this is make my maps fairly even sometimes i build from walls out because i have noticed that foundry seems uneven
An easier method than debug mode: 1. Change the gametype to CTF. 2. Place a respawn area near the center of the map. 3. Make it bigger until it hits the walls. 4. Adjust its position and use its edges to find the exact middle of the map. Later, you can adjust its edges to make sure that objects are equidistant form the center.
IMO that map is way flawed. The walls aren't even parallel to one another, and I'm relatively certain they are in the game. Just because that picture says so, doesn't mean it is so in the game. Look at the windows on the lower right side... Your not supposed to be able to get there.
You're right, that is WAY easier. I recommend this to 9 out of 10 forgers. Nice! For the other 1 out of 10 who are Obsessive-Compulsive like me when it comes to perfection, rely on the debug mode. Yea, I know, I'm weird... >_< I love using debug mode when forging because it not only tells me my coordinates, but also the horizontal and vertical angles for the direction I am looking in. This helps to align objects even more precisely for non-square maps. --dc
Really? I'd like to see such precisely placed objects. If you want, PM me with a link to a map that you've made with this technique, as I am not likely to return to this thread very soon.
NO, no. Lol. I don't use hax nor promote the hacking of games. Its a simple button press for accessing Bungie's debug mode, likely left in there because they forgot to delete it, or because it still serves them some purpose, post game release. Just think of it in terms of the old days: developers would enable "cheat" codes to allow easier testing of their games. The most famous being "invincibility" and "99 life" type codes. I prefer to call it an additional "mode" rather than a "hack." To access debug mode: 1. Change your network to LOCAL (does NOT work on xbox live). 2. Start a custom slayer game. 3. You must press these buttons simultaneously, and hold for a few seconds: LB, RB, A, Click Left Stick, Up on D-Pad. 4. A string of white numbers and text will appear at the top of the screen, displaying your location within the map, and the direction you are currently looking in. The mode will still be active when you go into a Forge game. Again, this only works in LOCAL network mode, though I heard it works in network play too. Just make sure you're not on the XBL network and it should work, 'mkay? BONUS STEP!!! 5. To get outside of the map in theater mode, follow up step 4 with this simultaneous button press: LB, RB, A, Click Left Stick, Click Right Stick, Right on D-Pad. This enables "Pan-Cam" mode, which requires a whole different explanation on how to use. I am tired typing; I'm going home. I'll be on XBL later today if you wanna party up. --dc
Ha, me and my friend were trying to lower weapons, and I got debug. I was on the top screen though, so it was way annoying, so I just rebooted the sexbox to make them go away.
If there's blood on the floor after this you'r gonna have to clean it up Does I needs only one more post to have 10s posties XD!?