The Canopy Created by: Adelyss Download The Canopy Download Clue Now recently I've been a fan of clue and I thought to myself hey? why has no one made a clue map on ghost since this was not accomplished at the time I started making this map I set out to make one...This map features a lot of nice geoing, 2 hidden rooms, 2 quick teleporters (Hidden), 1 hidden weapon, 1 semi hard to find weapon, great game play for clue, and overall just a nice map. So if you've always been a fan of clue or are scratching your head asking whats clue? Well then why not try clue now on this (Not sure) first ever posted ghost town clue map. You'll find yourself on your toes the whole time wonder and pondering who is this killer? If you don't know how to play clue then read below to figure out how (I hope you don't mind Lightsout255 but I snagged these rule write ups from one of your posts) *Note I did not create Clue, rather this is a new map for the game type Tender Biscuit made* The Clue Rules: (As told by Lightsout225) In the pre-game lobby, God (first party leader) decides upon a killer (or two, depending on party size). God then sends a text message to the killer to inform him (“you” works well). The killer will send a text message back confirming that he understands he is the killer (“k” will suffice) The killer may not kill until god has picked up the ball. This is because when the ball is held, there is no ____ was killed by ____ messages in game No one can shoot, throw grenades, or melee anything or anyone unless you are the killer, or you physically see someone else commit one of these actions. Then you may take action against the offender, or defend yourself. These actions are considered violent actions, and will get you killed. The most “violent action” you can do is charge your plasma pistol (if you have one)… however you cannot charge a laser. The killer tries to isolate people, and kill them off one by one, unnoticed. No one knows who the killer is except for God, and his victims (who cannot say or hint to who killed them, or with what weapon.. youre dead, act like it.). If the killer kills off everyone else, he wins, and is the new God. If the killer fails and gets killed while trying to kill someone, the player who killed the killer is the new God. If there are two killers, and they kill off everyone else, they then battle each other for the God position. Last one standing is God. If the killer dies, inform the party leader so he can end the game, and start a new one. In the new pre-game lobby, God chooses a new killer, and repeat. The Canopy plays best with 7-11 Clue players Pictures Looking at the main room (Sniper) Another look at the sniper Overview of main room and catwalk Power up/stairs Overview of the second room Another look of the second room Brute shot Hallway (Now some of you may look and think I took this exact idea from that one ghost town map posted not to recently ago but in fact...I've actually never seen that map and I actually was working on this map before it was posted [The only reason I know it looks exactly the same is because people told me]) Greenhouse Another look in greenhouse Lastly if you missed the original Download links here they are again. Download The Canopy Download Clue
This map looks awesome. I've been needing a new clue map, i only have two at the moment, one of which i made with a friend. (Clue Storage)
This may be the new single best Mini-Game since Dr. Spy, dude!! If only you had this released before BoF. I'm going to have to try this with some of my friends to see how it works out but this looks super fun.
You should also check out Ice House, which is another Clue map on Cold Storage you might like it (I didn't make it) Actually I didn't make up Clue rather I built a map for the game type clue in which Tender Biscuit made awhile back. Thanks though
This looks amazing, the map looks great. i have never played any clue maps before, i have one question. Does clue have a lot of honor rules? becuase from the definition, it looks like you would need some obedient players. the map itself is great, and if clue is what i think it is, than this would probably be a great map. (i can't play it becuase im on vacation right now) great job
Great map and very unique with it being on ghost town.This map ir really hard to make a decent map on this level but you pulled it off great.
I remember playing this with you. It is very fun. I could only find on fast travel, but I couldn't find any of the secret rooms. : ( Actually, I didn't look very hard. You should put those receiver nodes beneath the map though.
Mine is WAYYYYY BETTAAA. Well maybe, maybe not. It doesn't matter to me, they are both good. This one looks nice and I like how you make the wall across the way you did! Good job Adelyss! 5/5
This map is... good. Each room has a very nice touch. It is hard to pull off maps on Ghost Town. You did it pretty good. 3.5/5 I do like the hallway though. Maybe a v2 will be in line? keep forging -pwn3r kidx