The Church

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by Abkoemling, Sep 13, 2011.

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  1. Abkoemling

    Abkoemling Ancient
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    the Church

    There are so many good games about to i decided to do a last big forge project in reach. I wanted to make a monumental building which impresses you when you are inside mixed up with competitive gameplay.
    I care much about the ästhetics so i try to create a high level architecture for this church especially around the roof.
    The hall is perfect for DMR fights and the second level allows you to change your position quickly. Three entrances and two jump of windows make it possible to surprise your enemy.

    There are different signs in the church. The only thing they have to say is: "this is no church for praying. this is a church to die!"

    Download the map and discover the last secrets of the church!

    I hope you'll enjoy it...

    Supported gametypes:
    -Slayer (ffa and team)
    -CTF (neutral and team)
    -King of the hill

    -Snipe 120s
    -Shotgun 90s
    -Grenadelauncher 120s










    #1 Abkoemling, Sep 13, 2011
    Last edited: Sep 13, 2011
  2. Sugar

    Sugar Forerunner

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    This is a very nice map in looks. It feels like a cathedral rather than a church. It has a great look especially the sky view but I believe this belongs on aesthetics.
  3. Abkoemling

    Abkoemling Ancient
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    I've been thinking about to post it in aesthetics. But i tested it with variaous gametypes and it works. This was my request...a competitive aesthetic map...ok maybe a little bit to aesthetic but still competitive^^
  4. Sgt Surchin

    Senior Member

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    i love the overall aesthetics of this, but if i may, i would like to ask why there is a satanic pentagon where the podium should be... just a little confusing. From a gameplay standpoint, though this map seems pretty balanced except for the pew area which does seem a bit too open.
  5. Abkoemling

    Abkoemling Ancient
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    I'm not religious and I wanted to use something you would not expect in a church. On the pictures it looks a little bit open. but the table is high enough to give you cover and there are crates at the other entrances. But try it and give me a response about what your feeling is. i always want to fix gameplay mistakes like this.
  6. xzamplez

    xzamplez Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    You are not religious, so use use a Satanic symbol? Satanism is a religion...

    The upside sown cross is offensive.

    Other than the terrible disrespect for religious people, the map lags like Hell, so it is not competitive. And it is not aesthetically pleasing, it is a mess of objects in the ceiling.
  7. GruntHunter

    GruntHunter Ancient
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    Then let me ask you this, If you are not religious, why make something that is no where near what a church is and name it that?

    Because Churches are religious based, and I am very highly religious, and I am like the only one on here like that -_- but you have your own opinion but I just think its kinda hipocritical.

    Also, if this was a satanic place for worship, why would there be crosses out side? Smh :/
    #7 GruntHunter, Sep 13, 2011
    Last edited: Sep 13, 2011
  8. xzamplez

    xzamplez Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Exactly. This isn't pro-atheist, it's anti-christian.
  9. MrGreenWithAGun

    MrGreenWithAGun Forerunner
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    I agree. Not that I care what he places on his map, but if he wanted to draw a crowd, he went about it all wrong with these symbols. I thought it was interesting until I saw the pentagram - that was when I decided NOT to download it.
  10. Berb

    Berb Forerunner
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Then if satanism is a religion how can he be being disrespectful?
    For all we know he could hold secret satanist beliefs..
    Plus it's pro-satanism, not anti-anything. Derp
    / spelling fail + close-minded flawed Christian logic fail

    Umm, if you read and comprehended the initial post the map is an 'evil church' essentially. The poor guy, not knowing any better sees a Satanic symbol as evil and 'of death'. The 'Church' part is where the name and crosses come in. I'm also sure satanists have crosses anyway - to burn them. thankyou though for the more intellectual approach

    Fail spam post is fail. We honestly don't give a flying **** if you download or not...

    So youre not downloading the map because it's stepping out of your personal religious comfort zone? Because it has something unique and never done? Because it's not Christian? that is no reason not to like the map

    I personally applaud the creator. You sir have done something bold, and I respect and admire that. Unfortunately, the gentlemen above and the other fundamentalists among us don't - but screw em'. This has definitely got my download.

    OT: it personally isn't the best map around. There are little spots of z - fighting and framerate lag. Overall, I like the architectural style and what you have done. I hope it plays well.
  11. xzamplez

    xzamplez Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Because the cross is upside down which is anti-christian.
    If he said he was atheist, why would he put a Satanic symbol? Your ignorance astounds me.

