Someone pissed off the wrong guy today. Welcome to the bully's corner! Where we have the royally pissed off, blood thirsty bully (zombie)! He's looking to take out his anger on the people who cower in fear of him, so he's going to run them over with his sports car, that conveniently has a useless cannon on top of it. Will you be the bully? Or the many cowering in fear of their lives? Although, if things get too out of hand, a cop comes (the last man standing), and he's armed to take down this man slaughtering bully. ____________________________________________________________________________ Pictures ^ The bully's car, that's about to get a new red paint job ^ Where you will spectate the destruction as a "soul".
Looks like a fun and creative idea except could you maybe explain it a little better and tell us the settings for the bully and victims, that would be nice, also you need much more than two screenies, I recommend a few action shots, an overview and a view from several angles of the map. ~ Ociee
I find that a maps with a video makes a map much more attractive aswell. It lets veiwers see how the game and map play togeather. just a suggestion.
i Downloaded this and tried it with like 8 people, and the spawns are backwards. The survivors spawn by the revnant and the zombie spawns where the survivors should be. Please fix this. I tried to in forge but you have them ALLLLLL messed up, and i didn't have time to fix every single one. You have it set by the survivors spawn is set up as every single color besides red. And the zombie spawns are red. I got mine to work by making the zombies blue, and the survivors red. Get rid of the rainbow spawn corner thing you got goin' on and it should work fine. Let me know when its working! <3
Sorry to all that wanted to see this map up and running, I'm going to remake it tomorrow, and I'll repost it in a new thread with working spawns this time I swear!