to contribute by picking up an energy sword) pushing crap in the junk room and swearing when some jackass throws a grenade, destroying our barrier, and yelling out excitedly to help get the door to the store-room oppen, because there's 10 seconds until the zombies come out. Instead there's a destroyed gunshop that you simply walk over to, there's no barricades for the doors whatsover, and every building has at least 2 entrances. I understand from the map description that you wanted to make it more difficult for the humans, but now the last man doesn't really seem to stand a chance. There's no, 'one guy with a sniper in one building, and one guy with a magnum in the other, covering the streets.' (hint hint) Now, if you want to shoot outside, you need at least 3 people per building; 2 for the entrances to your floor, and one shooting out into the street. I dunno, I still have yet to try it out, but it seems like the old township is gone and I forgot my steroids. Edit: Can you at least give the humans a trip mine or 2, just to block one of the entrances for a short time? ~L337
I don't have exact numbers remember but i believe there's something like: 6 shotguns 4 snipers 4 maulers 8 BR's 8 Ar's 6 SMG's 8 Magnums And L3377MA573R, if you're expecting a carbon copy of Township then you will be disappointed. But, if you can keep an open mind and adapt to the slightly different style of play, you'll find this game to be much more exciting.
Something, I didn't expect a carbon copy. I was just hoping for The City to capture to feel of Township. I guess I just need to try it out sometime. How many g's are in your gt?
Ive tested and played this map and had lots of fun on it. I love how you never know where your team mates are until you group up and set up deffendible possitions in the buildings. I always run to the middle light post for the shot gun then run into the smallest building with a friend. ;] The chimney shoots i didnt know about until a zombie landed on me and whiped out the humans in the building lol. I had lots of fun on this and i reccomend this to any left 4 dead fan .
very nice map... i really like what you did here. i really have nothing bad to say about it. i do wish, however that you could get to the top of the map and use more space, but thats not your fault 4.8/10