This is a very small, tunnels style, two base map. Tunnels lead from each base and wind toward the other, with a port in each base that jumps you out to the center. Deployable cover works great here as it blocks off the tunnel completely. 2-8 players. The map is set for all gametypes, but i would recommend Slayer (fiesta style is fun) or this assault custom gametype -Quickbombs Click Here To Download
Its sure looks fun i want to dl it because it looks fun and greatly forged. that looks great good job. 5/5 Welcome to FORGE HUB!!!
it does look good and well forged and i like the use of fusion coils in this map not many others use them
Do you have more pics cuz all i saw was one path and the first pic shows at least three this map looks like it was well forged and you put forth a lot of effert and I dont want to see a map like this get lost So more pics would at least post pone it.
Great job man. I love your use of angles. It gives a really cool feel with the ups and downs and it also looks great aesthetically.
damn first post and its already a First impression: 4/5 aesthetics: 3.5/5 look of gameplay: 3/5 post: 2.5/5 welcome to ForgeHub: if you have any questions PM me overall: 3.7/5 in my books!
This map looks well made, and is very aesthetically pleasing. The changes in elevation are particularly impressive. The interlocking is quite clean, and the layout appears to be good. Nice first post, 4/5.
Wow, looks very well forged! I am not sure how the map would play out though.... P.S. Nice job for 1st post!
reminded me of AVP the first one were the guy fell in that hole and then get eaten by the alien if u have seen the movie u know what im talking about great map =]
I was a little lost at first in this map, but once you play it a couple times its a lot of fun. Very original. Looks great. 5/5
Looks good and like lots of fun but from what i see you should take out some fusion coils, there seems to be alot and maybe try testing without the shield doors i think it might play better, but i like the interlocking and how it's you know....ORGINAL.
Your pictures are REALLY big, and it's taking a long time for them to load on my computer. Not so bad, 4/5.Your a pretty good forger, like me, Not the best,Not the worst. EDIT: Pictures have loaded, 4.5/5.
It's not his first post. This has nice interlocking and a well thought out layout, but is the whole map just a link of connected tunnels. The spawns would be hard to manage unless it was FFA, which you recommended, but still. You have some good forging potential, try making a map that you can set up on so that more people will like it. 3/5.
looks like a really good tunnel map that could be great for zombies, but it is in the 'competitive maps' section so I know that isn't the intended theme, anyways, great map, keep on keepin on.
Interesting map design. Looks cleanly forged and the angles look nice. Good job on your first map. Unique map I've got to say.
actually this was my first post, although someone has said "nice first post" on all four maps that i have posted, go figure. But to answer a pervious question, no not all tunnels, there are two bases as i mentioned in the description. spawn points work well on this because the angles keep you from see around the corners and the spawns are spread out.