The Cavern A Conquest Map by xThorgoldx Obligatory Backstory:Many Forerunner facilities dot the surface of F. Halo, all with their various purposes. One such compound lies in the middle of a forlorn canyon. Glass-covered walkways jut out from the cliff face, looking out on derelict pyramids scattered around the valley floor. No one can guess at the facility's use, but it has a cave. No one knows what the cave is for, either, but if it's Forerunner it's worth having. Fight for domination of The Cavern! Intro:This is my first legitimate map release for Halo in general, and is designed for mid-size Conquest games. It follows the standard 7-room layout of Conquest maps, and was pretty fun to make, if anything. Overview: Two outside views of the map, looking at the Red and Blue sides, respectively. Territories are not visible in these screenshots, because they make aesthetics go dst: Teams spawn in the four bunkers visible in the screenshots - Red Team initially spawns on the right two, Blue spawns on the left. The spawns can handle up to eight people per team, even though the map is optimized for 4-6 player teams. Blue Side: Blue's Transition Territory. Includes one plasma rifle, one DMR, and a health kit. The barricade makes for excellent cover for last-ditch defense. Two shots of Blue's Holdout territory. This territory has a spiker, DMR, and a plasma pistol, as well as a health kit in the tunnel. Red Side: Red's Transition territory. Same weapons as Blue - DMR and Plasma Rifle, as well as a handy dandy barricade. Red's Holdout territory. Again, same weapons as Blue - Spiker, DMR, and Plasma pistol, with the health kit in the tunnel chokepoint. The Center: View coming from Red Holdout View coming from Blue Holdout Sexy aerial shot! Action! Look ma, no feet! Hyper lethal vector indeed - his presence causes cardiac arrest! It is an even fight.