Debate The Blue Beam Project

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by dented_drum, Apr 19, 2009.

  1. dented_drum

    dented_drum Ancient
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    Hello, fellows. Been a while since I trudged this friendly terrain. Thought I'd show back up to discuss something I've become quite interested in lately. If you missed the thread title, I'm speaking of "The Blue Beam Project."
    *oohs and ahhs*

    Little bit of backstory: I originally discovered this via Muse's "Exo-Politics." I found the song intriguing, studied a bit more, and here we are. I'm not so sure I agree with all of the details, but I feel the general theme to be very possible. Enough jabber, here ya go!

    Characterized mostly as a hoax, the BBP is a suspected theory to unite the world in a new order of rule via religious methods. With NASA among its chief suspects, the BBP seeks to provide a region-specific, religious message to all the world. All people will be convinced that religion has only brought disagreement among people, and that we all should unite under one rule of non-religious union (some variants claim that the Anti-Christ will be at the head of this scheme).
    The methods, purpose, and et cetera can be found heyah, heyah, and heyah.

    I consider myself to be somewhat of a conspiracy theorist. I feel that organized government will be the downfall of humanity. Yeah, you could say I'm a wack-job. Anyways, I find it quite interesting. Discuss whatever you wish. Simply wanted some feedback on something I think is pretty interesting. =]
  2. Nitrous

    Nitrous Ancient
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    A one world gov't will only occur if it is most lucrative to the wealthiest government. Unfortunately it is more profitable to exploit human labor in 3rd world countries than to unite all peoples under equal rights and protections. :\

    I view one-world government as a natural progression of human politics and governance. Whether or not it is the best thing for humanity remains to be seen but it is inevitable and conspiracy theorists and end times fanatics are eating it up. I'm not for it, I'm not against it. If it turns out well then fantastic, if not, well, there's always revolution and god knows we need one of those.

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