The Citadel

Discussion in 'Featured Maps' started by TrueDarkFusion, Dec 30, 2007.


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  1. TrueDarkFusion

    TrueDarkFusion Ancient
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    The Citadel
    Created by Shock Theta

    The Citadel is an asymmetrical map designed for one sided CTF, Assault and Territories. The Citadel itself is protected by shields which must be disabled by the attackers in order to penetrate the Citadel's defenses. The design of the map breaks the fight up into mini objectives for the attackers to fight for and allows the defenders to fall back further and further as they lose these battles. This creates a sense of accomplishment for the attackers as they make real progress rather than the usual black and white situation of reaching a certain point and then dying, or successfully running the objective.

    The gametypes are all 8 minutes long per round, 2 rounds per match alternating between offense and defense, and can flexibly accommodate medium - large party sizes. The territories gametype has 8 capture points, more than usual, which follows on from the idea of rewarding the attackers more than usual, without making the gametype unbalanced. In the CTF gametype the flag never returns, which follows this same ethos. All gametypes are Assault rifle primary/BR secondary.

    This is a complex map and as such I recommend a run through before play. The positive side of this is that I expect/hope to see deeper strategies emerge and evolve as those who enjoy the map play time after time.

    Hints and Tips:

    • As the attackers don't forget that a sniper rifle spawns at your base after 45 seconds if you're pinned down.
    • As the defenders you will achieve the greatest success if you defend the shields from being taken down. The first one is especially important - defend it successfully and the attackers cannot enter the Citadel. Don't let them climb the stairs!
    • Attackers can make use of the brute shot to jump up into the Citadel underneath the turret.
    • Defenders can use the plasma pistol in the corridors to great effect.
    • The attackers have a bubble shield in their base and the defenders a trip mine - use them.
    • There is a secret area in the map which holds the rocket launcher on 3 min respawn. It's worth finding.
    • Remember that in this map any progress you make weakens the defenders position. Work as a team to topple their defenses!


    1. Shields that are protected by a man cannon on the defenders side. You can see the objective through the doorway, but can't reach it. A constantly respawning custom powerup weakens any defenders rushing in through the back into the attackers base, by removing the motion sensor, stopping shields from recharging and placing a waypoint over their head for 90 seconds.
    2. Shotgun to defend from the defenders rushing through, or to take with you into the Citadel (a longer journey but more useful in the end) and a sniper rifle (0 extra clips but respawns every 45 seconds, not on start) to counter the defenders initial force, as shown in the next screenshot.
    3. Attackers also spawn round the corner from this corridor. This is where the flag cap point/bomb spawn point is (there's also a bubble shield there).
    4. Two of three exits out to the front, the other is at (3).


    1. To the 'Fusion engine shaft' which powers the shields at the front of the base (3).
    2. Sniper spawn on the top level platform of the Citadel (doesn't respawn, unlike the snipe in the attackers base, so the defenders have a harder time after a while - although it has 2 extra clips), and turret on the middle floor of the Citadel (also doesn't respawn).
    3. To the Courtyard under the main part of the Citadel. Also leads to the shields at the front of the base.
    4. (Left to right) Needler, Brute Shot (can be used to jump up into the Citadel at the turret - very quick, but a risky move as you lose shields and are on your own unless you can bring the Citadel's shields down from the inside before being killed) and finally a mauler behind the staircase at (1).


    1. The shields at the front of the base. If the Fusion engine shaft has not been sabotaged, it cannot be walked through, and throws you back out into the Courtyard.
    2. Receiver node inside the Citadel on the middle floor, from the defenders base.
    3. Drop down from the middle floor of the Citadel to the Courtyard, but there's no easy way back up, so it's a trade-off for the initial surprise ninja move.


    1. Fusion engine shaft. Destroy it with grenades (spikes work much better than frags) or weapons fire in order to shut down the shield at the front of the base in the Courtyard.
    2. Gravity hammer (doesn't respawn).
    3. Route from mauler where you can jump up to the defenders sniper platform (not into the Citadel though, the defenders may spawn here but access into the Citadel is not possible this route) or round the back (blocked off by a shield that must be deactivated from the other side after entering through the Courtyard shields - see next screenshot below).
    4. Plasma pistol on the top floor of the Citadel.


    1. Route from through the Courtyard shields, up to the middle floor and into the main part of the Citadel.
    2. Longer, more open route to the top floor of the Citadel.
    3. Destroy the grav lift to take down the shields accessible from the mauler spawn.


    1. Lift from the middle floor of the Citadel to the top floor.
    2. Route to the main shields in the Courtyard.
    3. Route along the back of the top floor of the Citadel to a teleporter into the defenders base.
    4. Scenery seen from the Courtyard to fill the empty view outside of the playable level. Can be blown up by weapons fire for a laugh.