    If he's an atheist, then it's his choice. But displaying anti-christian symbolism is extremely disrespectful.

    Of course you applaud the creator. You are most likely a closed minded atheist.

    Grow up and realize that people experience the world differently, therefore think differently.

    I am requesting that a moderator removes this thread until the creator changes the disrespectful symbolism.
  12. alreadyRogue

    alreadyRogue Forerunner

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    **** yeah berb, and the author even says
  13. xzamplez

    xzamplez Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    It is amazing that people support such hate. Ignorant kids...
  14. Jakisthe

    Jakisthe Forerunner

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    One needs to be tolerant of intolerance or else they're just like those they dislike.
  15. xzamplez

    xzamplez Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    So...We should tolerate hate? I don't think so.

    We should respect each others' beliefs.
  16. Berb

    Berb Forerunner
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    There are no 'anti-Christian' symbols here. There are Satanist symbols here. The upside-down cross and the Pentagram are Satanist symbols. And why would he do it? Because he ****ing can! Because it's a video game!

    He's not forcing satanist beliefs on you so what's the big problem. Just because you use a couple religious symbols on a forge map on halo reach it does not mean that you follow/belief in said religion. If he marched around his town with the Pentagram cut into his forehead I would think otherwise but unfortunately for you that isnt the case.

    Also I LOVE the fail personal attacks there...

    If I was a close-minded atheist then I would say the map sucks cuz it has religious symbols in. (like you did)

    I think you need to grow up and see the world. Maybe after living on three different continents like I have you might understand people more. Just sayin, the village 20 mins out of your redneck town doesn't count.

    Hey leave rouge the **** alone.

    If you wanna argue more, send me a VM. I don't want to be 'that guy' nor give bloo the pleasure of infracting me.
    #16 Berb, Sep 14, 2011
    Last edited: Sep 14, 2011
  17. Bloo Jay

    Bloo Jay Ancient
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    Okay guys, quit talking about the symbols and actually talk about the map. I'll be keeping an eye on this thread.

    EDIT: This map was deemed fine by the staff. Take your complaining elsewhere or get infracted. Combs' post below is the last I will allow that relate to how "offensive" this map is.
    #17 Bloo Jay, Sep 14, 2011
    Last edited: Sep 14, 2011
  18. Combs53090

    Combs53090 Forerunner

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    To the person wanting to take down the map because it's "offensive":

    Grow up. It's his freedom to show his map. He's not attacking anyone. Think you might just be a little too insensitive? If this map can be taken down, then any forge containing religious symbols should be taken down too because it contradicts other people's beliefs. By the way, I went to Catholic school for grade school, middle school and high school.

    To Bloo Jay:
    I think this discussion is not only important but the subject is also relevant to the map (we're talking about the aesthetics).
  19. DjShiftD

    DjShiftD Forerunner

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    this map is pretty sweet. you got my download! like the aethetics, but gotta try it out to see how it plays.

    the satanic thing isnt for me, but it fits the theme of the church of satan. people should stop complaining about it being offensive cuz when you look at it, they cant complain. THIS IS AN M RATED GAME AND IS INTENDED FOR MATURE GAMERS!!! I dont believe this means you have to be 17 to play, but for gods sake, be mature about it (and teabagging is not cool) lol.

    i used to help hold halo 3 tourniments for penny arcade a few years ago and since it is a M rated game, we could not legally allow anyone under the age of 17 to enter. legally. Halo is always the game i thought should not have an M rating for and good news is a bill has been made to overturn the law making it illegal to sell M rated games to minors.

    btw, the government has recognized the church of satan as an offical religion. even the government doesnt believe its offensive, lol.

    UPDATE: I played the map... aesthetics arnt that great in game and there is alot of framerate issues here. the ceiling looks like it needs some work to it too. still a good map tho. definately has a creepy theme. if this wasnt an evil church, then it would feel so dark. ive played T rated games with pentagrams and anti crosses before. people are too sensitive
    #19 DjShiftD, Sep 14, 2011
    Last edited: Sep 14, 2011
  20. Tallt66

    Tallt66 The Joker
    Senior Member

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    Not spam. It's how I feel about the map and If the design is offensive it's valid feed back. People give lots of reasons they don't like maps, and offensive symbolism is one as well. Oh and who is "We"? I doubt you have been elected to speak for the masses even though you obviously have a very colorful vocabulary.
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