The Can A relatively small, arena styled, enclosed, cylinder of death. Screen Shots Download Links The Can - Map Variant Shotys in a Can - Game Variant (Instant Respawn) Fiesta in a Can - Game Variant (Instant Respawn)
I think its the basic "YOURE STUCK IN A PIT!!! KILL EVERYONE. DIE. RESPAWN. REPEAT" formula that gets old after a while
Try adding something. As far as I can see from the 2 pictures, the only thing interesting is the outside of "The Can" which serves no purpose. What I would do, and this is what I'm recommending, is to add something unique, or at least, something more interesting than a death pit. Try having walls just out of the...walls. Make it so you can jump up from one to the next, and add some bitt gaps and some Grav lifts to let people jump across them. That adds more levels and strategy than "aim, shoot, kill, reload, repeat" to the map. Maybe also try adding some "respawn rooms", Fence Boxes with weapons in of them, to give people their choice of weapons, before going through a teleporter that leads to a receiver at the top of the "can". Or place Open Double Boxes on top of "the Can", with a wall on one side, a shield door on the other, and let them grab their weapons and jump down into the pit. Give people random weapons at respawn so they might get lucky and get something good, or get something crappy and want to trade it in for whatever weapons you left for them in the respawn area. It's your pick. Do those, or think of something. But a Death Pit where you just shoot people with whatever you spawn with doesn't sound like fun. I've given you my best ideas to improve a map like this, now it's up to you to implement something creative to make it fun, something people will want not only to download, but play.
I agree with Codexx. I did something very similar to what you've done, only like he was saying, I used the fence walls as ledges to leap up to. It was something I never got around to playing, so I'm still not sure about all of the gametype details. You know what, I'll just show you. It'll be easier. (I removed some of the sides that didn't have the 'ledges' to get a better view.)♠ Everyone would spawn in the lower boxes, and you'd have to use the lone Grav Lift to get up to the 'ledges', and the top-most one is difficult because the ceiling limits of Foundry make you have to crouch jump. I put a Hill on each 'ledge', and I was toying with the idea of making each Hill spawn randomly for fifteen seconds. Like I said, I never got around to working on the actual gametype. Territories might work too, even One Bomb, and have the plant on top. That might be pretty interesting, actually. Anyway, the ideas are yours for the taking if you want them.
You better...but you're words were over lapping mine... I think because we passed the specific page length... Anyway, that looks very crazy...
I think what I want to do with it is make it a base, or something, because of how it looks on the outside, but I don't know what to incorporate into it yet. Thanks for the criticism though, it does help.
It definitely does look cool on the outside. A base is a great idea for a larger map. And Orangeremi, one of the reasons I stopped is because I couldn't come up with an original enough gametype. I'll put it on my fileshare but won't post it; if either of you want it and want to mess around with it be my guest. It'll be called The Climb.
looks very neat and well made. i like the fact that you use the instant respawn, i was making a swat varient with it earlyer today. only problem is that the idea is a bit unoriginal. anyone else making arena maps should probaly wait until the second DLC maps come out, bungie said that they would be arenaish.
It's just a can?... Anyone can make that... You gonna add anything in the can, or is it just a big cylinder? Boring...
I like the looks of that actually, it might be interesting to do two bases in that style and connect them with some corridors or something. If you're not going to use that, I might steal the idea to use as part of a larger map. OK with you?
Have at it. It's in my fileshare under slot 7. It's not stealing if I give it to you. Just mention me when you receive fame and glory for your bad-ass map. I wouldn't mind seeing it, either.
Thanks, credit will be yours, if my lazy ass manages to actually do this. ;D I probably won't use your exact map though, just the general concept. I'm going to have to build them myself so they're in the right places and so forth. But I really like those tall bases and the fence wall placement - it's just pretty damn awesome-looking.