    1. Route from back of defenders base, where teleporter in the Citadel takes you (also there is a trip mine here).
    2. Just off the screen is a teleporter to the middle floor of the Citadel.
    3. Get through to the attackers base via the man cannon.
    4. Flag spawn/bomb plant point.

    (Notice: all Britishisms have been translated to English by TDF)

    #1 TrueDarkFusion, Dec 30, 2007
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 16, 2008
  2. XxTexasHornxX

    XxTexasHornxX Ancient
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    Sounds awesome even though I don't understand how you blow up the shields. I get how you can destroy grav lifts but how do you blow up shield doors. I guess I will have to wait till I get home tonight to understand; pictures just don't do a map this complicated justice.
  3. Shock Theta

    Shock Theta Father of 4chub
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    You don't blow up the shield doors, don't worry. :) Saying you take down the shields was an expression to make it sound cool and put across the concept of the Citadel's layers of defences. So in actuality you just blow up the grav lifts. Hope you enjoy!

    EDIT: Please comment and rate on - good or bad!
  4. XxTexasHornxX

    XxTexasHornxX Ancient
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    Oh, got it. It sounds awesome; I am out of DL space but when I clear it this is my main priority from the rave reviews.
  5. Reap3r 13

    Reap3r 13 Ancient
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    The only thing that I don't like about this map is that your first time playing it can be really confusing, like tryin to find your way out of the place.
  6. Soggydoughnuts

    Soggydoughnuts Ancient
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    Congrats on the release. Im excited for you to see what people say about it. They will get through the complexiness (Thats not a word, but it works). Good job Shock.

  7. Shock Theta

    Shock Theta Father of 4chub
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Thanks man. I hope people get through it too. It seems to take only a game to get your bearings, but in the group of us that played earlier most of them had played at least twice before.. I saw lots of interesting tactics that I hadn't thought about. I'm glad, because you can play it, tactically, in lots of ways, which is what I'd hoped for.
  8. Welsh Noggy

    Welsh Noggy Ancient
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    ive tryed to download the citadel and the gametypes multiple times but they keep failing. anyhelp?
  9. Shock Theta

    Shock Theta Father of 4chub
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Xbox LIVE is being retarded today... atm and are also acting up. I suggest you wait half an hour and try again. Sorry man.
  10. Killer Carebear

    Killer Carebear Ancient
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    it's in my queue for when I get my xbox live back. (tomorrow, unless it goes and decides to be more retarded)
  11. AqueousBeaver

    AqueousBeaver Ancient
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    Dude... this map looks really, really cool. Awesome work.
  12. Wakko45

    Wakko45 Ancient
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    Yavi and I played this on Slayer (obviously not a smart idea). Of course we were confused because we weren't playing on the right gametype but we jumped around the map and it seemed pretty awesome. After you play it a bit it gets less confusing.
  13. o Forge Freak o

    o Forge Freak o Ancient
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    Sounds very very... confusing.
  14. Orangeremi

    Orangeremi Ancient
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    One thing I like about it that you shouldn't change is the 'sheild' on the second level they you're supposed to destroy after you get through on the bottom level is actually accessible by a simple jump. BUT DONT TAKE IT OUT! I'm the only person I know that can do it.
  15. Shock Theta

    Shock Theta Father of 4chub
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I believe I know what you're talking about.. I shall not reveal anything don't worry. I want people who play it to discover these things!

    I had considered preventing that jump a while back, but I left it in so that it could be discovered, along with a few more things that are useful that I don't think have been found yet. The primary reason for it was that when lots of people find or can do it, I had assumed the defenders would have learnt to make life much harder for the attackers. So there are ways the attackers can stretch them and force them to be alert, of which this is one.

    @Others: Hope you aren't too confused and have persevered to play more than a few times... I don't want it to come up in TGIFD and for brains to be melting all over the place. :D
  16. XxTexasHornxX

    XxTexasHornxX Ancient
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    Shock I finally got to play it and one word describes this map, stunning. I ran through it the first round to understand it and now have it done. Then the second round I focused on finding the rockets and just couldn't find it. I had no luck, any hints on where it is.
  17. Lance001

    Lance001 Ancient
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    Never has confusion been so glorious. That's all I have to say.

    OK, that's a lie. This map is one of the single best maps I've ever played or even seen. It is currently my number one. It's a shame it came out this late, because it would easily have won "Map of the Year." Everybody, go to the "Best Maps" thread and vote for this! WOO!
  18. SargeantSarcasm

    SargeantSarcasm In Loving Memory
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    lolz im expecting the british dude to come here first, sooooo THE SATIRE IS IN THE FREAKING PREMIUM SECTION... HURRY musta deletez its
  19. Orangeremi

    Orangeremi Ancient
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    You created that thread, you can alter the results any way you'd like!
  20. XxTexasHornxX

    XxTexasHornxX Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Haha, has anyone found any of these so called "secrets". I have been unsuccessful but I am going to vote for this map of the year, it is amazing.

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