this is a sneak preview of a story-based gametype and map series I am currently making. It's based a little bit on the film 'district 9', but only very, very loosely. it's a VIP gametype, where the VIP is a human medic who slowly heals everybody near them. (the actual distance is not decided) the chrile are weaker than the humans, but have shield regeneration and are partially invisible (poor camo) the maps will be dark, to help the chrile. this was a message to all chrile, intercepted 3 hours ago. this is a message sent to the few soldiers posted near checkpoint G7G8. if anybody has any ideas, feel free to post them. the gametype will be ready soon, with the first map beginning construction later today.
Sounds like a neat gametype but the story you wrote doesn't work with me. I hope the map you have made is awesome.
the map isn't quite made yet, I've got the basic shape and construction done, but need to add aesthetics and work the spawns out. it also needs testing, but I'm doing that with some friends later this week.